User | Post |
11:19 am July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
Hello guys and gals,
I'm new to this whole personal finance blogging community and i've noticed a few things so far about majority of the blogs. They are in fact just blogs. They aren't associated with a parent company or an extension of a business.
Is there a particular reason for this?
Is the idea of trying to create a big community/reader base from a blog associated with a business wrong or bad?
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why?
In the end we are all here to help people with their financial problems right?
While we do write about finance related topics are major focus is providing people and blogs an awesome tool that can work hand in hand with all the incredible information you lay down for you readers.
What are you thoughts on this?
11:45 am July 24, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 |
Is there a particular reason for this? Because it takes 10 mins and no overhead to start a blog…I would venture a guess that is not the same for planwise
Is the idea of trying to create a big community/reader base from a blog associated with a business wrong or bad? Not at all.
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why? I think you can see the difference between one individual helping out another individual vs a business wanting free advertising
In the end we are all here to help people with their financial problems right? Yes, but see above
While we do write about finance related topics are major focus is providing people and blogs an awesome tool that can work hand in hand with all the incredible information you lay down for you readers.
What are you thoughts on this?
Ryan – If you want to enter this market with bloggers you are either going to need to really treat yourself like a blogger with a business and not a business with a blog or start paying. For the former I would review adaptu. They have Jenna who comments EVERYWHERE. Has anyone from planwise ever commented another blog?
I don't mean to sound harsh I just don't want you or any business to waste time trying to get hundreds of PF bloggers to promote their business for free.
12:04 pm July 24, 2012
| 20s Finances
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| Admin
| posts 1147 |
Evan says it perfectly. The big difference is that there are tons of businesses out there seeking free advertisement. While anyone can game the system, if you aren't known as just another blogger out there, it's going to cost you.
The way I look at it is if you are a business with a blog, and if your primary purpose (in guest posting) is just to help people with their financial problems, you wouldn't ask for links back to your site, right? Obviously, everyone wants to build up their site, but if you are a business with a blog, it's pretty clear that you are just trying to bolster your business by getting free advertisement.
Like Evan, I am not trying to sound harsh- just my impression. Good luck with everything.
12:07 pm July 24, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
Hi Ryan,
I can speak to this because I recently rebranded a personal blog as the blog for my business site. I immediately saw traffic go up but engagement/comments go down. Despite the fact that my blog has real content instead of just serving as a big advertisement for my business, people trust brands less than they trust individuals. It's just the way it is.
In any other format (print, TV, radio), businesses pay for advertising without blinking. But for some reason they don't see it as advertising when it happens on the internet. I don't ask to guest post from my business blog because I know it's an ad (or at least a backlink) no matter how good the content is. And the fact is, bloggers accept guest posts to help out their friends or sometimes to make money, but generally our readers come to read OUR stuff, not someone else's. We don't need content from anyone else – we take it when it helps our friends or when it benefits us.
I guess I look at it a little differently because I was a blogger first. It's frustrating to see the engagement go down since I moved one of my blogs to my business site, but I keep writing there because I enjoy it. And of course I have my other site that is purely personal and has lots of engagement/activity.
When it comes to brands, I gladly promote the ones I personally use and enjoy for free. But otherwise, there's no way I would accept a guest post unless there was something in it for me (and "quality content" doesn't cut it because I can do that on my own).
I hope that helps.
12:09 pm July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
Is there a particular reason for this? Because it takes 10 mins and no overhead to start a blog…I would venture a guess that is not the same for planwise
Is the idea of trying to create a big community/reader base from a blog associated with a business wrong or bad? Not at all.
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why? I think you can see the difference between one individual helping out another individual vs a business wanting free advertising
In the end we are all here to help people with their financial problems right? Yes, but see above
While we do write about finance related topics are major focus is providing people and blogs an awesome tool that can work hand in hand with all the incredible information you lay down for you readers.
What are you thoughts on this?
Ryan – If you want to enter this market with bloggers you are either going to need to really treat yourself like a blogger with a business and not a business with a blog or start paying. For the former I would review adaptu. They have Jenna who comments EVERYWHERE. Has anyone from planwise ever commented another blog?
I don't mean to sound harsh I just don't want you or any business to waste time trying to get hundreds of PF bloggers to promote their business for free.
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why? I think you can see the difference between one individual helping out another individual vs a business wanting free advertising —
Isn't it all essentially free advertising? Just linking back to their own blog? I wouldn't require a link back to the website where the product lives. I would link back the blog(if there was a link back). If the readers decided to check out the blog it would be their choice to go to the website/tool from there.
I'm not sure how well I could really tackle the blogger with a business. We aim to have useful information on the blog but in the end it's the tool that is going to provide the most value to the users. The tool we have created can be useful to other bloggers as well, as to help show a visual aspect of their writing. ( thats another topic though)
Yes we do, as a team, comment on other blogs. We've done some for quite a while. Yet, we do not see any kind of reciprocation from other bloggers.
We have already teamed up with a few pf blogs that offer 'tools' to their readers as they see it provides value to their blog.
I will check out adaptu and see what I can get from it.
To compare with mint, they have a blog. But they are not really seen as a major player in the PF blogging industry are they? I mean they get lots of traffic and readers because of their product.
it's okay to be blunt. I prefer people to be honest and blunt. =)
12:28 pm July 24, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
Post edited 12:31 pm – July 24, 2012 by MoneyBeagle
Companies try to build awareness of their product. That's where they're advertising and marketing budgets come in. Want to do it on television? Pay for an ad spot. Over the radio? Pay for an ad spot. In the newspaper or magazine? Pay for space.
Why is there an expectation that once you enter the blogging world, that it should suddenly become free? How can a company justify paying for ad space everywhere else, then get chagrined when they are asked to pay on a different platform?
It's the same end result, you're looking for sales to the product. Period. Companies want that, they pay for it. Even if they're developing a 'free' Facebook page or something, bigger companies still 'invest' (read:pay) for that by having dedicated social media budgets. Either way, you're selling a product, you pay to play.
I don't care if it points to the actual product webpage or a blog page which then promotes the product webpage. It's for the same result. That's just 'wording'
I think Jenna @ Adaptu had to work *really* hard to build that bridge to get the trust built in the PF community, even though she was circling back to selling a product. One of the things she did up front was accept and acknowledge that they were out to promote a product. She didn't hide behind words or question the model. If you try to beat around the bush or debate the topic, trust me, you won't get that rapport.
Also, look at the type of comments that you're leaving. I haven't seen you so I don't know. Are they meaningful and relevant to each post? Or are they just 'Great post, thanks for the post'? Even if you're a blogger not promoting a product, you won't get any return traffic or conversation unless you show you're engaged. And, if you're known as trying to promote a business, it will be harder yet. Not going to lie. Reason: Because for every 'business blogger' that promises to engage, there are twenty who are just sniffing around for free links. Yes, you're being judged on the actions of others. Sucks, I know, but it is what it is.
I think you're doing the right thing by trying to engage the community here, but I get the feeling that you already know the answers to the questions you're asking.
I'm not trying to be harsh. Just honest. Good discussion.
12:30 pm July 24, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 |
Ryan @ Planwise said:
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why? I think you can see the difference between one individual helping out another individual vs a business wanting free advertising —
Isn't it all essentially free advertising? Just linking back to their own blog? I wouldn't require a link back to the website where the product lives. I would link back the blog(if there was a link back). If the readers decided to check out the blog it would be their choice to go to the website/tool from there.
Yes and No. Yes – your initial gut feeling is correct. But are you more likely to advertise for Home Depot for free or the local hardware store who you visit daily and actually like as a person? For better or worse your company is looked on as a company not a guy sitting down pouring their heart into their blog. If you don't understand this first part it is likely that going forward doesn't matter and maybe the resources of the blog team would be better spent elsewhere.
Yes we do, as a team, comment on other blogs. We've done some for quite a while. Yet, we do not see any kind of reciprocation from other bloggers.
I comment A LOT anyone can attest to that I have never seen a comment from your team. Maybe you are commenting on the wrong blogs. If you are commenting on a blog that gets 30 page views a day you are sorely misusing your time and energy. Maybe you should employ Crystal to help you out (cheesy plug for a blogger with a business).
We have already teamed up with a few pf blogs that offer 'tools' to their readers as they see it provides value to their blog.
I will check out adaptu and see what I can get from it.
Checking out adaptu's site won't do much – it is what they do in the community. They got a lot of press from participating in FinCon and being around the community. Their business model might be garbage I have no clue I am just saying they get people to write about them.
To compare with mint, they have a blog. But they are not really seen as a major player in the PF blogging industry are they? I mean they get lots of traffic and readers because of their product.
Mint was tiny a couple years back. I am not sure how they exploded but when they did they were bought out for a couple hundred million by Intiut. They don't have to care about the PF blogging world because they are big enough not to care…and is probably a reason why distrust exists. Once you are big enough you aren't going to promote anyone.
Search these forums – I think there was a company called DebtEye (turned into springcoin) that ran into your same exact problem. They learned quickly that this world was not where they wanted to spend energy and/or money. Nice enough guy though.
it's okay to be blunt. I prefer people to be honest and blunt. =)
Then we will get along perfectly as long as you can put together my disjointed discussion points.
12:32 pm July 24, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 |
MoneyBeagle said:
Also, look at the type of comments that you're leaving. I haven't seen you so I don't know. Are they meaningful and relevant to each post? Or are they just 'Great post, thanks for the comment'?
Building on MB – if you are leaving those comments they are getting marked as spam by EVERYONE, so you are doing yourself a disservice. If everyone marks you as spam and people are running the same spam blockers you will be flagged and most bloggers won't even see the comments they are just swept right into the spam folder and your commenting is for naught.
12:46 pm July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
Ryan @ Planwise said:
I've tried reaching out to a few bloggers about guest posts, but I get denied because the blog is associated with a business. Why? I think you can see the difference between one individual helping out another individual vs a business wanting free advertising —
Isn't it all essentially free advertising? Just linking back to their own blog? I wouldn't require a link back to the website where the product lives. I would link back the blog(if there was a link back). If the readers decided to check out the blog it would be their choice to go to the website/tool from there.
Yes and No. Yes – your initial gut feeling is correct. But are you more likely to advertise for Home Depot for free or the local hardware store who you visit daily and actually like as a person? For better or worse your company is looked on as a company not a guy sitting down pouring their heart into their blog. If you don't understand this first part it is likely that going forward doesn't matter and maybe the resources of the blog team would be better spent elsewhere.
This is a valid point. As I have mentioned I am a total n00b to this type of community. It's a learning experience for me. I also see where the line gets drawn from an individual writing vs a company(even though it is written by an individual)
The blog will exist regardless, as it is a place where we also write about company/tream related things. I.E making the press, case studies of using other products.
Yes we do, as a team, comment on other blogs. We've done some for quite a while. Yet, we do not see any kind of reciprocation from other bloggers.
I comment A LOT anyone can attest to that I have never seen a comment from your team. Maybe you are commenting on the wrong blogs. If you are commenting on a blog that gets 30 page views a day you are sorely misusing your time and energy. Maybe you should employ Crystal to help you out (cheesy plug for a blogger with a business).
Perhaps we are commenting in the wrong places. I'm aware of the 600+ list provided by Wisebread. We have a pretty good relationship with gobankingrates. We are also entered in the PF olympics where are post is number 1 in the cutting-egde banking category.
I know we are on some radars, perhaps we are still flying low.
We have already teamed up with a few pf blogs that offer 'tools' to their readers as they see it provides value to their blog.
The Free Financial Advisor - we have a plugin on wordpress that allows the tool to be installed by anyone. It might live in other blogs, I can't currently track that.
It's also on a credit counseling site – but thats not a blog.
I will check out adaptu and see what I can get from it.
Checking out adaptu's site won't do much – it is what they do in the community. They got a lot of press from participating in FinCon and being around the community. Their business model might be garbage I have no clue I am just saying they get people to write about them.
We haven't had a lot of band with to do a whole lot. We recently got some seed funding and hired a bigger team, which is why I am now getting more involved in the blogging community. I am attending fincon this year. pretty stoked on it too.
I actually created a spread sheet for Yakezie members to add their name/info so we can arrange a meetup
To compare with mint, they have a blog. But they are not really seen as a major player in the PF blogging industry are they? I mean they get lots of traffic and readers because of their product.
Mint was tiny a couple years back. I am not sure how they exploded but when they did they were bought out for a couple hundred million by Intiut. They don't have to care about the PF blogging world because they are big enough not to care…and is probably a reason why distrust exists. Once you are big enough you aren't going to promote anyone.
Search these forums – I think there was a company called DebtEye (turned into springcoin) that ran into your same exact problem. They learned quickly that this world was not where they wanted to spend energy and/or money. Nice enough guy though.
I will check those out =)
it's okay to be blunt. I prefer people to be honest and blunt. =)
Then we will get along perfectly as long as you can put together my disjointed discussion points.
They are making sense and I appreciate your feedback.
12:48 pm July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
MoneyBeagle said:
Also, look at the type of comments that you're leaving. I haven't seen you so I don't know. Are they meaningful and relevant to each post? Or are they just 'Great post, thanks for the comment'?
Building on MB – if you are leaving those comments they are getting marked as spam by EVERYONE, so you are doing yourself a disservice. If everyone marks you as spam and people are running the same spam blockers you will be flagged and most bloggers won't even see the comments they are just swept right into the spam folder and your commenting is for naught.
I actually read the posts I comment on and i leave personal insight on the blog post. Depending on what the topic is about I for the most part write something worth reading that would reciprocate a reply.
1:00 pm July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MoneyBeagle said:
Companies try to build awareness of their product. That's where they're advertising and marketing budgets come in. Want to do it on television? Pay for an ad spot. Over the radio? Pay for an ad spot. In the newspaper or magazine? Pay for space.
Why is there an expectation that once you enter the blogging world, that it should suddenly become free? How can a company justify paying for ad space everywhere else, then get chagrined when they are asked to pay on a different platform?
It's the same end result, you're looking for sales to the product. Period. Companies want that, they pay for it. Even if they're developing a 'free' Facebook page or something, bigger companies still 'invest' (read:pay) for that by having dedicated social media budgets. Either way, you're selling a product, you pay to play.
I don't care if it points to the actual product webpage or a blog page which then promotes the product webpage. It's for the same result. That's just 'wording'
I think Jenna @ Adaptu had to work *really* hard to build that bridge to get the trust built in the PF community, even though she was circling back to selling a product. One of the things she did up front was accept and acknowledge that they were out to promote a product. She didn't hide behind words or question the model. If you try to beat around the bush or debate the topic, trust me, you won't get that rapport.
Also, look at the type of comments that you're leaving. I haven't seen you so I don't know. Are they meaningful and relevant to each post? Or are they just 'Great post, thanks for the post'? Even if you're a blogger not promoting a product, you won't get any return traffic or conversation unless you show you're engaged. And, if you're known as trying to promote a business, it will be harder yet. Not going to lie. Reason: Because for every 'business blogger' that promises to engage, there are twenty who are just sniffing around for free links. Yes, you're being judged on the actions of others. Sucks, I know, but it is what it is.
I think you're doing the right thing by trying to engage the community here, but I get the feeling that you already know the answers to the questions you're asking.
I'm not trying to be harsh. Just honest. Good discussion.
This is also good insight. I am getting lots of good info from you guys. While yes ultimately we would like people to go to the site/tool and engage in it. (it is also a free and ad free).
I guess it only makes sense for a company to pay for ads as if they were anywhere else.
We get the occasional blogs/business's that really like what we have created and what we are trying to do and are willing to write about us and actually embed the tool on their site. Can see above for a link to at least one blog.
I read ever post and respond the best I can. Ive even responded on posts regarding weddings. It has nothing to do with what we provide. But I gave a mens perspective on wedding costs.
Ultimately I do my best to provide a valuable response the article.
You're right that it does indeed suck that I am getting lumped into a group of people that are just spamming links.
I guess this is just another battle for me.
2:26 pm July 24, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 |
Another hint: Don't try and brag that the tool is ad free.
Bloggers who have been around for a while know that it won't stay ad free forever. If it were why would you care about advertising lol
3:48 pm July 24, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
Another hint: Don't try and brag that the tool is ad free.
Bloggers who have been around for a while know that it won't stay ad free forever. If it were why would you care about advertising lol
I don't know what you consider bragging, but I definitely would not call that bragging.
I think it could also go as far as what is considered advertising.
I also found this pretty interesting. A post by a fellow Yakezie member -
6:07 pm July 24, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
| | |
| Member
| posts 1012 |
So are you offering a CPC or affiliate relationship?
9:19 pm July 24, 2012
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 |
I'll just reiterate that if you're looking for a model, use Adaptu. More specifically, Jenna at Adaptu. The key part of that is that Jenna is very active in the Adaptu community, but also in the PF community with comments and communication. She's taken the time to build a relationship with many of the bloggers in the community at large. I don't know about anyone else, but I've never been approached by her or anyone else at Adaptu asking for a guest post. And, to be honest, I wouldn't give it to them without charging them. The funny thing is, I feel that she and Adaptu have contributed to the community enough that I wouldn't think twice about linking to them directly if it fit in the context of the post. Yes, I would check for an affiliate program first, but that's the nature of trying to make a little money with my blog.
I think the biggest difference between Planwise, Adaptu, or any other business with a blog is that, in the end, the blog exists solely to give the company publicity. Yes, it adds value to the community, and it may get unsolicited links occasionally. But, when it comes right down to it, if the company decides that it's just not a good use of company funds, it'll go the way of the dodo bird. My blog, while I do make some money from it, is a product of an interest in PF that I have. But, if the money went away, I'd still be doing it. It's not a profit issue. It's not a publicity issue. It's something that I enjoy doing.
3:57 am July 25, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
BeatingBroke said:
I think the biggest difference between Planwise, Adaptu, or any other business with a blog is that, in the end, the blog exists solely to give the company publicity. Yes, it adds value to the community, and it may get unsolicited links occasionally. But, when it comes right down to it, if the company decides that it's just not a good use of company funds, it'll go the way of the dodo bird.
This is a great point as well. Again, it has to have a payoff in some direct or indirect fashion to the company bottom line.
6:00 am July 25, 2012
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 |
The "blog" is still part of the root domain of the company. Promoting that blog means you are ultimately promoting the root domain.
Evan, MB and BB have said everything I would have.
If you are looking to increase the backlinks or gain publicity via guest posts be prepared to sponsor the sites you are attempting to use for the benefit of your business.
11:41 am July 25, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
So are you offering a CPC or affiliate relationship?
We currently are looking for affiliate relationships. We haven't discussed a CPC model yet.
11:45 am July 25, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
BeatingBroke said:
I'll just reiterate that if you're looking for a model, use Adaptu. More specifically, Jenna at Adaptu. The key part of that is that Jenna is very active in the Adaptu community, but also in the PF community with comments and communication. She's taken the time to build a relationship with many of the bloggers in the community at large. I don't know about anyone else, but I've never been approached by her or anyone else at Adaptu asking for a guest post. And, to be honest, I wouldn't give it to them without charging them. The funny thing is, I feel that she and Adaptu have contributed to the community enough that I wouldn't think twice about linking to them directly if it fit in the context of the post. Yes, I would check for an affiliate program first, but that's the nature of trying to make a little money with my blog.
I think the biggest difference between Planwise, Adaptu, or any other business with a blog is that, in the end, the blog exists solely to give the company publicity. Yes, it adds value to the community, and it may get unsolicited links occasionally. But, when it comes right down to it, if the company decides that it's just not a good use of company funds, it'll go the way of the dodo bird. My blog, while I do make some money from it, is a product of an interest in PF that I have. But, if the money went away, I'd still be doing it. It's not a profit issue. It's not a publicity issue. It's something that I enjoy doing.
Thanks for your feedback.
Everyone seems to know quite a bit about Jenna. I am definitely going to have to reach out to her.
I see everyones point and i'm processing it all.
I hope I have no offended anyone or anything. I am just trying to get an understanding of the situation and how the blogging community works.
That awesome that you have such a strong passion for PF. I honestly didn't think id find myself in this industry but like others on here neither did they.
11:57 am July 25, 2012
| Ryan @ Planwise
| | San Francisco | |
| Member | posts 62 |
Sustainable PF said:
The "blog" is still part of the root domain of the company. Promoting that blog means you are ultimately promoting the root domain.
Evan, MB and BB have said everything I would have.
If you are looking to increase the backlinks or gain publicity via guest posts be prepared to sponsor the sites you are attempting to use for the benefit of your business.
Backlinks help with SEO and all, but we are really here to provide a tool to help the people with their financial future.
As a company we believe will the tool that we have developed can be mutual beneficial to blogs and their readers. This is the angle we decided to take. Because with other tools you have to leave the blog to use them. Ours can be directly embedded into any site or blog.