@BFS put it inside a <div> and center the div that should work. Like
<div style="text-align:center">
[whatever you have]
Sorry guys, am not feeling well, so didn't visit the forums yesterday after I posted this.
1) If you are already using social media plugin, check that first, you might just have to check a check box to have this appear too. If not, read on.
It is really simple to add the google+1 button. No plugins needed (well depending on where you want to add).
2) To add it to your sidebar to google +1 your entire site -
place this code where you normally place your google analytics, sitemeter or any script that loads in the header/footer. Or look for the footer.php file (or any php file that displays the footer stuff) and paste this before the </body> or you can paste it in the header before </head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
Then create a sidebar text widget and paste this
You can change the looks of the button (like if you don't want the count for example) here -
You will have the button for the site now.
3) To add it to your post
If you have pasted it in the header/footer that is same for every single post then you need not add the script again, if not open the single.php (or whatever you theme single file is) and add the <script> from above.
Then just add the <g:plusone> where you want like just below the </title> will display it just below the title above the content. Google will figure out the url on its own, but just to be safe, I would add the url as well, like this
<g:plusone href=<?php the_permalink()?>></g:plusone>
And them style to make it wrap around. Here is an example
<div style="float:right;margin:0 5px 0 0;height: 60px; width: 50px;"> //that would top, right, bottom, left so adjust based on your like, change the height and width too
[add the google button code here and tweet button code or whatever you want]
4) For thesis theme. Add the <script> to the Thesis Site Options > Stats Software/Scripts
Then for site wide do the steps two from adding it to site instructions (sidebar text widget)
For single post add this to custom_functions
function google_plus_one_output() {
if (is_single()) { ?>
<div class="my-plus-one">
<g:plusone size="medium"></g:plusone>
<?php }
add_action('thesis_hook_before_post', 'google_plus_one_output');
and add this to custom.css
.custom .my-plus-one { float:right; }
5) If you are using a plugin but that one does not include google +1 but includes a way to add your own buttons (sharethis, sharebar all of them does)
[I tried pasting the code but it formats very weirdly so I am not sure it would work if you cut/paste. If you want to do this, let me know via email I will send the code in a notepad]
If you have problem adding the button, just shoot me an email, I can walk you through.