User | Post |
7:40 am May 16, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Hey everyone,
My site, has been up since November of last year. The problem that I'm having is I'm not getting much traffic. Any tips that you can give to increase traffic would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind, my 30 to 50 visitors a day don't generate much money so, I don't have much to hire anyone or pay for expensive tools. That being said, here is what I've done so far…
I post on my blog at least twice a week.
I guest post at least once or twice a day.
I use Google+ and Facebook a lot, slowly building my Twitter account.
I give back to those who allow me to post or help in other ways.
Anything I'm missing here that will lead to traffic? I'd really appreciate your insight!
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
7:43 am May 16, 2013
| saverocity
| | |
| Member | posts 88 | 
Do you use Yoast? You need to build interest two ways:
1. SEO for new readers to find you.
2. Building and Distributing Content through your existing readers.
Do you comment and backlink from other sites?
Let me know about you level of knowledge and focus on these areas and we can take it from there.
3:41 pm May 16, 2013
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
The fact that you guest post once or twice a day is impressive. Since you can write them so quickly, I would challenge you to spend more time writing "whale" posts for blogs that are receiving lots of traffic. If you write a quality post on a quality blog, you will receive more than 50 visits/day while it's visible.
I would also recommending reading as many other blogs as you can. If you can add some value or personal experiences in the comments, do so. Most bloggers will be curious who is leaving the comment and reciprocate.
3:57 pm May 16, 2013
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
If probably switch that. Write daily for your own site and guest post twice per week. That will give your site more content to index and give google more things to potentially rank for.
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4:38 pm May 16, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
saverocity said:
Do you use Yoast? You need to build interest two ways:
1. SEO for new readers to find you.
2. Building and Distributing Content through your existing readers.
Do you comment and backlink from other sites?
Let me know about you level of knowledge and focus on these areas and we can take it from there.
I absolutely love Yoast!!! as far as building and distributing content through my readers, I am writing a lot of content. As far as content distribution, I'm working on putting together an RSS campaign as my subscriber list is growing. Currently working with Mial Chip. As far as commenting, I do when I have time but, I haven't done a lot of it. Should I make more time for that?
Kindest regards,
Joshua Rodriguez
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
6:33 pm May 16, 2013
| saverocity
| | |
| Member | posts 88 | 
Why is 56% of your readership in India?
4:49 pm May 17, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Funancials said:
The fact that you guest post once or twice a day is impressive. Since you can write them so quickly, I would challenge you to spend more time writing "whale" posts for blogs that are receiving lots of traffic. If you write a quality post on a quality blog, you will receive more than 50 visits/day while it's visible.
I would also recommending reading as many other blogs as you can. If you can add some value or personal experiences in the comments, do so. Most bloggers will be curious who is leaving the comment and reciprocate.
Hi Funancials,
I've done a bit of commenting but not enough. I guess I'll get to that. Can you recommend any quality blogs to guest post for?
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
4:50 pm May 17, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Edward Antrobus said:
If probably switch that. Write daily for your own site and guest post twice per week. That will give your site more content to index and give google more things to potentially rank for.
Hi Edward,
I try to make sure my site has a post every day. My writing twice per week gives me time to publish interviews, guest posts and, sponsored posts.
Kindest regards,
Joshua Rodriguez
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
4:51 pm May 17, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
saverocity said:
Why is 56% of your readership in India?
Hey Saverocity,
56% isn't in India, it's more like 8% but for some reason Alexa is reporting it wrong. Analytics tracks demographics great though!
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
11:42 am May 18, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
When I started out I went through 30 days to a better blog…..-workbook/ to get me started with strategies. I hate to say it, but for most, you need to practice the blogging strategies day in and day out for a long time.
Good luck, blogging first and foremost is a labor of love.
12:40 pm May 19, 2013
| Funancials
| | |
| Member | posts 345 | 
Joshua L Rodriguez said:
Funancials said:
The fact that you guest post once or twice a day is impressive. Since you can write them so quickly, I would challenge you to spend more time writing "whale" posts for blogs that are receiving lots of traffic. If you write a quality post on a quality blog, you will receive more than 50 visits/day while it's visible.
I would also recommending reading as many other blogs as you can. If you can add some value or personal experiences in the comments, do so. Most bloggers will be curious who is leaving the comment and reciprocate.
Hi Funancials,
I've done a bit of commenting but not enough. I guess I'll get to that. Can you recommend any quality blogs to guest post for?
I cannot recommend any specific blogs to guest post on because I do not know each blog's guest posting policy. I would, obviously, target the sites that are getting the most traffic. If someone has an Alexa of less than 100k, they're probably receiving a good amount of traffic. To bring this conversation full circle, though, a blogger is much more likely to accept a guest post from a "usual reader" rather than a random visitor.