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2:01 pm October 5, 2010
| Greg McFarlane
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| Guest
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It's a blog carnival about…well, stocks. This week's carnival is here, along with details on how to post. Or just submit your article to me at Deadline is midnight EASTERN Sunday. While obviously I'd prefer something new and fresh, I'll take your recent post if it's relevant. Show me what you got. Thanks.
2:14 pm October 5, 2010
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Thanks for the heads up Greg! I've emailed myself a reminder to submit a post tonight.
8:24 pm October 5, 2010
| pfincome
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| Member | posts 76 | 
Cool. I will try and right something new on dividend investing to submit to the carnival. If not, I will try and pull something out of the archives.
Thanks for the tip.
9:10 pm October 5, 2010
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
Thanks for publicizing and giving me an idea for a post! Wil submit to the carnival as soon as it's posted. Thank you.
7:20 pm October 6, 2010
| Dividend Monk
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| Member | posts 6 | |