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9:55 am May 30, 2012
| MissThrifty
| | UK | |
| Member | posts 46 |
Apparently this is my first login since December 2011 – GLURK. So where have I been? Well, January 3rd I had a baby… and since then, everything's been a whirl.
Now that I'm back at work, the days are even more hectic. I have started to find myself writing late at night, if I can stay awake, when the house is quiet. Either that or at weekends, when I am at home and the baby is napping.
So I'd love to hear any tips from Yakezie members or challengers who have found themselves in a similar position: just how, in the middle of this juggling act, do you find the time to blog?
P.S. It's nice to be back!
12:56 pm May 30, 2012
| Lena Gott
| | United States | |
| Member | posts 252 |
I just had my third a few weeks ago (my older ones are 4.5 and 2), and I have one word for you…babysitter! Getting a competent babysitter to watch my older kids while I work and tend to the little one is the only way I can get any solid work done. For now, I'm also hooking up the laptop beside me while nursing (don't laugh!). I'm embarrassed to say I also sometimes eat at the computer so I can do more than one thing at once!
Once my little one gets a bit older, I will leave him with the sitter as well (I have one come over to the house to preoccupy the kids while I work). But, until then, my blogs will likely be neglected a bit as I learn to balance three kids and sanity.
2:46 pm May 30, 2012
| JP Money Blogger
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| Member | posts 130 |
Welcome back! I actually started blogging when my first was a newborn. I wrote posts, in the middle of the night when she woke up, while holding her in one arm.
Once my daughter could sleep I started writing very early in the morning. I don't know how anyone could do much more than that.
3:48 pm May 30, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
Congrats on the baby. Try writing a bunch and building up a queue with them up when you finally find the time and feel inspired.
4:02 pm May 30, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 |
I write at night after baby has gone to bed. He is 15 months old now and he is sleeping much better through the night. Hang in there, it will get better. I need to get a babysitter too.
4:07 pm May 30, 2012
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 |
congrats on the baby!
I'm blogging very early or very late (basically when the family is sleeping). I'm running my blogs with 3 kids (7yr, 5yr and 4 months!). it's keeps you busy :-D
7:39 pm May 30, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 |
Congrats on the baby, too! I'm with Mike on this one, have a 4, 2.5 and 1 year old and in the process of adopting a 4th. Has that for running 4 blogs and and my own financial planning practice. :)
Luckily, I can blog a good portion during the day when I'm not meeting clients and other service issues. Other than that, it's all late at night; usually from 9pm to midnight or later. Right now all our kids are on good sleep schedules, and 5 hours a sleep is all I need to function. :)
Plus, I swear by my Transcription Service. Saves me tons of time! Check out my post on how I increase productivity by 7000%!
9:14 pm May 30, 2012
| Lena Gott
| | United States | |
| Member | posts 252 |
Oh, yes, I agree with Jeff. I don't use a transcription service, per se, but I actually use Siri for this! You can dictate a rather lengthy note, then Siri will transcribe it, and you have the ability to email it to yourself. Then, I just copy and paste and correct any spelling errors. Not the best option, but works when you are out and about or just don't have an arm to spare. ;)
5:54 am May 31, 2012
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
I've got 3 myself. Like Hank said, try batching your writing. Do what you can in the little time you have. And like Mike I end up trying to wake up early or staying up late to get what I can done. Strange thing about getting up early though, seems no matter how early I'm up one of the kids senses it and gets up too.
Nap time is always a tough call with a new baby – do you try to catch a few winks yourself or do something productive?
Also, you should be finding yourself developing into a pattern/schedule with the little one. See where you can find time at the same time every day where you can work.
I don't have a transcription service but carrying a pen and small notebook helps too.
11:32 am May 31, 2012
| moneysmarts
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| Member | posts 240 | |
I only have the one kid right now – a little 2 year old – but I do similar things. I write late at night or early in the morning. Plus my job is flexible so i can write during lunch breaks or while others are having "smoke breaks". You just get into a rhythm where you're able to find times to get things done if you want to. Of course I don't have many other hobbies besides blogging. :)
12:56 pm May 31, 2012
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 |
Congrats on the new baby!
My wife and I both write on our site, and that certainly helps.
One of us can entertain the baby, while the other writes.
Of course, it doesn't help much that our baby never sleeps (seriously).
We also have 2 older boys to juggle and drive around to activities.
1:46 pm May 31, 2012
| Lena Gott
| | United States | |
| Member | posts 252 |
I just thought of another tactic. It's almost impossible complete a post in a single sitting, since you never know when you'll have to tend to the baby. **LOL -I just changed a diaper after that first sentence.**
So what I do is try to finish one task in each sitting. It might take me one session to do keyword research, three separate work sessions of varying lengths to write the post, then another session to find accompanying photos. Then I choose a time when I think I'll have about 2 hours of uninterrupted work time to pull it all together and publish the post. Then I market it the next day.
Takes a lot of focus to get two posts done per week this way, but otherwise I'd get zilch posted during the week and feel way behind next week. This is what I do when my babysitters aren't available.