User | Post |
9:43 am July 14, 2013
| Common Cents Wealth
| | Minneapolis, MN | |
| Member | posts 4 | 
Hey everyone, I've decided to join the Yakezie challenge!
I started my blog about 6 months ago and I finally feel like I'm up for the challenge of trying to join the Yakezie network. I wanted to join a few months ago, but I didn't think I was quite ready. I'm ready for it now. My blog is currently ranked 374,421, so my goal is to get under 200,000 by January 14th of 2014. My blog post will show up tomorrow morning officially stating that I'm joing the challenge.
A little background of myself. I'm a Minnesota boy through and through, born and raised in the land of 10,000 lakes. I'm in my mid 20's and love everything about personal finance. My goal is to possibly become a certified financial planner in the future to help others manage their own finances.
I already know some blogs in the Yakezie network or challenge, but I look forward to meeting many more!
10:56 am July 14, 2013
| Tortoise Banker
| | |
| Member | posts 35 | 
That's great! Welcome, I used to live in Minneapolis… great city! I think you'll find a great support group here, and I'm sure most are also PF enthusiasts! Checked out your site… looking Good!
2:47 pm July 14, 2013
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Looks like a Minnesota reunion here! I lived in Minneapolis 1991-1996, then got married and moved to suburbia (Roseville) 1996-2009. I do miss the Minnesota culture (but not snow shoveling!).
Anyway, welcome to Yakezie, and please post a link to your blog to make it easier (I'm lazy) for all of us to check you out!
Best wishes.
4:53 pm July 14, 2013
| moneyandpotatoes(thepotatohead)
| | PA | |
| Member | posts 51 | 
Welcome to the challenge Jake!
5:05 pm July 14, 2013
| Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
| | Indianapolis, Indiana | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Welcome to the challenge and to yakezie! Best wishes!
7:40 pm July 14, 2013
| debtroundup
| | Raleigh | |
| Member | posts 190 | 
Welcome to the challenge Jake. You should be able to reach that point by then. Good luck!
2:51 am July 15, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Welcome! As long as you comment around and make connections, breaking 200k will be the easy part.
4:06 am July 15, 2013
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
That's a terrific start – inspiring!
Welcome to the challenge and good luck.
What's your site's address, btw?
7:37 am July 15, 2013
| Common Cents Wealth
| | Minneapolis, MN | |
| Member | posts 4 | 
Sorry all, here is my site address.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'm definitely excited!
4:15 pm July 15, 2013
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Welcome to the challenge, Jake!