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2:52 pm February 29, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Post edited 2:52 pm – February 29, 2012 by Money Reasons
Trumpet Sounds…
Announcing the “Carnival of MoneyPros“!
A Carnival is a great way of giving back to the pf community, while helping your own blog at the same time! "Carnival of MoneyPros" is a carnival about all aspect of money and financially related topics.
We are looking for hosts, so if you are interested, please click this link: Hosting Carnival of MoneyPros
The rules are simple:
- Submit articles that are no older than 2 or 3 weeks old.
- Provide link backs to the hosting site.
- Keep the articles within the PF realm.
- Socialize, comment, etc…
- Carnivals will go live on Sundays, every week.
If you are interesting in submitting an article for this coming weeks carnival, click on this link:
Submit to Carnival of MoneyPros
A blogger carnival (both hosting and submitting to) is a great way to build up links fast, and improve search engine traffic.
Thanks and email me if you have any problems with the form. Or email me the slot in the schedule that you are interested in hosting.
Like the Yakezie Carnival, I'll be using the same logic to make the links available in on html chuck, so the formerly arduous task of collecting the links over hours, not takes less than 5 minutes. I'll be sending the html chuck the day before the carnival starts, via email.
If you have any questions, email me "MoneyReasons (at) gmail <dot goes here> com.
Thanks and hope you signup or submit!
3:54 pm February 29, 2012
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Thanks! I signed up to host!
5:49 pm February 29, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Are there any limitations to being a host (aside from being a PF blog)? I'm interested, but I may not have the kind of traffic you're looking for. I'm currently at ~650 visitors/month.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
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5:55 pm February 29, 2012
| Money Reasons
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| Admin
| posts 697 | 
The College Investor said:
Thanks! I signed up to host!
Thanks Robert! It's greatly appreciated :)
6:12 pm February 29, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Edward Antrobus said:
Are there any limitations to being a host (aside from being a PF blog)? I'm interested, but I may not have the kind of traffic you're looking for. I'm currently at ~650 visitors/month.
The irony of carnivals (IMHO) is provide quite a kick for new bloggers, for slightly more established bloggers, the traffic is hardly noticeable. I remember when I first hosted a Yakezie carnival, I got 64 visitors that day (my average number of daily visitors was 25 to 30 at that time) and I was elated (to the point of wanting to do a back flip which I haven't done since my college days with a bit too much to drink).
So your size is fine, and perhaps you get a kick out of the traffic you receive, not to mention the SEO benefits that come along with hosting such a carnival. So go ahead and sign up to host the Carnival of MoneyPros, and I would even suggest signing up for the Yakezie Carnival too! Unlike the old days, both are very simple to host with most of the time spent on the creative portion of the carnival instead of article collecting.
So go ahead and sign up. Unrelated to your signing up, I think I will add a requirement of having host bloggers having a blog that has been in existence for at least 6 months, and that they post at least 3 times a week….
6:38 pm February 29, 2012
| TheDebtPrincess
| | Ohio | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
I tried to add myself but it said "view only"
Are you blocking me? ;)
6:52 pm February 29, 2012
| TheDebtPrincess
| | Ohio | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
TheDebtPrincess said:
I tried to add myself but it said "view only"
Are you blocking me? ;)
I'm an idiot. I'm supposed to email you the date. Yea I'll do it the correct way now. :)
6:20 am March 1, 2012
| Frugal Confessions
| | Houston, TX | |
| Member
| posts 1622 | 
Congratulations Don! I am a bit burned out from hosting the Best of Money a few weeks ago (I read through 91 SUBMISSIONS!!!!), but will think about a future date.
5:06 am March 2, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Don, you should consider getting your carnival listed with
A lot of people, like myself, have problems submitting to Blog Carnival.
5:38 am March 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
TheDebtPrincess said:
I tried to add myself but it said "view only"
Are you blocking me? ;)
I would never block the only other Ohioan I know in the Yakezie :)
5:40 am March 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
TheDebtPrincess said:
TheDebtPrincess said:
I tried to add myself but it said "view only"
Are you blocking me? ;)
I'm an idiot. I'm supposed to email you the date. Yea I'll do it the correct way now. :)
Good deal, thanks for signing up 
5:49 am March 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Frugal Confessions said:
Congratulations Don! I am a bit burned out from hosting the Best of Money a few weeks ago (I read through 91 SUBMISSIONS!!!!), but will think about a future date.
Hi Amanda, I know EXACTLY what you mean! The Best of Money (for those of you know don't know, this is the one where you pick the top 10 posts) can be very draining I would imagine! I'm borderline terrified to host it because I realize the total drain it would be on my energy levels…
Hopefully, once your energy reserves get back up you'll consider hosting it.
Like the Yakezie, the submitter link creation portion will already be in one complete html chuck to copy and paste. The html chunk will be sent via email, so no more messing with the spreadsheet either. It would take about a minute or two to get the submitter links into your site. A huge benefit in my opinion.
Whenever you are ready to host, please feel free. Perhaps the scheduling module that I'm working on will be built by then too…
Have a great weekend,
6:07 am March 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Glen Craig – Free From Broke said:
Don, you should consider getting your carnival listed with
A lot of people, like myself, have problems submitting to Blog Carnival.
Hi Glen,
Thanks for the suggesting, while I'm not going through, I have thought about going through as an alternative path for submissions too. In fact, I emailed Tom yesterday with some of my ideas and thoughts. Perhaps it will be on that site too, but so far (and a bit surprisingly), I'm getting a ton of submits already. I'm a little shallow on hosts though as I only have two months worth in queue so far… If you'd like to host a session, we would love to have you do so! 
Like you, I'm a big fan of carnivals as it benefits the entire pf community. For those reading this article, Glen created the first Yakezie spreadsheet to house the submissions. It was a huge step forward from the manual way of going to each site and getting the links (it took hours to do so versus the 1 or 2 minutes it takes today).
I'm having a lot of fun with this process as it allows me to flex my programming muscles a bit. It's one way that I can "selfishly help others", since my social skills are still slowly growing (someday I hope to be an avid twitter user, perhaps a smart device would help me become one).
In fact those carnival owners out there deserve a big hand, because they really don't profit off of it and they put a lot of behind the scenes work in keeping it running smoothly. My goal is to automate some of these elements and reduce the requirements of carnival owners and carnival hosts.
I really get a kick out of win-wins… I wonder if I can make it a win-win-win scenario, it's more rare and harder to accomplish, but entirely possible.
7:01 am March 2, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Awesome carnival idea! I would like to host as well. I will email you.
9:05 am March 2, 2012
| Money Reasons
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| Admin
| posts 697 | 
LaTisha @YoungAdultFinances said:
Awesome carnival idea! I would like to host as well. I will email you.
Thanks LaTisha,
We appreciate you signing up! 