User | Post |
7:37 am December 26, 2012
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
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| Member | posts 400 | 
I had the same feeling as you! I got the same email and was going to put it up, but decided not to since I feel like they only want the link juice.
3:31 pm December 26, 2012
| Marissa
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| Member | posts 385 | 
And here I thought I was the only one who won that award.
10:54 am December 27, 2012
| The Frugal Toad
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| Member | posts 587 | 
I too "won" the award and have not installed the badge. I checked it out ahead of time and determined it was a well thought out (kudos to them) link building campaign. I personally thought it was a well executed marketing plan however, have an issue with including sites that are outside the college niche.
9:34 pm December 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 | 
We got the same "award" as the rest of you guys and noticed that the list included about 80% of the PF community :-)
I think it is pretty brilliant on the eCollege side, and noticed that they have similar lists in just about every blogger genre.
And no.. We won't be putting up the badge on See Debt Run.
5:35 am December 28, 2012
| Money Reasons
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| Admin
| posts 697 | 
jonrhodesuk said:
Hi Pauline,
I have seen this before in the hypnotherapy niche. It is like a mutually beneficial thing. You get to show off that you have won a quality award and they get a link. This award could probably help your reputation, and might increase sales, signups etc. a little. If they do it right, then they should only give this "award" to sites that are of a high quality, not just to anyone.
It's up to you as to whether you think it is worth it for your blog. A blog like Problogger is never going to go with this in a million years, cos like you said it is taking up advertising space and for a huge blog it would be very costly. For a small blog that doesn't get much advertising dollars, it might be worth it for a while. However I would definitely remove it once I got bigger though.
Hi Pauline,
It seems like every year I get that email too. When I first started out I included it on my site, but you get receive no benefit from it's inclusion. In fact, the site receive PR benefit from your site because it links to their primary address and not the rankings page (or at least that's how it was when I did it).
What really gave it away though was when on the list the person's blog above mine wasn't even a live site anymore. Don't fall for it!
5:41 am December 28, 2012
| Money Reasons
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| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Lisa @ Thriftability said:
I also received the nomination and access to the badge. I did put the badge up on my site and will leave it up for a time, I think… as I haven't been nominated for anything up to now, and I am working to connect with readers outside the personal finance niche. At this time, I think I'm OK with having something to show for having a decent blog. It's like a status thing – and if others outside the PF niche perceive it as a bonus, then so be it.
While I don't have a huge student following, and I don't cover a lot in regard to student loans, etc. – I did write a post that touched on the topic… who knows, maybe the student population will "discover" my blog. ;)
I will likely take it down in a couple weeks.
A few years ago, I put the badge on my site because my site was PR0, and I thought the badge actually looked cool.
A few of my friends at the time include the badge, but instead of including the link back to their site, just left it as an <Img > reference. :)
Evan at actually wrote a great comment on this a while back, but alas I'm too lazy to look it up in the forum.
3:18 pm January 2, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
I got the same email and at first I was like "cool", but then I emailed them about the voting process and they said that they just pick out the winners. That seemed sketchy. I did put up the badge, but have since pulled it down. I wasn't thinking about it at first, but then realized they had just played me. My mind had been in other places at the moment.
6:20 pm January 2, 2013
| FrugalRules
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| Member | posts 161 | 
Wow, they just picked them? That really is nothing at all what they communicated originally, thanks for that info Grayson.