Video offers so many possibilities since only a minority of bloggers are actually using it. I can't tell you how many times when I meet someone in person that has seen my videos on my blog feels like they already know me because of them.
There's an immediate connection that you can get that text will never offer.
I use videos for a couple of ways:
1. Tutorials: Show somebody how to do something like open a Lending Club or Scottrade account.
2. Quick Tips: If I have a random thought and it's easier to do in a video.
3. Support a blog post: To me this is the money tip that no one does. Think about this: YouTube is a search engine. Not many people have made videos targeting as many keywords as people have with blog posts. It's easier to rank for a video than with your blog. If the video ranks, you can get then drop a link in the description box with a link back to your site.
The best tip is to write a blog post, film a video to support the post and rehash what you wrote. Tag the keywords on the post and video. Now you've shown to Google that your post is a great resource for that topic because you have text and video.
Wash, rinse, repeat.