User | Post |
9:31 am January 4, 2014
| allaboutinterest
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| Member | posts 15 | 
I'm new to Yakezie and just joined the Yakezie challenge in an effort to boost my readership. I was hoping some people have some advice on what else I can do (or perhaps what has worked for you) to increase the number of readers I get. I seem to usually have the same people that always are leaving comments.
I know I'm in a niche area, trying to reach early FI through dividend growth investments and real estate.
Any help would be appreciated!
10:34 am January 4, 2014
| Pauline
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| Member | posts 274 | 
I wrote a post about increasing your readership which you can check here, hope that helps. Social media has great potential, so do forums in your niche.
12:13 pm January 4, 2014
| allaboutinterest
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| Member | posts 15 | 
Thanks for the very helpful article. I need a lot of improving in the networking area for sure.
12:45 am January 5, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
Welcome allaboutinterest. You've made a great start in networking by coming to the Yakezie network. You should add a footer to your posts to increase engagement here.
Otherwise, Pauline's article sums up a lot of the points regarding increasing engagement and readership, so read and re-read that! 
9:16 am January 5, 2014
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 | 
I would recommend commenting as many blogs as you can in your genre.
Many of them will comment you back, which gives you traffic.
In addition, you will get traffic from others who see your comments on the various sites.
10:22 am January 5, 2014
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
I would agree with SDR, get out and comment as much as you can within your niche. A good number of bloggers will return the favor in time and others will see your name and be more prone to come and visit.
5:34 pm January 5, 2014
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
allaboutinterest said:
Thanks for the very helpful article. I need a lot of improving in the networking area for sure.
Pauline's article is indeed helpful. Focus on the value that you're providing via the comments. If you write "great post" then you may receive a reciprocal visit from the author. But, if you say something unique and add a different perspective, you'll likely receive many more visits.
Joining the Yakezie network will work wonders for you. Use the search function in the forums to find out specifics in regards to commenting, SEO, etc.
9:02 am January 6, 2014
| Fig (Figuring Money Out)
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| Member | posts 76 | |
I agree, commenting has been really helpful in building a readership. Also? Twitter! I've found building relationships there has been easier and people will share and click on links as well. :)
12:13 pm January 6, 2014
| Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
| | Indianapolis, Indiana | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
I agree with what has been said so far, but I think its important to focus on things like content and SEO as well. Most of the tactics previously mentioned are great for bringing other bloggers to your site, but what you really want are readers and visitors of your own.
As someone who also runs a niche site, I think that google ranking should be your primary focus in attracting more readers. There are mountains of SEO related advice available, much of which is helpful, but my personal experience is that there are two key factors for google rankings for a new blog: Uniqueness and Need. If you really want to get traffic write about something that nobody else is covering but that a lot of people want.
I'll admit that is a really tall order. I've only been able to do it with a few of my articles, and I've been at it almost a year.
But it makes sense if you look at it from the google or end user perspective. They will be looking for quality information from a reputable source. Because you cannot be reputable over night, provide quality information that nobody else will, and the traffic will come.