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Do You Use Youtube?


12:43 pm
December 7, 2012



posts 207

I recently created my first YouTube video ever and I was curious of how you guys use YouTube when it comes to your blog. Do you use it to expand on a blog post, drive traffic to your site, promote a product, or another reason? I want to make more videos but I just want to get a feel from you all of what works well and I want to try new things.


Feel free to post a link here of a video that you have done and I will be sure to check it out. 



3:09 pm
December 7, 2012

Edward Antrobus

Fort Collins, CO


posts 1008

Personally, I'm not a big fan of video. I prefer text. But some things are easier understood with a video. When it comes to that on my food blog, I will make a short video with the video feature on my digital camera. And for me, the best videos are silent. That way I don't have to pause my music, if I have that on, or put headphones on to not disturb my wife.

So when somebody puts up a video of themselves talking and makes that the only way to get the information, it drives me up the wall and I'm probably going to look elsewhere for it.

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7:07 pm
December 7, 2012

Jeff Rose


posts 574

Video offers so many possibilities since only a minority of bloggers are actually using it.   I can't tell you how many times when I meet someone in person that has seen my videos on my blog feels like they already know me because of them. 

There's an immediate connection that you can get that text will never offer. 


I use videos for a couple of ways:


1. Tutorials:  Show somebody how to do something like open a Lending Club or Scottrade account.

2.  Quick Tips:  If I have a random thought and it's easier to do in a video.

3. Support a blog post:  To me this is the money tip that no one does.  Think about this:  YouTube is a search engine.   Not many people have made videos targeting as many keywords as people have with blog posts.   It's easier to rank for a video than with your blog.  If the video ranks, you can get then drop a link in the description box with a link back to your site.

The best tip is to write a blog post, film a video to support the post and rehash what you wrote.  Tag the keywords on the post and video.  Now you've shown to Google that your post is a great resource for that topic because you have text and video. 

Wash, rinse, repeat.  Cool

7:22 am
December 8, 2012

Buck Inspire


posts 1546

Sounds like a recipe for success Jeff!

11:39 am
December 27, 2012


New York


posts 846

I make most of my side income off of youtube. I have been a partner for 2.5 years and should spend more time doing video but with 2 kids and a photography business it's very tough. 

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