User | Post |
12:46 pm January 11, 2014
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
Last night, I finally got tired of scouring the internet for a good list of upcoming blog conferences..
All that I could find was a few outdated lists that were mommy-blogger focused.. But nothing current.
So.. I stayed up until 3 in the morning last night creating one:
Blog Conference HQ
If you are interested in possibly attending any upcoming conferences, please take a look.
If you know about any that I didn't include, email me: blogconferencehq @ gmail.
Also, if you wanted to a fellow Yakezie a solid and link to the site from your blog,
.. that would certainly be all kinds of awesomeness :-)
9:44 pm January 11, 2014
| brokeGIRLrich
| | |
| Member | posts 22 | 
Great list! What an awesome asset, thanks!
I know The SITS Girls do a few "bloggy boot camps" throughout the year. I think you can find info here: Their site seems to apply more to blogging in general than mom bloggers (although there are TONS of mom bloggers over there) and mostly appeals to women, but they do have some great info there.
2:29 pm January 13, 2014
| annielogue
| | |
| Member | posts 60 | 
Low Finance. High Finance: Spend less than you earn, get a return that beats inflation
The Root of All: @annielogue
Chicago on the Cheap: @chicagocheap
12:30 am January 14, 2014
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Hey Jefferson,
this is really helpful; thanks (in fact I probably ought to do one for the UK :)).
12:01 pm January 14, 2014
| Nick
| | |
| Member | posts 247 | 
Way to go, Jefferson! Very, very helpful.
1:00 pm January 14, 2014
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
Nice work, taking advantage of a really good idea you had. This looks helpful!
9:29 am January 15, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
Cool idea, and good idea for affiliate income. You missed Blog World Expo on that list. It is one of the biggest.
2:58 am January 16, 2014
| Kylie Ofiu
| | |
| Member | posts 65 | 
This is a great resource! I wished I lived in the USA so I could attend them. Australia doesn't do much. But I will be at FinCon14.
12:41 pm January 16, 2014
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Great idea! I'll be sure to promote it.
2:12 pm January 17, 2014
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
Wow, great resource, I didn't realize there were so many!
10:50 am January 18, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
maria@moneyprinciple said:
Hey Jefferson,
this is really helpful; thanks (in fact I probably ought to do one for the UK :)).
Oooo, do it Maria!! 
9:31 pm January 18, 2014
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
Thanks Eric,
I think Blog World Expo has been combined with NMX, which just passed a couple of weeks ago (and thus isnt on the list)
Eric – Narrow Bridge Finance said:
Cool idea, and good idea for affiliate income. You missed Blog World Expo on that list. It is one of the biggest.
6:30 am January 21, 2014
| Eve of Reduction
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
THanks for the great resource. I'll be sharing!
Cristin Frank
Founder of Eve of Reduction - Where Reducers are Producers - Reduction Rebels, let's save money by being clever, resourceful and creative. Before we open our wallets, we open our minds.
Author of Living Simple, Free & Happy: How to Simplify, Declutter Your Home, and Reduce Stress, Debt & Waste
Like us on Facebook and Pinterest
Twitter: @cristinfrank
5:16 pm January 22, 2014
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
You rock! Honestly, thanks for doing this. I will give it some social love!