User | Post |
6:58 am July 30, 2012
| Stephanie @ The Empowered Dollar
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| Member | posts 25 |
Hey folks,
I'm considering creating an info product of my own. I'd love to see what's out there already in the personal finance world – and I'd be happy promote your stuff! :)
10:11 am July 30, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 |
Curiosity? What the hell does a "finance info product" that even mean? A bunch of definitions for Financial Products?
5:40 pm July 30, 2012
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 |
I've got my Credit Score guide (link), and I know there are several others who have ebooks as well.
6:44 pm July 30, 2012
| The Frugal Toad
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| Member | posts 587 |
I'm not sure what a personal finance info product is either but you can advertise it for free
at Bloggers Classifieds! ;)
8:42 pm July 30, 2012
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 |
FREE EBOOK, 20 MINUTE GUIDE TO INVESTING!!! Comes with subscription to Wealth Tips Newsletter (no spam)
Stephanie, what are you considering? Thanks for offering to promote!!!
I love your logo, it is beautiful. Who did it?
8:09 am July 31, 2012
| Stephanie @ The Empowered Dollar
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| Member | posts 25 |
Sorry if that was a bit vague. What I mean is: has anyone created a product – like an ebook, a membership site, etc. – that they are selling through their personal finance website? Right now I have a free ebook for folks to download, but I'd like to create a product that would earn a bit of money!
Thanks Barb! A friend of a friend designed it… for a price :)
9:42 am July 31, 2012
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 |
Eric at NarrowBridge has created a couple of ebooks that he sells.
1:01 pm July 31, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
BeatingBroke said:
Eric at NarrowBridge has created a couple of ebooks that he sells.
Indeed. Thanks for the shout.
7:24 am August 1, 2012
| Stephanie @ The Empowered Dollar
| | |
| Member | posts 25 |
Awesome. Eric – these are great. I'd love to chat about your success with these products.
By the way, your "Buy Now" button isn't working for me on the Personal Finance Arsenal.
1:52 pm August 2, 2012
| Money and Risk
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| Member | posts 73 |
We're still developing our personal finance products.
We've been doing a series of business/finance training for a year and it's very popular with referrals. We're working on expanding that to online. Our standard is producing a difference that customers can see in 30 days.
That has been harder to achieve on the personal products. I've been testing different methods so that I can get the tangible results that I want to see in 30 days. It's clashing with my regular personal finance training program which is not as focused on instant gratification of results.
Before you develop the product, identify your customer market & how/where you will market. If it is your blog audience, get to know them really well. Otherwise, you will waste your time with creating something that does not match your audience.
Best of luck on the project.
8:21 am August 3, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 |
Stephanie @ The Empowered Dollar said:
Awesome. Eric – these are great. I'd love to chat about your success with these products.
By the way, your "Buy Now" button isn't working for me on the Personal Finance Arsenal.
Thanks for letting me know. I will get that fixed right away!