User | Post |
12:02 pm August 4, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Back on 4/25, I joined the Yakezie challenge with an Alexa ranking over 4,000,000. Thanks to the incredible support of this community, it's just broken 100,000 (currently sitting at 97,692)! It's not everyday you find a community willing to collaborate, push and help each other as much as this one. So many of you have answered questions, let me guest post, given suggestions, and of course visited, commented and shared. I still have a couple more months to go before officially completing the challenge, but it's been a blast so far. Thanks so much to all of you for helping me learn the ropes. If there's ever anything I can do to repay the favor, just let me know.
4:11 pm August 4, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Congrats on the progress! Way to go!
5:03 pm August 4, 2013
| FrugalRules
| | |
| Member | posts 161 | 
Congrats Matt! Keep up the great work!
5:45 pm August 4, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Nice work Matt. What an achievement. Keep bringing it down!
9:04 am August 5, 2013
| WellKeptWallet
| | |
| Member | posts 207 | 
That is fantastic Matt! Congrats!
10:48 am August 5, 2013
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
| | |
| Member | posts 400 | 
1:20 pm August 5, 2013
| moneyandpotatoes(thepotatohead)
| | PA | |
| Member | posts 51 | 
That's awesome Matt, way to go!
5:31 am August 6, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
8:29 am August 6, 2013
| Mr. Utopia
| | |
| Member | posts 55 | 
That's some absolutely sweet progress, Matt! For those of us not quite ascending as quickly as you've been – what do you attribute most to the success (aside from the fantastic support you've received from Yakezie)?
10:08 am August 6, 2013
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
This is exceptionally inspirational. I'm going to keep these timelines and goals in mind and keep at it!
11:46 am August 6, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Post edited 11:47 am – August 6, 2013 by Matt – Mom and Dad Money
Mr. Utopia said:
That's some absolutely sweet progress, Matt! For those of us not quite ascending as quickly as you've been – what do you attribute most to the success (aside from the fantastic support you've received from Yakezie)?
Thanks Utopia. I can't say for sure what's been the biggest driver. I think it pretty much comes down to the kinds of things everyone has already said many times:
1. Write regular, passionate content. I'm not the best writer nor the most knowledgeable, but I genuinely care about each topic I've addressed. I've also maintained a M-W-F posting schedule without interruption for several months.
2. Comment on other blogs and share other blogger's work. I know that when someone else comments on my blog or shares something I've done, it makes me feel good and makes me want to do the same for them. It only makes sense to initiate this cycle as a new blogger.
3. Don't be afraid to reach out to other bloggers directly and ask for help. A few people have been willing to answer a ton of questions for me, namely Holly from Club Thrifty, Pauline from RFI and Make Money Your Way, MMD from My Money Design, Joe from Stacking Benjamins and Thomas from Your Daily Finance. I've had plenty of other people respond with direct emails based on inquiries from here as well. Making those connections beyond the comments section is not only a great way to learn, but also a great way to make it more likely that your work gets shared.
4. When an opportunity comes up, say yes. I haven't been great about actively seeking out guest posts (it's one of my goals to be more proactive with this), but when one has been offered I've said yes every time.
I will say that while I'm certainly happy with my Alexa ranking, I don't think it's the primary indicator of "success". I think there are people with far lower Alexa rankings who get much more actual traffic than I do. Driving more non-blogger traffic to my site is a frontier I'm working on conquering, and there are many other things I still want to improve dramatically, such as my social outreach and such. Still a long way to go, but it's definitely fun to hit these milestones.
If there are any more specific questions you have, I'd be happy to answer them here or you can email me directly.
1:26 pm August 6, 2013
| Club Thrifty
| | |
| Member | posts 251 | 
Awesome, Matt! You're obviously doing everything right from what I can tell!
10:05 pm August 6, 2013
| .
| | Los Angeles, CA. | |
| Member | posts 43 | |
That's great, congrats on the progress.
10:06 pm August 6, 2013
| .
| | Los Angeles, CA. | |
| Member | posts 43 | |
That's great, congrats on the progress.
10:29 pm August 6, 2013
| AverageJoe
| | |
| Member | posts 259 | 
Hey, Matt! I was still on vacation when you posted this, but belated congrats. You certainly deserve the success.
I'll agree with your assessment on your success. You spend lots of time commenting on other blogs (you seem to be everywhere). You write thoughtful posts from the heart that people want to read (not just some SEO'd junk). I enjoy going to your blog and seeing what's going on with the expanding family. Nice work, dude!
9:41 am August 7, 2013
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
3:59 pm August 7, 2013
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
Well done Matt, you rock! I am slowly catching up at 150K :)
You're right that it is not very accurate when you have a heavy proportion of blogger traffic but still nice to keep motivated!
2:13 pm August 9, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
Dang Matt, you are rocking it. Kind of jealous!