User | Post |
1:56 pm June 24, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Post edited 1:57 pm – June 24, 2013 by Anton Ivanov
I would like to invite interested Yakezie bloggers to guest post on Dreams Cash True. I would be interested in any personal finance or investing article with 750+ words. I can suggest a more specific category, if you prefer.
If interested, please email me at Looking forward to reading your submissions!
4:58 pm June 25, 2013
| saverocity
| | |
| Member | posts 88 | 
Since Yakezie revolves around Alexa score improvement as its primary metric, and yours is currently in the mid 400's…. why would people want to guest post on your site?
Shouldn't you be guest posting on sites with a wider audience than yours with back links to your site to build your Alexa profile?
Not trying to be a douchebag about it – but that is the way I understand the value of guest posting (other than when you are seeking to outsource content production on a wider scale).
5:18 pm June 25, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
I have been guest posting on other website and I perfectly understand how Alexa ranking works.
I know that most Yakezie bloggers will not be very interested in writing guest posts for my website right now, but maybe there are those who will be (for example those with higher Alexa rankings than mine).
Besides, my goal is to reach Alexa ranking of less than 150k by the end of the year, at which point existing backlinks from my website will be much more valuable to others.
6:16 pm June 25, 2013
| saverocity
| | |
| Member | posts 88 | 
Cool – I hope you kill that goal. I just didn't see the win/win in the thread, but hope it works out for you.
1:41 pm June 26, 2013
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 | 
While I dont disagree with much of the comment, I think you're overrating Alexa. Its possible for a site with a mediocre Alexa ranking to be a much better spot for a guest post than one with a better Alexa. Traffic, and even PR/DA/Moz are other important metrics. Alexa ranking seems to be like a sacred metric when a Yakezie challenger, but after a while its just snother metric.
1:23 am June 27, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
Squirrelers said:
While I dont disagree with much of the comment, I think you're overrating Alexa. Its possible for a site with a mediocre Alexa ranking to be a much better spot for a guest post than one with a better Alexa. Traffic, and even PR/DA/Moz are other important metrics. Alexa ranking seems to be like a sacred metric when a Yakezie challenger, but after a while its just snother metric.
I'm a fan of guest posting regardless of the site size. Low ranking sites today can easily become the big dogs tomorrow, and if you have a great post on it, you'll love it later on!
12:30 pm June 27, 2013
| AverageJoe
| | |
| Member | posts 259 | 
Totally agree with the last two comments (Squirrelers and College Investor). Guest posting anywhere could potentially bring new fans to your site. Who knows what your next biggest fan is reading?