User | Post |
9:19 am October 23, 2013
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Hi folks, I'm struggling with a minor but irritating issue with my feed that I must be too senile to figure out on my own. A couple of months ago I switched to the Summary Burner format (feel free to critique that choice if you like) at feed burner. Since doing that (I think), my feed, as viewed through Feedly, includes an image that's not mine of trees and forest. The image I inserted in my post is not included.
I see other summary feeds in Feedly that have no image at all, but the post does indeed have an image. Ideally I'd like my summary feed to include the image I have in my post, but if that's not possible, I'd prefer no image at all instead of the 'forest scene' image of unknown origin.
What am I missing here?
10:24 am October 23, 2013
| frugaling
| | |
| Member | posts 139 | 
Not sure if this will help it, but I use a plugin called RSS Image Feed.
Let me know if that solves the problem.
3:37 pm October 24, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
In general I don't like summary feeds either way. I've pretty much unsubscribed from any site that doesn't give me the whole thing.
4:55 pm October 24, 2013
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Eric – said:
In general I don't like summary feeds either way. I've pretty much unsubscribed from any site that doesn't give me the whole thing.
Maybe that explains why I have 7 subscribers. Seriously though, thanks for that Eric. I've switched back & forth, so I'm conflicted. My latest thought had been, especially since Google stopped allowing ads in feeds, that I need people to actually visit my site to give them the opportunity to click on something that's going to end up putting money in my pocket. I know sometimes I'll read an entire article in the feed and never visit the site. On the other hand, a lame summary feed may entice few into visiting the site. Sounds like you would be more in the latter, 'on the other hand' camp?
8:36 am October 25, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
If you write good stuff consistently, it will drive site traffic. RSS readers are usually more tech savvy and likely to share your stuff on social networks, so the traffic may still come from elsewhere to your site when they read. If you don't give them the whole article, they won't share it.
4:06 pm October 25, 2013
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 | 
Okay, I give. I've deactivated Summary Feed. Thanks for the feedback. And I bet that's going to fix the image problem, but if not, I'll try RSS Image Feed, Sam.