Post edited 12:10 pm – July 26, 2012 by Money and Risk
BeatingBroke said:
I think the biggest difference between Planwise, Adaptu, or any other business with a blog is that, in the end, the blog exists solely to give the company publicity. Yes, it adds value to the community, and it may get unsolicited links occasionally. But, when it comes right down to it, if the company decides that it's just not a good use of company funds, it'll go the way of the dodo bird.
This is the critical part that you need to understand. PF bloggers also need to consider their trust factor with the audience. Whether it's finance or any other field, you can't just barge in and ask someone to post your article (personal advertisement). You need to develop a relationship.
As a business person running a company, understand that blogging is the same as any other business network. Would you go up to random companies in your hometown and ask them to hang a banner ad of your company permanently above their door without them knowing who you are? Don't treat bloggers any differently without the same professional courtesy as you do with real people.
Don't advertise to the PF bloggers that your product is free or ad-free. That's not the full truth. What you're offering is a freemium product. As a business, you're planning to make as much money from the subscriber as possible. The idea is to draw in participants and then sell an upcharge or later convert to a full cost model if there is enough volume. You're a company and are in business to make profits. Otherwise, the investors that you have will leave. They didn't invest because they felt generous.
There are PF bloggers who involve their business. Jeff is a blogger who uses his blog to solicit business directly and benefited from his hard work in promoting himself.
I am in the same industry as Jeff but chooses not to solicit or disclose any company information. This is a personal and business decision. I treat my blog as a separate entity that needs to stands on its own and support itself eventually. My business is used as a resource that the blog taps in order to provide excellent content that you can't get elsewhere.
Look at your business strategically and figure out how to organically build the audience and customer base that you need. There is a wide variety of things that can be done with and without money, but don't just look at the PF blogger network as a shortcut to get customers.
With smart strategies and hard work, you can bring the audience up to 500,000 or more within a short amount of time. You have the funding while most others don't.
By the way, don't focus on cheap or free. This is the biggest mistake that most people and businesses make and how they lose money. Pay for value and TRUE expertise.