User | Post |
10:42 am June 27, 2011
| Beating The Index
| | Montreal, Canada | |
| Member | posts 180 | 
I jumped from PR1 ro PR4 Woohoow!
Even my niche site went from PR0 to PR2, YES!
10:42 am June 27, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Happy dance!!!
0 to 3!!! yee haw!  
10:43 am June 27, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 | 
Wow, very nice… site is up to PR4!
10:49 am June 27, 2011
| JT_McGee
| | |
| Member | posts 723 | 
BeatingBroke said:
Ok, so maybe this is a silly question, but I can't find a solid answer anywhere. BB used to be a PR2, but it dropped to a 0. If this is another PR update, it will be the second one where BB has remained at a PR0. I've got a mozrank of over 5, so I'm fairly certain that I should have a PR of greater than 0. Obviously, I've gotten on the bad side of google. Is there a way to find out why? Or to get them to pull me off the blacklist?
Wait at least 48 hours before going crazy over it.
I used this tool: http://www.searchenginegenie.c…..-tool.html to check your Pagerank on a bunch of different datacenters, and they all say zero, unfortunately. So it's likely that it isn't a datacenter reporting issue, but there's no way to be sure.
The first thing I would do if I were you would be to check out any links you have going to any site that aren't related to personal finance. Post bodies being the first place to check, and then check your comments section for any spammy comments from promoters.
Make secular as many datapoints as you can. One thing that may "spook" Google is that Yakezie linking box at the bottom of each of your posts. Is anyone else using that right now? Did they go to zero?
11:04 am June 27, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
JT_McGee said:
Wait at least 48 hours before going crazy over it.
Agreed. I'm conducting some searches on keywords that had placed page1 when I search and they're no where to be found. Wait and see how this all plays out.
11:05 am June 27, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
JT_McGee said:
BeatingBroke said:
Ok, so maybe this is a silly question, but I can't find a solid answer anywhere. BB used to be a PR2, but it dropped to a 0. If this is another PR update, it will be the second one where BB has remained at a PR0. I've got a mozrank of over 5, so I'm fairly certain that I should have a PR of greater than 0. Obviously, I've gotten on the bad side of google. Is there a way to find out why? Or to get them to pull me off the blacklist?
Wait at least 48 hours before going crazy over it.
I used this tool: http://www.searchenginegenie.c…..-tool.html to check your Pagerank on a bunch of different datacenters, and they all say zero, unfortunately. So it's likely that it isn't a datacenter reporting issue, but there's no way to be sure.
The first thing I would do if I were you would be to check out any links you have going to any site that aren't related to personal finance. Post bodies being the first place to check, and then check your comments section for any spammy comments from promoters.
Make secular as many datapoints as you can. One thing that may "spook" Google is that Yakezie linking box at the bottom of each of your posts. Is anyone else using that right now? Did they go to zero?
Thanks for the SEO tool, it's really helpful since it checks multiple datacenters. I have that same Yakezie box under my posts as well. Why do you think Google would have a problem with it? To me, it's similar to the "related posts" plugin that a number of us use. Do you think there is an issue with those types of links?
11:10 am June 27, 2011
| Beating The Index
| | Montreal, Canada | |
| Member | posts 180 | 
Thanks for the tool JT, I got 4s returned from all the data centers!
11:50 am June 27, 2011
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
My blog went up from PR2 to P3. Works for me!
I do have to tell everyone that PR is a weird thing. Mine was PR2 in the last big update (last year?), and stayed that way for a while. Until going to PR0 a few months ago. Then, 2 weeks later back up to PR2. Then, 2 weeks later back down to PR0. Then, another 2 weeks later, back up to PR2.
That's where it seemed to settle at for a while…until this update it went up to PR3.
Anyway, congrats to those who also got increases, and sympathies to those who saw a drop. Regardless, keep in mind that PR can be fickle and it's not the end all be all anyway. I'm not going to get too excitied about it, and recommend that you don't focus too much on it either. But that being said, if yours increased you might as well leverage it to the max when working with advertisers!
11:52 am June 27, 2011
| dmateer25
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| Member | posts 136 | |
Money In The 20s moved up to a 2. I'm happy with that since I haven't been around too long!
12:02 pm June 27, 2011
| FamilyMoneyValues
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| Member | posts 812 | 
Family Money Values went from 0 to 3 – hope it stays!!
12:16 pm June 27, 2011
| Derek@LifeAndMyFinances
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| Member
| posts 1298 | 
YAY!!! I went from a PR0 to a PR3!!! Awesome!!! :)
1:54 pm June 27, 2011
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 | 
I'm just happy that the site that lost PR wasn't one I was counting on for anything important. It would have been nice to have LRN go up to 4, but at least half a dozen individual pages have jumped to PR3, too. Beats losing rank.
2:03 pm June 27, 2011
| Dana
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| Member | posts 633 | |
Not Made of Money went back to a 5 so I'm happy with that.
2:53 pm June 27, 2011
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
| | |
| Member | posts 908 | 
Even my challenger blog, Dining Out Challenge, went to a 2 from a 0. Like that!
3:24 pm June 27, 2011
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 | 
Congratulations everyone! I didn't change (but that's better than going the wrong way).
3:24 pm June 27, 2011
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
Now here's the thing…If Google is handing out PR rankings like candy at Christmas, will this degrade value? A site that I built and webmaster for a client is at PR5 now and it's only been live since December. Granted, he gets tons of traffic. Anyway, just working it out in my mind.
3:33 pm June 27, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Sandy @ yesiamcheap said:
Now here's the thing…If Google is handing out PR rankings like candy at Christmas, will this degrade value? A site that I built and webmaster for a client is at PR5 now and it's only been live since December. Granted, he gets tons of traffic. Anyway, just working it out in my mind.
I think it's better than being in PR0 purgatory… 
If he gets tons of traffic, then maybe he really deserve the PR5? As long as the PR reflect real traffic and links, then everyone should get a value. Even 1 would be better than PR0.
I checked Yes, I am cheap and I see PR4, not 3 like you said earlier.
3:34 pm June 27, 2011
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
@Sandy – mozRank and PR usually mirror each other pretty closely from what I can tell +/- 1. To me it seems Google is giving out PR yes, but many sites on Yakezie, IMO, should have PR due to some of the strategies employed by the group (post swaps, round ups, carnivals).
4:06 pm June 27, 2011
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
Absolutely active Yakezie people deserve their PR's. I'm just looking out beyond the Yakezie. My Tenant niche blog which I began in December has a PR of 2 now and I know that I don't have a bunch of links going to it except from me and a few people here that send in their stories as well.
Anyway, if you have ongoing ads that are coming up for renewal, it's time to revisit prices everyone!
4:09 pm June 27, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Thanks Sandy. I just checked mine and I moved to a 4. I am surprised.