So here's a new situation I've found myself in and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
Over the last few months, I've been getting random voicemails saying I applied for affiliate programs and that they needed more information. I never bothered returning these, since I had not applied.
This week, I received the same inquiry in the form of an email, and decided to write back for more information.
Apparently, someone has cloned my domain name ( as their own ( – note the letter difference) and redirected the latter to the former to cover it up. They set up a bogus email at their own domain name and started signing up for all kinds of affiliate programs with their own Tax ID.
I have what I think is this person's IP address.
So a few questions/comments:
- I've contacted the host to take down this fraudulent website.
- I've contacted the company whose IP originated the requests to notify them one of their employees is up to no good.
- I'm guessing once whoever this is gets an account, they change the address and information to their own–but should I be worried? What good is an affiliate account for someone if it's based on MY website? I don't get what they're after.
- Has anyone else experienced this?
- Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks guys!