User | Post |
4:27 am February 19, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
If you're interested in building up some exposure, I'm scheduled to host the first Financial Simplicity Carnival (…..-carnival/). The Financial Simplicity Carnival will higlight fun posts about how easy financial success can be and will feature the top posts in each of four broad categories, showcasing up to five posts in each category (making money, spending/budgeting, investing, debt reduction) for a total of 20 top posts every two weeks to start).
I've got a few hosts lined up, but am looking for additional volunteers and submissions and figured I would let you all know here if you're interested.
So if you're looking to host a carnival, let me know. If you're interested in submitting, check out the link above. And if you have any suggestions, comments, etc., let me know please!
7:58 am February 19, 2012
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 |
I'd be up for helping out to host! Just shoot me an email at the address below and we can coordinate dates!
6:18 pm February 19, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
Great, thanks! I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of sites on dates, so I'll reach out tomorrow or Tuesday with the next available few dates for you to pick.
7:38 pm February 19, 2012
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 |
Ill help just let me know what you need help on. Relatively new so I might need some assistance.
6:21 am February 20, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
This That And The MBA said:
Ill help just let me know what you need help on. Relatively new so I might need some assistance.
Thanks Christopher. I've been getting some great interest in hosting and the submissions are starting to roll in. I was planning on it being every 2 weeks at least at the beginning, but because of the demand I may make it weekly. Either way, it's OK to be relatively new (I was at one point and am still very green). I suggest submitting a post for consideration either way, but I'll contact you with available hosting dates as the available hosting dates get set. I'll help walk you through hosting, but I'm sure you'd be great either way.
9:03 am February 20, 2012
| jana
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| Member | posts 160 |
How can I not help you out? Count me in, Nick. You know how to get in touch with me!
9:33 am February 20, 2012
| Simply_Investing
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| Member | posts 31 |
I'd love to help out, just let me know what you need. I'm new (never hosted a Carnival) but excited to learn and help out!
12:47 pm February 20, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
Thanks Jana! I'll be in touch!
Simply_Investing: Thank you, too! I'll be in touch as soon as I sort through the e-mails, etc. Don't worry about being new! I'll help with anything you need to host. Definitely submit a post if you have any that you think would work!
I've gotten some great responses and am sorting through them currently. So many hosting offers here and by email has been a very pleasant response, too. If the submissions keep up the pace with the hosting offers, I may have to make the Carnival weekly instead of every two weeks. That would be great and give more opportunities to be featured. I wasn't sure how well it would be received at first, so I thought every two weeks made sense to start. So thank you!
I'll be posting an announcement at SAFTM calling for more submissions and with more details (I'll link it here when it's up). So if you or any other bloggers have some posts you'd like to submit definitely get them in, too! If you're interested/comfortable tweeting, updating on FB or posting about the Carnival, I'll post links to my announcement (I've only posted in blogger forums so far) and would appreciate spreading the word!
So submit submit submit! I'm loving reading all the posts! (I'll likely use some of the great submissions in a separate roundup, too, because of the top 20 nature of the carnival).
4:06 pm February 22, 2012
| WorldofFinance
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| Member | posts 133 |
Submitted. If you need any help or another host feel free to shot me an email. :) I'd be happy to help.
10:01 am March 1, 2012
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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| Member | posts 908 |
Hi. Just checking to see if the first edition of this carnival is out yet? Looking forward to reading it!
11:02 am March 1, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
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| Member | posts 199 |
Financial Simplicity is a great name!
5:37 pm March 1, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
@melissa – first one is going live Monday
@adp – thanks!
Thanks everyone for submitting too. It looks like there's enough interest to go weekly, so I'm going to finalize a hosting schedule now that it looks like the posts are flowing in.
8:02 pm March 2, 2012
| WorldofFinance
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| Member | posts 133 |
Excited to see it go live! :)
9:07 pm March 2, 2012
| Your Money Mentor
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| Member | posts 43 |
Nick said:
If you're interested in building up some exposure, I'm scheduled to host the first Financial Simplicity Carnival (…..-carnival/). The Financial Simplicity Carnival will higlight fun posts about how easy financial success can be and will feature the top posts in each of four broad categories, showcasing up to five posts in each category (making money, spending/budgeting, investing, debt reduction) for a total of 20 top posts every two weeks to start).
I've got a few hosts lined up, but am looking for additional volunteers and submissions and figured I would let you all know here if you're interested.
So if you're looking to host a carnival, let me know. If you're interested in submitting, check out the link above. And if you have any suggestions, comments, etc., let me know please!
Nick I'm new to Yakezie and getting around the site. I know your overwhelmed with host offers, but I'm available if your looking for anyone else. Also I will submit as well, hope i can be featured. ~Lorillia
6:56 am March 4, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
Your Money Mentor said:
Nick said:
If you're interested in building up some exposure, I'm scheduled to host the first Financial Simplicity Carnival (…..-carnival/). The Financial Simplicity Carnival will higlight fun posts about how easy financial success can be and will feature the top posts in each of four broad categories, showcasing up to five posts in each category (making money, spending/budgeting, investing, debt reduction) for a total of 20 top posts every two weeks to start).
I've got a few hosts lined up, but am looking for additional volunteers and submissions and figured I would let you all know here if you're interested.
So if you're looking to host a carnival, let me know. If you're interested in submitting, check out the link above. And if you have any suggestions, comments, etc., let me know please!
Nick I'm new to Yakezie and getting around the site. I know your overwhelmed with host offers, but I'm available if your looking for anyone else. Also I will submit as well, hope i can be featured. ~Lorillia
Thanks! I'll send a PM to coordinate.
6:59 am March 4, 2012
| Nick
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| Member | posts 247 |
Just an FYI that the first edition is live (I figured Sunday was a better Carnival day because most hosts have content and high traffic on Monday). Here is most of the message I sent to the winners, FYI (it's really the whole message minus the "you're in it" line….
Just a heads up that the first edition of the Financial Simplicity Carnival is live and you're in it (http://www.stepawayfromthemall…..st_04.html).
The competition was fierce!
There were over 60 submissions so it was really tough narrowing it down. Also, some categories had A LOT of submissions making the competition even tougher there. The making money and spending and budgeting categories had the most submissions, so if you have a great investing or debt post make sure to get it in for the next edition!
Spread the word!
Please link back to the Carnival and Tweet, Digg, Share on Facebook, Stumble, Reddit etc to spread the word and promote all the great posts that made the top twenty!
Looking into the future…
The next addition is now accepting submissions. I'll put the hosting schedule up on the carnival page at Step Away from the Mall shortly and after a few editions I'll be posting stats (i.e. blog with most top-twenty posts) and my all-time favorite posts on that page. (You know, since it's a top twenty format I want to continue the competition element with a leader board, etc.).
Here is the link to submit for the next edition:…..-carnival/.
Typically perfunctory, but actually sincere request
Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas on improving the carnival in the future.
All of this applies to you all too! I'm sincerely looking for feedback and calling for submissions. We got 60 in 2 weeks but we're turning to a weekly format so we need a bit push this week!