Need some advice please on resolving an issue that cropped up yesterday with my site. I use the Elegant Themes Magnificent theme, which has what ET calls an optional "featured slider" at the top-center of the homepage. Yesterday I updated my Shareaholic plug-in to (and did a lot of other updates, including Wordpress 3.4). After I was done updating, I saw the featured slider doesn't work anymore. After playing around with turning off plug-ins one at a time, I learned that the slider works if I deactivate Shareaholic. So I'm assuming it's the culprit.
I've posted on the Elegant Themes/Magnificent support forum–no response. I've posted on the Shareaholic support forum–no response. I've sent a bug report to Shareaholic–no response.
I guess I'm going to have to disable the featured slider, as it looks a bit silly just spinning there. I sure don't want to abandon Shareaholic (especially since the udpate included some new features I like and am already using). But on the other hand, I like the slider, and is the issue between Magnificent and Shareaholic ever likely to be resolved? And who's responsibility–theoretically–is it to resolve this problem, the theme-maker or the plug-in maker?
Any words of wisdom appreciated.