User | Post |
4:51 pm October 15, 2011
| SavingMentor
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| Member | posts 217 |
It was confirmed by Matt Cutts that there was a panda update (change to the Google algorithm) a couple of days ago. According to him it was only a minor update – but it was all it took to bring my search engine traffic to its knees.
I literally lost 3/4 of my traffic from Google overnight.
Now I'm sitting scratching my head wondering what horrible sin I committed. I know I've done a few things that Google might frown upon, but not near so much as I know a lot of other Yakezie folks do.
Unfortunately my site had almost 70% of its traffic come from Google, so this is definitely a massive blow. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Wondering if there is any way I can recover that lost traffic or if they've tainted my sight for good. Do they give second chances?
5:02 pm October 15, 2011
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
I haven;t seen any drastic change, week end traffic usually stays at 70 -80% of weekday traffic for me.
6:55 pm October 15, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 |
I haven't seen a big change yet, but will be sure to keep an avid eye out!
6:59 pm October 15, 2011
| Squirrelers
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| Member | posts 986 |
Geez, that's too bad. It's seemingly quite random to many people how that happens. I have heard of people seeing search traffic plummet for a while, then come back – but not sure if when involved with Panda. Hope it does recover for you though.
7:28 pm October 15, 2011
| SavingMentor
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| Member | posts 217 |
Well, I'm glad nobody else was hit. Were any of you affected by the previous panda updates? I know TFB was really hurt by the initial Panda update I think.
8:51 pm October 15, 2011
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 |
I noticed a decrease in traffic, but I did not know why!
8:53 pm October 15, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 |
Post edited 8:59 pm – October 15, 2011 by Sustainable PF
Others were hit.
It is neither rhyme nor reason as to what was changed. Not from our perspective at least.
My opinion is to monitor things over the next week. 2 days can be an outlier for anyone.
Monitor the web for information (hopefully valid) and keep checking back @ Yakezie as well. I'm interested (site wasn't affected – knock on wood) and will share whatever I learn, here, for all to absorb.
10:39 pm October 15, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
I haven't seen anything unusual on the SE front. We're still getting between 40-50% SE traffic.
4:25 am October 16, 2011
| Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog
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| Member | posts 643 |
Traffic for my blog is still to early to say. It's only been three days, and my se traffic fluctuates in up and down movements (in a range). Nothing out of the ordinary. I'd say to wait another week, and see what happens.
11:26 am October 16, 2011
| SavingMentor
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| Member | posts 217 |
It's definitely clear that my site was specifically targeted. I'm talking a very very large decrease here. I also manually checked my best keywords and my site is listed much further down the SERPs for all of them than it was on Oct. 12th.
I hope it recovers – but unless they change the algorithm back or lift any penalty they may have given me – I think this is the new norm for me. Losing 60% of your total traffic sucks!
11:49 am October 16, 2011
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 |
SavingMentor said:
It's definitely clear that my site was specifically targeted. I'm talking a very very large decrease here. I also manually checked my best keywords and my site is listed much further down the SERPs for all of them than it was on Oct. 12th.
I hope it recovers – but unless they change the algorithm back or lift any penalty they may have given me – I think this is the new norm for me. Losing 60% of your total traffic sucks!
Keep your head up. I haven't mentioned this in the forum yet, but my site was hit back in April from Panda. I had similar affects losing 70% of my traffic overnight. When the past 4 months I was averaging over 100k visits per month, that sucks….big time! There was no black hat tricks that I was doing. Only good, original content, submitting to carnivals, and guest posts. That's it.
This month is the best my traffic has been since and I'll be lucky to crack 40k visits. When it originally happened I was so frustrated, and hence why I've been really been emphasizing the newsletter signups. Google might be able to take your traffic away, but they can't take away your email subs.
12:50 pm October 16, 2011
| Tony Chou @ Investorz' Blog
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| Member | posts 643 |
Jeff Rose said:
SavingMentor said:
It's definitely clear that my site was specifically targeted. I'm talking a very very large decrease here. I also manually checked my best keywords and my site is listed much further down the SERPs for all of them than it was on Oct. 12th.
I hope it recovers – but unless they change the algorithm back or lift any penalty they may have given me – I think this is the new norm for me. Losing 60% of your total traffic sucks!
Keep your head up. I haven't mentioned this in the forum yet, but my site was hit back in April from Panda. I had similar affects losing 70% of my traffic overnight. When the past 4 months I was averaging over 100k visits per month, that sucks….big time! There was no black hat tricks that I was doing. Only good, original content, submitting to carnivals, and guest posts. That's it.
This month is the best my traffic has been since and I'll be lucky to crack 40k visits. When it originally happened I was so frustrated, and hence why I've been really been emphasizing the newsletter signups. Google might be able to take your traffic away, but they can't take away your email subs.
Holy cow! 100k visits!
That's why I'm working on my direct traffic and referrals through rss and facebook. Google is too fickle to depend on. I wouldn't trust my blog's livelyhood to them.
4:58 pm October 16, 2011
| SavingMentor
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| Member | posts 217 |
Jeff Rose said:
Keep your head up. I haven't mentioned this in the forum yet, but my site was hit back in April from Panda. I had similar affects losing 70% of my traffic overnight. When the past 4 months I was averaging over 100k visits per month, that sucks….big time! There was no black hat tricks that I was doing. Only good, original content, submitting to carnivals, and guest posts. That's it.
This month is the best my traffic has been since and I'll be lucky to crack 40k visits. When it originally happened I was so frustrated, and hence why I've been really been emphasizing the newsletter signups. Google might be able to take your traffic away, but they can't take away your email subs.
Thanks for the encouragement Jeff! Glad to hear that you've recovered at least a little bit since then. Good idea to try and rely less on Google for traffic and income.
4:57 am October 17, 2011
| Matt Wegner
| | Sheboygan, WI | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Wow, what a kick in the shorts for you and Jeff. I've seen a decrease but my traffic wasn't that high to begin with, and I haven't been able to post much lately.
5:27 am October 17, 2011
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
I haven't noticed anything but my weekend traffic is usually pretty low anyways, so it's probably too soon to really tell.
6:36 am October 17, 2011
| BeforeYouInvest
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| Member | posts 54 |
There are a TON of sites that got bumped in this last update, but I suspect it is temporary. There was an update that ran on 9/28 but Google didnt really like the results so Matt Cutts announced an upcoming update that "should impact 2% of sites" … which I believe is the Oct 13/14 update.
The problem is that it sounds like it impacted way more than 2% of sites, penalized "good" sites and promoted a lot of MFA and spun content sites to higher rankings… not good. Since that's not exactly what Google is looking for I figure that this "adjustment" is not final… but what do I know.
BYI got crushed in the panda update before this most recent one… lost 90%+ of traffic. I decided to just stop posting altogether and make a couple minor adjustments to the site to see where it ended up after the update (after all… what did I have to lose? NOTHING was ranking).
It seems to have bounced back a little but still not where it was… I can see things returning to normal a little so I'm going to start back up again.
Anyway be patient, don't make any crazy changes… a lot of the time Google throws the baby out with the bath water and eventually comes back to fix it. It might take a month til the next Panda update or it might be sooner but if your site has good content and a good link profile you'll bounce back.
Its all just part of the "fun" of making money online unfortunately.
6:50 am October 17, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
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| Member
| posts 2019 |
My site has more than 75% of traffic coming from SE, so although I did not see any changes from Panda, might be a good idea to start boosting up non-SE traffic.
8:22 am October 17, 2011
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 |
One of my niche websites was getting 2,500+ visitors PER DAY and as of two days ago this has dipped to $1,200. It has impacted Adsense earnings from $45 a day to just under $20. Percentage wise these are significant numbers.
THE STRUGGLE – the most frustrating part is that we don't know what is causing/has caused our sites to dip. In my case, I have other sites built and marketed the same way as the niche site talked about above, however those were not impacted. It makes it a big guessing game for the small website owner. Because of this, profiting from niche sites has become a numbers game and we are seeing numerous micro niche websites crop up overnight. Those with authority site, such as a popular blog suffer less if at all because traffic is well diversified (not just search engines). Moreover, one would think Google has given a lot more credibility to authority sites with a voice behind it vs a remote niche site that is on a set it and forget it profit model.
Long story short – many sites are impacted, reasons are unknown, therefore what to do different is also unknown (guessing game). Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this statement, as well as what can be done to protect our web properties providing they are backed with good content and are marketed ethically ? ? ?
@ Rose – where do you get your latest / greatest Google news and Matt Cut's updates? His blog? I'd like to dig in further into the new Panda update and recent happenings
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
8:52 am October 17, 2011
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
I had a major hit on Friday and figured it was a one day thing. When I saw that it was a trend for the weekend and today, I knew something was up. I lost over 50% of my traffic.
9:23 am October 17, 2011
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 |
Haha, speak of the devil. GFC was not affected but my other boomer site was, Consumer Boomer.
Still early, but traffic looks like it's down about 50%. Yeah! (There's A LOT of sarcasm in that "Yeah!" )