I swear I didn't forget about the swap, I just may have forgotten what day it is today. :)
SO this week there is a Yakezie Blog Swap scheduled. The topic is the Best Money Advice You Ever Gave. It's an excellent opportunity for anecdotes, tips, and promotion if you happen to know of a product that works with the advice. For those who are unfamiliar, a blog swap is where you write a post, but instead of putting it on your website you trade it with another writer and post each other's articles on your own blogs. It's designed to expose each blog's readers to a fellow Yakezie writer and blogger.
Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtkV3jUA99VvdDFnQWRxeVJnWmxsazdXVHVRczdEelE&authkey=CJDy7ZQG&authkey=CJDy7ZQG#gid=24
The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 26, 2012. I will give you your swap partners on Thursday Morning (September 27, 2012) and posts should go live on Friday, September 28th.
Thank you!