User | Post |
7:01 pm January 9, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Miss T from Prairie Eco-Thrifter at the blog site is hosting the Yakezie Carnival this week.
Submit your article by clicking here on the Yakezie Submission Form link!
If you aren't sure how to use the form, follow the instructions at the following forum topic:
Yakezie Submission Form Instructions
Hosts, if you aren't sure how to use the results in the form, please follow the instruction in the Yakezie Submission Form Instructions, under the category titled: "Hosting
Site Instruction for Creating the Yakezie Carnival using the Submission
Form". Note, using the steps in the instructions make the input process
a "one copy and paste" action!
Thanks for hosting this week Miss T!
7:10 pm January 9, 2012
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
4:50 am January 10, 2012
| Watson Inc
| | |
| Member | posts 371 | 
5:32 pm January 10, 2012
| TheDebtPrincess
| | Ohio | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
Thank you, I've submitted for the first time.
7:14 pm January 10, 2012
| Thomas _Vaerdi Financial
| | Oregon | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Thanks – just made my first submission to a carnival! Exciting!!
7:29 am January 11, 2012
| Jeremy @ Personal Finance Whiz
| | |
| Member | posts 174 | 
Just submitted. Thanks for hosting!
9:16 am January 11, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
8:07 am January 12, 2012
| FreeTicketJapan
| | |
| Member | posts 14 | |
Just submitted, thanks for hosting!
9:20 am January 12, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Just submitted as well. Thanks for hosting, Miss T. I like carnivals!
10:31 am January 12, 2012
| AverageJoe
| | |
| Member | posts 259 | 
My first carnival post ever (sniffle….sniffle).
12:12 pm January 12, 2012
| Thomas _Vaerdi Financial
| | Oregon | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Ok … dumb question, how will I know when/if my submission has made it to the carnival? Do I just wait and see if it shows up on the day of? Sorry if you've already answered this questions multiple times 
12:33 pm January 12, 2012
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
| | |
| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Keep the coming everyone. As always it is going to be great.
Thomas, you will know your post is included by reading the carnival post once it is up. Plus I usually send out a reminder on the forum saying the carnival is live.
5:04 pm January 12, 2012
| Thomas _Vaerdi Financial
| | Oregon | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Thank you 
5:34 pm January 12, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 | 
5:19 am January 13, 2012
| Matt76Allen
| | |
| Member | posts 78 | 
I've submitted. Great to see a bunch of carnival newbies this week! Welcome, as it wasn't very long ago at all that I jumped on the carnival bandwagon. I need to be more consistent with my submissions though.
7:12 am January 13, 2012
| The Happy Homeowner
| | |
| Member | posts 123 | 
Wahooo…thanks for hosting! Just submitted 
8:26 am January 13, 2012
| Henry @ TotallyMoney
| | London | |
| Member | posts 95 | |
thanks for hosting, just submitted
9:44 am January 13, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Miss T, thanks for hosting. I just submitted – this is becoming a hobby of mine.
7:08 am January 15, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
9:30 am January 15, 2012
| My Personal Finance Journey
| | |
| Member
| posts 3159 | 
Thanks for hosting! I'll get my article in!