Hey Guys,
Before I start with this adsense topic, I want to share something with you: I really like the Yakezie group and I think it's a great place to share ideas and help each other. However, as you may notice, I'm fairly busy, therefore, I'm not too present in commenting on your blog. Since I really want to participate in this group, here's what I can offer:
- I do bi-weekly Yakezie roundup links on some of my blogs (The Financial Blogger, The Dividend Guy Blog and Green Panda Treehouse)
- I have one of my VA commenting on some of your blogs under Do Not Wait (my most recent blog). We keep a small list of interesting blogs (most of them are Yakezie) and we change the list from time to time. if you want to be added to our list, drop me an email at thefinancialblogger at gmail dot com.
- Offer tips on monetization and traffic: As you may know already, I'm not too bad with traffic and make money online. In fact, if I was making 40k-50k with my day job, I would have drop everything to concentrate on my online business already, but that is another story. I have already started to post some articles telling how I do my stuff in order to get more traffic and how to make money out of it (let's be honest, at one point or another, we all want to make a few bucks out of our blogs, right?).
So I try to be as active as I can and I hope you like my inputs. If you want more info on any topics, shoot me an email. I've been in contact with some of you and I really like the one-on-one discussions.
In fact, today's thread is coming from a discussion I had with Daniel @ SweatingTheBigStuff.com. He had some inquiries about adsense. I am now averaging $100/day with them, I thought of sharing some of my experiences with you:
#1 Adsense works well when you have search engine traffic
Let's be honest, how many time to you click on adsense when you are reading on of your favorite blog? probably never (and it's good that way since too many clicks from the same ip address will cause serious problems to the site owner!). The one who clicks on Adsense ads are the one coming from search engines. So if you want to make money with adsense, you have to concentrate on SEO.
#2 Ad block within post:
- I've tried many size and the 336X280 is my biggest earner
- I don't include pictures throughout my network and I have better results… on the other side I have read that you get better results by including images !?!
- I use Who See Ads plugin for wordpresse (http://planetozh.com/blog/my-p…..e-display/). I use a small 468X60 for the first 2 weeks (regular readers don't get bother too much by my adsense) and then, it goes with the big 336X280 (search engine visitors get the big ad).
#3 Ad block on the right or left column:
- good choice of having it after on the 2nd third of your fold (it helps keeping your readers and increase your chance of getting more subscribers). However, you will obviously not have much click on this one because it is placed too low ;-) catch 22!
- I guess this is the problem with adsense: if your readers click on ads, you make money but they leave your site as well
#4 Topics for Adsense
Topic wise, my biggest earners are investment related posts (it's a pretty good pick since I have Intelligent Speculator, The Dividend Guy Blog and The Financial Blogger covering investment topics).
#5 What you can optimize to earn more money
- Look at your top 10 most visited articles, they will tell you a lot about how to optimize your Adsense.
- Go in Google Analytics, look at the "Content" section on your left toolbar. You have a Adsense section where you can find which post gets the most clicks and how much you earn from them. Very interesting if you want to optimize your Adsense. (you need to install it on your site before you have this feature on Google Analytics)
- Play with Adsense color; it must blend with your content. My best example, and best performing Adsense website is http://www.thedividendguyblog.com. Go in the older articles (more than 2 weeks) to see the big Adsense block. the CTR (click through rate) is very high.
#6 What you can expect in term of income
That is fairly variable from one site to another. The main reasons are:
#1 number of search engine visitors
#2 category of topics discuss on your blog (frugality and tips to save money are obviously lower earner than insurance and investment topics).
Overall, if you reach 10,000 visitors per month, you can expect to make between $150 and $300 per month with your site.
Also, I will now use my "Yakezie Tip Thread" as content for my newsletter. I will also be adding more information to each topic (for example, I'll add points #7 to #10 in my newsletter but the first 6 points will be identical). If you want to learn more, you know where to reach me!