User | Post |
7:28 pm March 25, 2014
| Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
| | Indianapolis, Indiana | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Post edited 7:29 pm – March 25, 2014 by Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
I've now been at it for over a year, and it finally feels like I am a real blogger. I'm not making anywhere near the money that some people here make, but I've finally reached the point where I can expect a monthly check from the big G.
I share this because I honestly doubted I would ever reach this point. I started my blog because I felt it would be fun to try and I might help out a few people along the way. Deep down I hoped for a little more. As the days and weeks became months, I seriously began to doubt that my blog would amount to anything. It really was every bit of a year before it started to become real.
If you are struggling with writers block, stress, or self doubt, push through it. This community is full of people who have been there before and are happy to help you on your journey. Treasure the little milestones, and if you keep at it, you'll eventually get to the big ones.
I have no writing talent to speak of and focus on a boring over-blogged subject… if I can do it, you can too!
11:37 pm March 25, 2014
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
A great message to send out there :), Michael and well done.
You know, all these doubts you mentioned? I'd add that they stay with you never mind how long you do this thing for. The Money Principle is three (which means I've been blogging for three years) and I recently asked a friend (and blogger) whether I should give it up – 'cause I suck at it, as I put it.
Doubt I suppose is what drives people forward. If they don't give up, that is.
6:49 am March 26, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
Excellent post Michael. I'm just about reaching that phase myself. I have found those posts where the blogging superstars publish their amazing income hugely motivational. However, at the same time, when they are making $1,000s each month in adsense and I'm struggling to get $10, it is hard not to get down and doubt yourself.
Nice to hear your positive message and I think its very useful advice for all bloggers at all levels.
2:34 pm March 28, 2014
| Mr. Utopia
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| Member | posts 55 | 
Ha, last night I was just reading a thread on Yakezie forums: How Long Did it Take you to Reach $100 on Google Adsense. It took a few people quite a while to get their first payout, but most others seemed to reach it in a fairly respectable time frame. It's a bit of a downer to realize I'm so far off their trajectory.
I think that's part of the problem. It's so easy to compare to others in the blogosphere who are seemingly successful and appear to have reached it at much faster levels. Then you conclude you're no good at it and won't make it and then give up. That's probably why so many blogs die after a furious start. I'm not afraid to admit such thoughts have crossed my mind.
Glad to hear you've "broken through" so to speak, Michael. It's encouraging…
7:28 pm March 28, 2014
| Zee
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 8 | 
I just started blogging not that long ago, I started it for similar reasons to what Michael mentioned. I also found myself wanting to write my own article in the comments as a response to someone elses post, so I decided I should just start my own blog.
I don't really think about making money off of my blog because I'm happy just to write about what interests me. I've been focused on content because I think that's what really matters. I guess I need to get on the whole social media aspect of letting my blog be known. Anyways, I love the support that I see around the community here and I'm guessing that's what helps us newbies keep chugging along!
7:26 am March 29, 2014
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Nice message Michael!
If one focuses on money, instead of writing and community the first one year, it's much easier to burn out and quit because nobody makes a good amount their first year.
But if folks can focus on seeing how they've come after 3 years, maintaining their writing frequency, I'm pretty positive good things will happen.
Don't focus on the money and the money will come!
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
10:46 am March 30, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
Sounds like solid advice! I'm a newbie blogger and I've definitely had those thoughts! It seems like it can take forever to see any significant income. I try to remind myself that some people spend years going to school for a certain degree and they often don't make any money while in school. This is kind of like "school," only cheaper, since thankfully I'm not going into major student loan debt to keep my blog up and running! It's cheap, it's fun, and I am definitely learning!
3:02 pm March 30, 2014
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 | 
My blog income has gone up and down (now mostly down) over nearly four years. It is a good thing it was never a goal. I still enjoy writing particularly when one of my articles connects with the audience.
5:42 pm March 31, 2014
| Kylie Ofiu
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| Member | posts 65 | 
Great message and so good to see you are doing well! It is a great feeling when it all starts to come together. I never blogged for the money. I set a goal and shared it, wrote about what I was doing and focused on helping others. I am now in a position where I own a few sites, am a published author, writer and speaker. This is my business.
I love writing and the opportunities blogging has given me astounds me. It is definitely worth persisting and ignoring your doubts.
6:45 pm April 1, 2014
| Eva of TeensGotCents
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| Member | posts 9 | 
Thanks Michael. I had my first blogging birthday in January – so just over a year. Of course, I have to do this as a school project so there's that – but we also knew when we started that it takes most people a year to get any traction. And most people give up at 9 months.
6:33 am April 2, 2014
| Eliza Cross
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| Member | posts 164 | 
Thanks for sharing your encouraging words, Michael. The only thing I disagree with is when you write "I have no writing talent to speak of." Your posts are very conversational and well-written! Here's to your continued success.
6:27 pm April 29, 2014
| EvenStevenMoney
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| Member | posts 5 | 
Always nice to hear a positive message. I'm at the point where I'm just happy to see a few people read my blog and even happier when someone responds with a comment.
7:26 am April 30, 2014
| getrichwithme
| | Manchester UK | |
| Member | posts 47 | 
Getting nice comments on my site is like putting fuel in the tank of my car.
It keeps the show on the road so to speak