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3:05 pm February 13, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
| | |
| Member | posts 199 |
Hi guys! I came across a funny post today:…..couldhave/
And felt like I would LOVE to do a post on all those posts I have sitting in draft form that never made it to published. I'm not sure I can be as funny as this guy, but I bet readers would like to see your "almost posts".
I was thinking of getting this ready and publishing on Thursday. Would love to have a few others publish theirs on the same day! If that's too soon, we can push it to next week.
Let me know!
4:21 pm February 13, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
I really want to participate, but I don't want to prevent myself from being able to use those drafts if I ever need them. :/
Not sure what to do about that one.
4:44 pm February 13, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
That was hilarious. I loved it. That humor is right up my alley and trust me I have never had anything up my alley before.
5:00 pm February 13, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
| | |
| Member | posts 199 |
sooverdebt said:
I really want to participate, but I don't want to prevent myself from being able to use those drafts if I ever need them. :/
Not sure what to do about that one.
Are there any that are definite "junkers"? I know I have some I am on the fence on, but some are just in a "DO NOT ACTUALLY WRITE THIS" category. Maybe you could do a disclaimer "I'm not promising I won't use these anyways at some point in the not-too-distant future"
So Jai, are you in? It is up your alley after all…
3:04 am February 14, 2012
| Penny Pinching Professional
| | |
| Member | posts 69 |
That's pretty good. I think I only have one unfinished post sitting in purgatory, but I'll likely finish it at some point. (Actually, I think it's scheduled to post in December so I'd better have either finished it by then or made a concerted effort to delete or postpone it.)