User | Post |
9:36 am February 25, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
jefferson @seedebtrun said:
I read several places that Fincon 11 sold out well in advance of the conference.
Did they expand the capacity this year?
Any suggestions on when things might sell out this year?
My job situation is in a bit of flux right now, so I can't commit to anything.
But everything from everything I have read, I am pretty sure the conference would be an amazing experience.
Would love it if either me or Michelle could make it this year.
There were 100 more tickets available this year than last year. As of last night when I checked, there were 172 left. If I were you, I would just keep an eye on the number of tickets. Last year there were quite a few left for several months, then it seemed like they were sold out all at once.
Hope one or both of you can make it – would love to meet you guys!
1:04 pm February 25, 2012
| Aloysa
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| Member | posts 910 | |
@jefferson – I am with Andrea, just keep an eye on the number of tickets. Things can change very fast or stagnate for a long time. I hope you can make. Would be great to meet at least one of you!
Creator of:
12:17 pm February 27, 2012
| seedebtrun
| | |
| Member | posts 327 | 
Thanks for the info, ladies…
The job nuttiness should work itself out in the next few weeks, and then we'll know for sure.
Would be great to meet you all.
Any early word on who they will get for the keynotes?
Will be tough to top JD and Ramit.
3:38 pm February 27, 2012
| Fig (Figuring Money Out)
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| Member | posts 76 | |
11:47 am February 28, 2012
| AverageJoe
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| Member | posts 259 | 
Had my ticket already, but now got confirmation that I can attend the entiree time so I locked down the hotel room.
I went with the super-luxury celebrity suite disguised as the $99 conference rate standard room.
12:17 pm February 28, 2012
| KyleAAA
| | Atlanta, GA | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
jefferson @seedebtrun said:
Any early word on who they will get for the keynotes?
Will be tough to top JD and Ramit.
No word yet, but PT has said there will be 3 keynotes: 2 probably from last year and 1 super+mega+allstar speaker who will blow everyone's mind. There was an interview with Phil in this week's issue of the Wisebread PF blogger newsletter. Good stuff if you haven't signed up.
But hey, I'll be there anyway even if the keynotes aren't impressive, so whatever.
2:51 pm February 28, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
Whoever is looking for a room share, check earlier in the thread – theres people who have roommates and people who need roommates, just fill in the spreadsheet and you can cut your trip cost in half! (For the hotel, anyway)
1:06 pm February 29, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Finalized time off of work, got my FINCON12 ticket and I have a rommie! Now all I need is a flight but I'm going to wait until it gets a little closer. I keep checking flights.
I think I am going to come in Thursday morning and head out Sun night. I took Monday off also because I was warned I would need to 'recover'. 
@Kyle, Bali it is! Or the Maldives for sure.
8:14 pm March 8, 2012
| Fig (Figuring Money Out)
| | |
| Member | posts 76 | |
Okay so it's pretty far fetched for me to actually come but I reeeeaaaallllyyy want to come to this conference. Any ideas on how to make the financial impact as small as possible? Tips on how to save money/cut expenses? I'm not a big blogger so I'm not making bank with my blog but I'd love to come and learn from those who are and who know more than I do. I think it would be an amazing experience!
8:35 pm March 8, 2012
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Post edited 8:35 pm – March 8, 2012 by Suba @ Wealth Informatics
KyleAAA said:
jefferson @seedebtrun said:
Any early word on who they will get for the keynotes?
Will be tough to top JD and Ramit.
No word yet, but PT has said there will be 3 keynotes: 2 probably from last year and 1 super+mega+allstar speaker who will blow everyone's mind. There was an interview with Phil in this week's issue of the Wisebread PF blogger newsletter. Good stuff if you haven't signed up.
But hey, I'll be there anyway even if the keynotes aren't impressive, so whatever.
3 confirmed speakers – Liz Weston, Adam Baker, and J.D. Roth.
10:29 pm March 8, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 | 
Fig (Figuring Money Out) said:
Okay so it's pretty far fetched for me to actually come but I reeeeaaaallllyyy want to come to this conference. Any ideas on how to make the financial impact as small as possible? Tips on how to save money/cut expenses? I'm not a big blogger so I'm not making bank with my blog but I'd love to come and learn from those who are and who know more than I do. I think it would be an amazing experience!
My costs were VERY low last year. Other than hotel (get a roomie!) and transportation (not much you can do about this one), I think I went out for 4 meals (one on the way there, 2 while I was there, and one on the drive home). The rest were provided at the conference. We got drink tickets for every evening event, so I didn't buy any drinks that I remember. There were so many people to meet, I was fine to just stay at the hotel and talk!
This year will be a little more expensive for me because I'm flying instead of driving, plus I'm coming in on Wednesday and staying until Monday morning. Other than that, I'll have a VERY small budget for food and any random things that may come up, but really, it won't cost much to attend. YOU NEED TO COME!!!!!
10:49 pm March 8, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Fig (Figuring Money Out) said:
Okay so it's pretty far fetched for me to actually come but I reeeeaaaallllyyy want to come to this conference. Any ideas on how to make the financial impact as small as possible? Tips on how to save money/cut expenses? I'm not a big blogger so I'm not making bank with my blog but I'd love to come and learn from those who are and who know more than I do. I think it would be an amazing experience!
I use to keep an eye out for the cheapest flights..well, usually…this year I jumped the gun and booked a flight for $260 that I know I could have waited for and gotten for $140-$175 next month, but I was excited.
I also have not just one, but two, awesome roommates for FINCON12 (love ya' girls!), so I will be paying less than $150 for 4 nights, Wed-Sun (1/3 of $99 a night plus my part of the taxes).
And a bunch of food is provided at the conference, so you would probably need less than $100 for the whole 4 day event if you don't go nuts.
Here was my breakdown from last year in Chicago (and you can not go as nuts with extras as I did…):
Ticket: $90
Hotel: $100 (roomed with Kay Lynn for two nights and we split it)
Airfare: $250
Taxi to and from airport: $40
Food: $20 – Lots is provided and I only needed to pay for one dinner on Saturday (pizza) and a lunch on Sunday before I left (burger). JD Robb, Dr. Dean, and Len Penzo spoiled me for two other meals (Friday lunch and Friday dinner, well, second dinner…I just went to talk) - thank you guys!!! But at worst, I would have needed $50.
So, I spent about $500 plus another $100 on business cards (stupid since I won even better ones for free) and accessories from (I had a tote bag, necklace, and pen made with my BFS logo on it…and I bought a leather business card holder and a pocket one to hold my own…yeah, I went crazy).
Here was my breakdown of the event: http://www.budgetinginthefunst…..ence-2011/
Now I am getting even more excited just thinking about it!!!
4:50 am March 9, 2012
| Jason@LiveRealNow
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| Member | posts 727 | 
Another thing to consider: I've made some decent money since FINCON that is directly tied to connections I made at FINCON. It would have been worth it anyway, but for me, the trip turned a clear, measurable profit.
2:26 pm July 11, 2012
| moolamind
| | Meridian, ID | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
I just read this whole thread… how can I not go now?! Any negative comments at all? If not, I'm buying my ticket today.
3:23 am July 12, 2012
| Kylie Ofiu
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| Member | posts 65 | 
No negatives from me Jake. I am flying from Australia for it. It is so worth it. I made money from things directly linked to FinCon which means despite having to pay for some of my flight from Sydney, I still made a profit on it.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year and meet new people too.
4:27 am July 12, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
I am not going and feeling like an AH. Its not money my job is holding me back. If you get a leave you must go.
10:01 am July 12, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
@Jake, no negatives from me. Literally was just an amazing weekend!!!
10:23 am July 12, 2012
| moolamind
| | Meridian, ID | |
| Member | posts 50 | 
Looks like I'm going. Just bought my ticket! thanks for the input.
8:58 am July 16, 2012
| moneysmarts
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| Member | posts 240 | |
Fig (Figuring Money Out) said:
Okay so it's pretty far fetched for me to actually come but I reeeeaaaallllyyy want to come to this conference. Any ideas on how to make the financial impact as small as possible? Tips on how to save money/cut expenses? I'm not a big blogger so I'm not making bank with my blog but I'd love to come and learn from those who are and who know more than I do. I think it would be an amazing experience!
Here's the post I wrote last year about how to cut costs when attending these conferences:
Cut conference costs
Like everyone says, it was a great time, I really hope to make it this year. I've bought my ticket, but not hotel/flight quite yet – depending on family stuff on whether i can go..
FINCON 2011 Wrap-up
11:55 am August 2, 2012
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
Just got my flight all squared away! Flying in early Thurs and out by 5pm Sunday.
Anyone looking to cab/shuttle it in together?