User | Post |
9:51 pm January 2, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
Hank Coleman said:
Forget the pencils…you've got to write it on your calendars in big black permanent marker!
Absolutely!!! I've been waiting for Fincon12 as soon as the first one got over. Literally one of the best conferences I've ever been, too. If you're serious about your blog being a business, highly suggest you attend. Worth every penny. 
4:38 am January 3, 2012
| Jackie
| | |
| Member | posts 664 | 
I'll be there! *gets out the black marker *
4:45 am January 3, 2012
| Dave @ DebtBlackHole
| | DFW | |
| Member | posts 77 | 
It might be a good time for me to analyze how much it would cost to fly vs how much it would cost to drive. Sure, it may take more hours to drive…but the scenery may be worth it. In fact, may have to check into train options, too.
5:21 am January 3, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
Will definitely make it this year. Looking forward to seeing you guys :)

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
5:22 am January 3, 2012
| Dr Dean
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| Member | posts 241 | 
Hank Coleman said:
Forget the pencils…you've got to write it on your calendars in big black permanent marker!
Ok, Ok guys, How bout I rent a plane with a flying billboard and fly it around my office for a week "I WILL ATTEND FINCON12…..
Will that be good enough? See you there!
5:26 am January 3, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I was hoping to attend but that falls smack dab on my fifth wedding anniversary, and unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to talk my wife into celebrating by attending this :) Maybe next year…
5:30 am January 3, 2012
| Melissa (Mom's Plans)
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| Member | posts 908 | 
We are planning to go. Now just need to figure out if we should drive or fly. The drive is beautiful, once we make it out of Nebraska (no offense to anyone who lives there, but it is a boring drive!)
5:41 am January 3, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
I'll be there! Just waiting for tickets to go on sale so I can plan my trip. I'm hoping to fly up a day early and leave the day after. Can't wait to see everyone again, and (hopefully) have more time to talk to the people I didn't get to chat with!
6:14 am January 3, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 | 
Melissa (Mom's Plans) said:
We are planning to go. Now just need to figure out if we should drive or fly. The drive is beautiful, once we make it out of Nebraska (no offense to anyone who lives there, but it is a boring drive!)
It's a 14 hour drive for me(10-12 with my lead foot), so I'll be flying. My plan is to fly in Wednesday night and fly out Sunday afternoon. That leaves all day Thursday to hang out with other people who have no conference events to attend. :)
7:07 am January 3, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 | 
Post edited 7:08 am – January 3, 2012 by Jason@LiveRealNow
Just checked airfare.
A few months ago, I opened an AlaskaAir Bank of America card for the 40,000 mile bonus. They only gave me 25k, so I immediately canceled and got to keep the miles. They partner with Delta for miles redemption and I can get a round trip flight from MSP to DEN for 25k miles + $30.
I've also got 40,000 miles on my travel rewards card that will just about cover the hotel, depending on what my family does for a vacation this summer.
It looks like I can go to FINCON for 4 days of food + the conference ticket.
7:14 am January 3, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
@Jason You probably won't pay for many meals while you're there. I think I bought one lunch and one dinner (by choice) and the rest was provided. I barely spent any money for FINCON11!
7:55 am January 3, 2012
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
We're planning on going. We had a great time in October. This time we'll stay longer since the baby will be older and we'd like to get to relax and look around Denver too.
9:53 am January 3, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
Aloysa said:
OneCentAtatime said:
I saw Aspen in Winter, it was all white. Love to see it in September in full green. Its only a few hrs drive from Denver. What about Sunday Yakezie trip to Aspen?
Count me in for sure! I would loooove to see Aspen!
Aspen is very nice, but it would be at least 4 hours from denver, 1 way.
9:56 am January 3, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
I'll be there with bells on – or probably the same coat i wore this year. I'll be driving since it's about an hour ~90 miles.
I'll probably stay at the conf hotel even though my family lives in town – i did too much driving at the last fincon. As for melissa @ mom's plans – sorry about the NE drive – that sucks. If possible, consider taking state highway 2 through north neberaska – it's not quite as fast, but much nicer.
10:28 am January 3, 2012
| jana
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| Member | posts 160 | 
I am super stoked for FinCon12! My blog grew by leaps and bounds after FinCon11 and I can only imagine what's in store after this year's. I highly recommend that if you can go, go. It is worth every single penny.
Like Andrea, I'll be flying out a day early and most likely staying a day after, and I'm just waiting for flights to go on sale so I can purchase my tickets.
11:02 am January 3, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
I am thinking to fly out one day early too! And stay till Monday morning. 
Creator of:
11:06 am January 3, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
I was going to fly in Wednesday and leave Sunday…maybe Monday now that I am seeing how many people are staying another night…
11:21 am January 3, 2012
| Sustainable PF
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| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Looks like we most likely can't make it, again :(
In 2011 the conference was 1 week before Mrs. SPF was due to give birth.
2012 she will have been back at work (from maternity leave) for a few weeks so taking vacation time so quickly is likely out of the question. We were really hoping for an October or November conference.
11:24 am January 3, 2012
| Marissa
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| Member | posts 385 | 
I really wish it was cheaper to fly from Toronto. But I really want to be there to meet all of you fantastic people. There is a Canadian PF conference going on as well in Toronto around the same time.
11:48 am January 3, 2012
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Marissa said:
I really wish it was cheaper to fly from Toronto. But I really want to be there to meet all of you fantastic people. There is a Canadian PF conference going on as well in Toronto around the same time.
Drive to Buffalo and fly from there?