Khaleef @ KNS Financial said:
Yes, it's definitely an empire, because they are 5 solid, established sites! It's not like you have a bunch of domains with nothing on them.
There were a few sites that went up for sale this month, which caught my interest. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to devote to them right now.
I'm really happy that you and Jesse work so well together. Finding a partner for something like this can be pretty tough!
Jesse and I got lucky finding each other. He and I seem to operate similarly and communicate well. Plus, I had cash and no time, but he had time and didn't want to invest big hunks of change right off the bat. I may be out of line to speak for both of us, but it really did end up being a lucky match. And it really, really helps that we both want the same thing of the sites – long term projects that make money and grow.