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8:12 am April 20, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
It doesn't matter if you use adsense or adbrite…if you are getting 42 visitors a day you aren't going to make money with either system. I jumped into advertising way too early. WAY TOO EARLY. Don't make the same mistake.
8:32 am April 20, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
MyJourneytoMillions said:
It doesn't matter if you use adsense or adbrite…if you are getting 42 visitors a day you aren't going to make money with either system. I jumped into advertising way too early. WAY TOO EARLY. Don't make the same mistake.
7:05 am April 22, 2011
| Steven McGray
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| Member | posts 9 | |
MyJourneytoMillions said:
It doesn't matter if you use adsense or adbrite…if you are getting 42 visitors a day you aren't going to make money with either system. I jumped into advertising way too early. WAY TOO EARLY. Don't make the same mistake.
At the moment I just want to understand the whole process of advertising online. I'm not hurry, first I've got to get myself a good hosting. But thank you anyway for such good and dramatic warning)
Maybe you can tell me more about "when it's not tоo early?"
7:52 am April 22, 2011
| Jeffrey Trull
| | CT | |
| Member | posts 134 | 
NarrowBridge said:
I agree with Sunil. I would put AdSense on today, even on a new site, and use it as a placeholder for now. Do not expect much revenue until you start getting at least a few thousand hits per month.
I would put the ads there so your audience is used to them from the start. Do not be overly intrusive about it but have something so you can avoid the "sell out" blacklash later on.
I agree with Eric here. I think it's going to be harder to implement ads later without at least some backlash. Put in a reasonable amount of ads now so readers are used to them. However, I wouldn't recommend going overboard with ads or Adsense now or later – it's just annoying to look at sites filled with ads and it might not earn much. I think WiseBread and Get Rich Slowly both incorporate ads at a reasonable level without harming the reader's experience.
3:41 pm April 22, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
I would say to put ads up as soon as you get started. That way readers will not be surprised or turned off when you suddenly start putting up ads. But just don't make them obtrusive.
I like "who sees ads" plugin for search engine visitors. And I would recommend starting with Adsense. And get an account with Clickbank. Then you can make your own customized ad blocks that will generate more income.
1:41 am April 23, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
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| posts 1682 | 
The Financial Blogger said:
no ads are the best ads if you are starting ;-)
if you really want to put ads, go with Adsense (generate channels to track the performance) and use the Who see Ads plugin (so regular visitors get the small ad block and SE visits (who really clicks on ads) get the big blocks ;-) ).
Put 1 or 2 block max on each page. too much ads is like no ads, nobody clicks when there is 10,000 places to click ;-)
I agree with TFB. No ads are the best until you build an audience.
3:45 am April 23, 2011
| Dana
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| Member | posts 633 | |
I waited about 6 months before I put adsense on my main site. With another site I used adsense from the beginning just to be a placeholder. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer. Definitely don't be intrusive though – the who sees ads plugin works well.
10:11 am April 23, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
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| Member | posts 812 | 
moneycone said:
FamilyMoneyValues said:
Interesting thread for me!
I thought AdSense would kick you out if you didn't get a certain number of impressions or clicks or something? Anyone experience that?
Nope. There's a lot of nonsense out there regarding Adsense. If you click on your own ads, then that is a problem. You can have adsense on as long as you follow their T&C.
No minimum click requirements, though you get paid only if you hit atleast $100.
I went out this am and looked at Adsense T&C – see the part I bolded….
Termination; Cancellation. Subject to any third party agreements You may have with other Google customers (e.g., Your Web hosting company), You may stop displaying Ads, Links, Search Boxes, or Referral Buttons on any Property in the Program with or without cause at any time by removing the Google JavaScript or similar programming from Your Properties. You may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by sending written notice of your desire to cancel Your participation in the Program to This Agreement will be deemed terminated within ten (10) business days of Google's receipt of Your notice. Google may investigate any activity that may violate this Agreement. Google may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate all or part of the Program, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in all or part of the Program for any reason. In addition, Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on Ads or Referral Buttons or valid impressions of Ads (in each case as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more.
Think I will take down my AdSense, just in case, until I get more traffic!
5:42 pm April 23, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
Not too early is when you when you won't be pissed off at adsense being zero for weeks at a time lol
Wasn't trying to provide warning or anything like that, but really just saying when you have no visitors it doesn't matter what company you use.
What is your site? I'd love to check it out.
11:19 pm April 24, 2011
| .
| | Los Angeles, CA. | |
| Member | posts 43 | |
I would also agree that new sites shouldn't have ads on them. You can add them in over time. It's sort of like what facebook, twitter and youtube did.
10:23 am April 25, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
FamilyMoneyValues said:
moneycone said:
FamilyMoneyValues said:
Interesting thread for me!
I thought AdSense would kick you out if you didn't get a certain number of impressions or clicks or something? Anyone experience that?
Nope. There's a lot of nonsense out there regarding Adsense. If you click on your own ads, then that is a problem. You can have adsense on as long as you follow their T&C.
No minimum click requirements, though you get paid only if you hit atleast $100.
I went out this am and looked at Adsense T&C – see the part I bolded….
Termination; Cancellation. Subject to any third party agreements You may have with other Google customers (e.g., Your Web hosting company), You may stop displaying Ads, Links, Search Boxes, or Referral Buttons on any Property in the Program with or without cause at any time by removing the Google JavaScript or similar programming from Your Properties. You may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by sending written notice of your desire to cancel Your participation in the Program to This Agreement will be deemed terminated within ten (10) business days of Google's receipt of Your notice. Google may investigate any activity that may violate this Agreement. Google may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate all or part of the Program, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in all or part of the Program for any reason. In addition, Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on Ads or Referral Buttons or valid impressions of Ads (in each case as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more.
Think I will take down my AdSense, just in case, until I get more traffic!
Wow! I didn't realize they penalized you for not getting enough clicks. I thought they just sent you "cheap" ads!
7:40 am April 26, 2011
| Car Negotiation Coach
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| Member | posts 125 | 
@Moneycone- I wouldn't worry to much about removing adsense just because you're not getting any clicks. Yes, google has the option to shut down in their T&C's but unless you give them a reason to shut you down like some malicious pages, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have one mostly defunct site out there that's gotten 2 clicks over a 5 year period and google doesn't seem to care at all and just let's it continue to operate.
7:44 am April 30, 2011
| moneycone
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| Member | posts 617 | 
Car Negotiation Coach said:
@Moneycone- I wouldn't worry to much about removing adsense just because you're not getting any clicks. Yes, google has the option to shut down in their T&C's but unless you give them a reason to shut you down like some malicious pages, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have one mostly defunct site out there that's gotten 2 clicks over a 5 year period and google doesn't seem to care at all and just let's it continue to operate.
That probably wasn't addressed to me! Yep! Though their T&C says they may shutdown, I haven't heard that happening. Google is more concerned about fraudulent clicks than anything else.