User | Post |
9:00 am January 11, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
We had a local meetup here in Atlanta last night and it was a blast! Completely convinced that I'm going to Fincon12 if I wasn't already.
Check out the site to see if there are some local fincon meetups going on in your area. http://www.financialbloggercon…
We're going to make it a monthly thing if you are in Atlanta and maybe even do a regional stop in Tennesee for the one or two bloggers out that way.
9:01 am January 11, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
Hi Latisha, Sorry I missed it. Although I signed up to come, something came up at work.
What did I miss ?

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
9:04 am January 11, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Sorry you couldn't make it but we should be doing the next one soon. We chatted about our sites, why we started, had some great appetizers and dinner, I got some good tips on backlinks and we also talked about affiliates. It was really good to make some good connections.
A few of us stayed till the placed closed just talking about everything.
Tushar @ Everything Finance said:
Hi Latisha, Sorry I missed it. Although I signed up to come, something came up at work.
What did I miss ?
9:06 am January 11, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
Glad you guys had fun. I should be able to make it to the next one.

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
9:23 am January 11, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
I just have to say… DENVER BABY! See you in my hometown this time.
11:47 am January 11, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
LaTisha @YoungAdultFinances said:
We had a local meetup here in Atlanta last night and it was a blast! Completely convinced that I'm going to Fincon12 if I wasn't already.
Check out the site to see if there are some local fincon meetups going on in your area. http://www.financialbloggercon…
We're going to make it a monthly thing if you are in Atlanta and maybe even do a regional stop in Tennesee for the one or two bloggers out that way.
I didn't know about these groups until Suba told me that while I am visiting her in LA, we'll be going to that meetup on Saturday, 1/21. Woot!!! Can't wait for a mini-FINCON – chatting without classes, lol.…../45787722/
12:15 pm January 11, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
Can you guys contact PT Money and get your self pinned on this map?…..ggers-map/
Let's see if we can arrange for more local meet ups. I see 6 blogs in south and central Florida.
12:33 pm January 11, 2012
| Jeremy @ Personal Finance Whiz
| | |
| Member | posts 174 | 
Just sent a message to PT. It looks like I'm all alone in Oklahoma though :(
I may have to meet up with some of you in the Dallas area.
3:08 pm January 12, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
We are having a Denver meetup on 1/22, which is appropriate because (if I didn't gloat already) FinCon is here!
8:02 pm January 12, 2012
| Jeff Rose
| | |
| Member | posts 574 | 
There's one tomorrow night in St. Louis (about 90 minutes from me) and I can't make it :(
Bummed. September is too long away…..
12:54 pm January 13, 2012
| Aloysa
| | |
| Member | posts 910 | |
There are only 4 of us in Utah? Anyone else is in Utah that is not on a map? Would be nice to get together, people. ;-)
Creator of:
4:06 pm January 13, 2012
| Dr Dean
| | |
| Member | posts 241 | 
Hey LaTisha, I emailed one of the hosts mentioned at the FINCON site, but never heard back. I can get to Atlanta on a weekend as I have family there, but even though I live in Georgia, I can't be in Atlanta on a weeknight as it's almost 4 hours one way! For you non-southerners, Georgia is a long state, (yea I know not as big as Texas…)
Keep me in the loop if you are making a list of possible attendees.
4:30 pm January 13, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Dr Dean said:
Hey LaTisha, I emailed one of the hosts mentioned at the FINCON site, but never heard back. I can get to Atlanta on a weekend as I have family there, but even though I live in Georgia, I can't be in Atlanta on a weeknight as it's almost 4 hours one way! For you non-southerners, Georgia is a long state, (yea I know not as big as Texas…)
Keep me in the loop if you are making a list of possible attendees.
They mentioned you live out here. I will make sure to contact you for the next one. I believe Andrea @SmartMoneyChick will be hosting them.
7:57 pm January 13, 2012
| Jen @ Master the Art of Saving
| | Vancouver, WA | |
| Member | posts 269 | 
I was really bummed that I couldn't go last year, so I'm making it a priority this year. Still trying to decide if I'll go solo or bring my honey and come/go a bit later and have a little vacation. I'm not too excited about getting on a plane, but everybody keeps telling me that it's only like 2 hours to Denver from Portland, OR. Only 2 hours? 2 minutes on a plane will be quite enough for me. 
8:18 pm January 13, 2012
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 | 
Looks like I might make it. Mrs. SPF won't be able to given the close proximity to her return to work. But she sees the value in attending this conference.
Losing my wing-woman .. nerves!
9:20 am January 14, 2012
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
As of right now it looks like life is playing a cruel trick on me. I will actually be in Denver the weekend prior to the conference for my brother-in-law's wedding, but I can't extend the trip because that is taking up a ton of holiday time for that period, and my wife has to get back for school commitments. I'm definitely up for meeting down there at some point the weekend before if there are any "early bird" Yakezieians (Yakeziers? Yakezites?) that want to talk to an isolated member from up in rural Manitoba, Canada!
8:11 am January 25, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
| | |
| Member | posts 727 | 
Post edited 8:13 am – January 25, 2012 by Jason@LiveRealNow
Registration is open. :)
Hotel is $99/night. Looks like the room rate is good for a few days before and after. I'm going to fly in on the 5th and fly back out on the 9th.
Tickets with the "I filled out the fincon11 survey" coupon are $111.
8:13 am January 25, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
Just booked my tickets and hotel room. This is going to be fun :) Looking forward to meeting you guys.

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
8:36 am January 25, 2012
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
It's official – Got my ticket. See you all in Denver! Can't wait!
8:42 am January 25, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
| | |
| Member | posts 727 | 
I've got my ticket and my hotel.
Now my choice is whether to fly in at 8AM or noon the day before.