User | Post |
1:21 pm January 3, 2012
| Marissa
| | |
| Member | posts 385 | 
Sustainable PF said:
Marissa said:
I really wish it was cheaper to fly from Toronto. But I really want to be there to meet all of you fantastic people. There is a Canadian PF conference going on as well in Toronto around the same time.
Drive to Buffalo and fly from there?
Good call.
1:44 pm January 3, 2012
| Jeffrey Trull
| | CT | |
| Member | posts 134 | 
I'll definitely be there again this year. Totally worth it last time, and it's a must-attend for those serious about PF blogging. I'm excited for Denver, and I'll probably extend my trip on both ends, too.
For those who didn't go, it's good to know that I hardly spent any money outside the conference ticket (which was very reasonably priced last year) and the plane ticket. Just about all meals were included and many, many drinks as well 
Hope to see everyone there!
5:04 pm January 3, 2012
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 | 
OneCentAtatime said:
I saw Aspen in Winter, it was all white. Love to see it in September in full green. Its only a few hrs drive from Denver. What about Sunday Yakezie trip to Aspen?
Great idea, but I'll be traveling home Sunday. Need to be fresh for work.
9:46 pm January 3, 2012
| AmericanDebtProject
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Yeah, it sounds awesome!! Flights to Denver are pretty cheap from LA, so I hope I can make it. Come on Adsense income!!
5:33 am January 4, 2012
| Frugal Confessions
| | Houston, TX | |
| Member
| posts 1622 | 
8:54 am January 4, 2012
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
I'm in! I hate to fly and am only 10.5 hours out. Anyone want to car pool with me from Kansas City?
11:05 am January 4, 2012
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 | 
AmericanDebtProject said:
Yeah, it sounds awesome!! Flights to Denver are pretty cheap from LA, so I hope I can make it. Come on Adsense income!!
Do you know about the FinCon12 LA meetup group?
11:15 am January 4, 2012
| Jackie
| | |
| Member | posts 664 | 
Melissa (Mom's Plans) said:
We are planning to go. Now just need to figure out if we should drive or fly. The drive is beautiful, once we make it out of Nebraska (no offense to anyone who lives there, but it is a boring drive!)
Mmm but you can stop in Ogallala and have great steak :)
1:00 pm January 4, 2012
| The Penny Hoarder
| | |
| Member | posts 137 | 
I can't wait!
I was bummed I missed last year's conference. Plus Denver is my old hometown so I'll get to visit family and FINCON it up at the same time! Woot!
6:54 pm January 4, 2012
| WellHeeledBlog
| | |
| Member | posts 35 | 
I am going to try my hardest to make it… at least fly out Friday and catch Saturday and part of Sunday. Also, meeting bloggers = new shoes in my book! 
8:20 pm January 4, 2012
| DebtFreeByThirty
| | |
| Member | posts 187 | 
I am too excited and really hope I can swing it this year. Our military life has us up in the air with pretty much everything but I really hope things get worked out so I can go.
7:17 am January 5, 2012
| Kay Lynn Akers
| | San Diego | |
| Member | posts 904 | 
WellHeeledBlog said:
I am going to try my hardest to make it… at least fly out Friday and catch Saturday and part of Sunday. Also, meeting bloggers = new shoes in my book! 
Now that is saying something!
11:20 am January 5, 2012
| Renée @ NickelbyNickel
| | Canada | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
Aloysa said:
OneCentAtatime said:
I saw Aspen in Winter, it was all white. Love to see it in September in full green. Its only a few hrs drive from Denver. What about Sunday Yakezie trip to Aspen?
Count me in for sure! I would loooove to see Aspen!
If I make it I am so up for doing something like that!
11:36 am January 5, 2012
| Renée @ NickelbyNickel
| | Canada | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
I have never been that far into the states and am going to try my best to make it. I found some tickets (from Halifax, Canada) for about $500 but I'm going to try to see what I can do with airline miles.
12:12 pm January 5, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 | 
I'm a little late to the party, but I'm definitely making every attempt to get out there.
For anyone like Jacob wondering about expensing the costs:
If you are only going out there for the business side (ie: the conference itself) then it is 100% deductible as a business expense as education/networking/whatever you call it. If you are bringing family out there, then only part of the expenses will be allowed as a business expense which you will need to figure out based on the amounts spent & what % of it was expressly and directly for the conference/related expenditures. Also, this only good for anyone who has a separate business formed or who will be filing a schedule C on the 1040. But be warned, if you only have this expense and nothing else, you are running a serious risk of being flagged for an audit. And, this is not something that can be used to apply toward any educational credit on an individual tax return either.
10:52 pm January 5, 2012
| Super Frugalette
| | |
| Member | posts 484 | 
There is a direct flight from Madison to Colorado. It seems very plausable (and hopefully, I won't get sick this year). I will have to bring Frugalette #4 (he will only be 5 months and I am the food source), but I have some contacts from college so I am hoping that I can potentially locate a baby sitter for some of the sessions.
I might have to attempt to persuade Mr. Super Frugalette to come and watch #4. Although, the last trip he tagged along for was a ten day trip to China so I think Denver is going to be a tough sell.
7:15 am January 10, 2012
| Mike and Molly
| | |
| Member | posts 9 | 
It's on our calendars! It's just a stone's throw from us (AKA- a 6 hour drive)!
8:30 am January 10, 2012
| The Saved Quarter
| | |
| Member | posts 531 | 
I'm coming! I had to cancel last time because of pregnancy issues, but that won't be a concern this year. Woo! Already excited! :)
9:41 am January 10, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
I would love to be there and meet you all. How is this going to work out from Manchester, UK is another matter. Provisionally, I am thinking beer with interesting people!
9:45 am January 10, 2012
| Tim
| | |
| Guest
| | |
Jeff Rose said:
Hank Coleman said:
Forget the pencils…you've got to write it on your calendars in big black permanent marker!
Absolutely!!! I've been waiting for Fincon12 as soon as the first one got over. Literally one of the best conferences I've ever been, too. If you're serious about your blog being a business, highly suggest you attend. Worth every penny. 
I can't wait for FINCON12. It was so much fun meeting everyone and the motivation to learn and push to do new thing was incredible. Looking forward to meeting even more Yakezie members there!