@ Wealth Artisan – Being active here, commenting on other Yakezie blogs, and trying to write about things that I don't see elsewhere. That's partly the reason I moved away from pure personal finance because I don't feel like I can add a lot of value there. In broadening my base of topics, I can post about things that aren't already covered by other Yakezie members, which helps a lot in staying unique.
I just started guest posting. One of my articles will be appearing on another Yakezie blog. After tax time, I'm definitely going to pick up my guest posting. I haven't really explored it that much because I don't have all that much content on my blog yet anyway, so in the short-term getting content on my site is more important. Past that, guest posts galore!
Truthfully, the best traffic/links in terms of effort-to-return are the result of participation in blog carnivals.
@ Barb – Haha, I liked your comment a lot, especially the "mom side of me."
I actually expected more comments like that, and I think you for stopping in. Always nice to see you as a commenter. :)