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6:16 pm January 12, 2011
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Hey guys,
I think I know where TFB stands, but what about everyone else? Would you expand on your one site or break out niche sites? 
6:52 pm January 12, 2011
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Both of course…as soon as I can find another few hours in a day…
7:19 pm January 12, 2011
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| posts 1012 | 
Are you happy with your site? Is it has good as you think you can make it?Learn all you need to? making as much money as you want?
If yes…..
Then I would decide if you are looking to start niche sites (i.e. not a lot of content mainly there to get some adsense revenues) OR are you looking for another creative outlet?
If No….
Why are you branching out already?
8:09 pm January 12, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
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| Member
| posts 1682 | 
I like multiple niche sets. I try to stay focused on one basic idea on all of my blogs.
8:33 pm January 12, 2011
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Actually might be biting off more than I can chew. Just inspired by everyone branching out. 
Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:
Both of course…as soon as I can find another few hours in a day…
8:34 pm January 12, 2011
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
I have my main site: TheCollegeInvestor, which is my passion and I love to write and update.
I have recently started a keyword niche site to see how it goes: I'm trying to set and forget, and just generate passive income from it.
8:35 pm January 12, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Like I said earlier, I think I am biting off more than I can chew. My site just started and have so much to work on still. Just wanted to ride the momentum, but I may be spreading myself too thin. Thanks for the gut check. 
MyJourneytoMillions said:
Are you happy with your site? Is it has good as you think you can make it?Learn all you need to? making as much money as you want?
If yes…..
Then I would decide if you are looking to start niche sites (i.e. not a lot of content mainly there to get some adsense revenues) OR are you looking for another creative outlet?
If No….
Why are you branching out already?
8:35 pm January 12, 2011
| financialstudent
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| Member | posts 86 | 
Whenever I hear about "niche sites" I always kind of roll my eyes. Typically, these are just quick set-it-and-forget type sites whose ONLY goal is to get Adsense revenue. I'm not a huge fan of that.
However, I realize that niche site can mean different things. TFB isn't spammy and obviously has quite a few blogs with good content.
At this point, I'm more interested in growing my existing blog and expanding (at some point). I'd rather build one great community before I venture into another one.
8:36 pm January 12, 2011
| Buck Inspire
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| Member
| posts 1546 | 
Cool, thanks for sharing, please keep us posted of how that works out for you. 
The College Investor said:
I have my main site: TheCollegeInvestor, which is my passion and I love to write and update.
I have recently started a keyword niche site to see how it goes: I'm trying to set and forget, and just generate passive income from it.
4:25 am January 13, 2011
| moneycone
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| Member | posts 617 | 
My interests are too diverse to have a single site! Multiple niche sites all the way.
5:12 am January 13, 2011
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
financialstudent said:
Whenever I hear about "niche sites" I always kind of roll my eyes. Typically, these are just quick set-it-and-forget type sites whose ONLY goal is to get Adsense revenue. I'm not a huge fan of that.
However, I realize that niche site can mean different things. TFB isn't spammy and obviously has quite a few blogs with good content.
At this point, I'm more interested in growing my existing blog and expanding (at some point). I'd rather build one great community before I venture into another one.
TFB has spent a number of years blogging and paying (decent sums) to acquire blogs which continue to produce good content. Think he has a different capacity than many of us to do his branching (even further) out at this point given great revenue, more than one person working on this empire ;) and quite the following across his blogs (tho, I count as "1" for 3 of those blogs hehe – subscribe to a lot of them as they are relevant to my PF).
7:24 am January 13, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
I am in the process of starting another site and I just talked my wife into starting 2. One of her sites will be a "niche" site, but it will be a much-needed resource!
I may look into doing this myself in the future, but I have too much going on right now to do it correctly.
As a reader, I don't mind when a site has multiple interests, as long as everything is organized well.
8:57 am January 13, 2011
| TightFistedMiser
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| Member | posts 361 | 
I suppose I would have to vote for multiple sites. Tight Fisted Miser is my main site but I have a couple other blogs that actually make me more money. Only one of my sites right now is what I would consider a niche site but I do plan on making more of these. Three blogs is about my max so any new sites need to require less upkeep.
8:09 am January 15, 2011
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
Trying to strike a balance with a couple of medium-large sites myself and a few side niche sites.
3:14 pm January 15, 2011
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
i like the idea of diversification, with anything in life except for your wife/or husband i guess.
multiple sites also highlight inherent winners and therefore an opportunity to focus on what is inherently profitable to begin with. once you are happy with the spread, you can go back and patch each one up a little bit over time, or simultaneously given the time and capacity you have available. when focusing on just one, you are risking missing out on a bigger opportunity
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
5:50 am January 16, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
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| Member | posts 429 | 
Buck Inspire said:
Hey guys,
I think I know where TFB stands, but what about everyone else? Would you expand on your one site or break out niche sites? 
I'm surprised to be mentioned in niche websites ;-) Let me explain my strategy:
#1 I started with one blog : The Financial Blogger. It was growing steadily and then, we decided to buy another blog in order to avoid the first 6 months of hard work. This is how we ended with Intelligent Speculator.
#2 When we bought Intelligent Speculator, it had about 3000 to 4,000 visits/months. We are now at 22,000. This wasn't a niche site; it was just another blog.
#3 Then we bought Gather Little By Little (which we sold 9 months later because we had a good offer on it).
#4 in 2010 we expended with Green Panda Treehouse, The Dividend Guy Blog and Do Not Wait. They are all blogs a no niche sites.
#5 The reason why we got all those blogs is because we wanted diversification and we wanted to discuss very specific topics among our network. Therefore, if someone is looking for finance for beginners, he will go over Green Panda, retirement planning: Do Not Wait, investing: Intelligent Speculator and Dividend Guy Blog and finally, making money differently (online, passive income, income raise, etc): The Financial Blogger.
#6 in 2011, we want to create niche website for a specific reason: we want to increase our passive income. However, you won't be making much money if you create low value/spammy niche website. You still need to create quality content even thought the content will be static (maybe 20-25 articles). The purpose of a niche website is to answer a specific need, not generate small bucks from adsense ;-). In fact, some people do it this way but they need to create hundreds of websites to make money… this is not the model I am looking for.
back to your question: grow your blog or diversify?
I prefer to diversify my web properties in order to have more income sources. I see this as a business, therefore, I rather have more than one "brand" or "product". So if one of my site gets problem, my business is not at risk. This is why I have so many websites. One the other side, I would not start diversifying until your first blog is really big (e.g.visits over 20-25,000 per month). If you do it below those numbers, you will have to work very hard to grow your blogs.
Want to learn more about my niche websites and my business model?
When my 2 niche websites will start to get some traffic (e.g. will be
completed), I'll write more about it on the forum. If you want to learn
more about it arleady, you can sign up to my newsletter (the one at as I will start a series on this specific
I hope it clears where my business model stands :-)
12:46 pm January 16, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
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| Member
| posts 1682 | 
TFB I recently bought a new site to try my hand at the passive income strategy. It's already built. i just need to start promoting it. I want to see how this works as well.