User | Post |
11:00 am April 22, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Anyone willing to help each other out on google+? I haven't done much on there at all, but I'd like to at least increase my number of blog homepage google+ shares. Or maybe we can help each other more beyond that. Leave a message on this thread or reach out to me via my blog's contact form.
11:59 am April 22, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 |
I'm definitely up for it and spreading some +1's.
12:32 pm April 22, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Thanks Hank. I just shared one of your posts and sent you an e-mail.
9:54 am April 23, 2012
| Finance Yoga
| | Kentucky | |
| Member | posts 86 |
I'm up for it, I will make it a point to +1 you and whoever else is on this page. I will try to re-surface the FaceBook Like forum so that it can work in conjunction with this one.
11:28 am April 23, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Thanks Jeremiah. I'll be sure to return the favor. Let me know if you find any other threads of people doing this kind of thing for google+.
3:54 pm April 23, 2012
| Money Counselor
| | |
| Member | posts 233 |
Just added Modest Money to my G+ circles and liked you on FB…
5:16 pm April 23, 2012
| Van Beek
| | Bangkok, Thailand | |
| Member | posts 227 |
OK, I have just liked you (all the above here) Facebook pages, added you to my Google+ circles and gave your blog home page a +1.
6:31 pm April 23, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Thanks Kurt and Van Beek. Gonna go return the favors right now.
4:48 am April 24, 2012
| Glen Craig
| | |
| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Just followed with my page and profile.
3:37 pm April 24, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Thanks Glen. I think I was already following your blogs, but I'm going to double check right now and + your latest posts.
11:03 am April 29, 2012
| Shilpan
| | |
| Member | posts 126 |
Jeremy, I just added you to my friend circle on G+.
1:07 pm April 29, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
Jeremy, I have a question for you. Not related to this thread but since you started this thread so I found its the best place to ask the question without starting a new thread.
I was looking in to your one of the week's posts, you linked to many of the Yakezie challengers and members. But sadly you put a nofollow attribute to them.
The question is did the challengers also give you nofollow in the first place? if not, isn't it wrong that you put nofollow in their links?
I have no business, as you didn't link to me and I am not asking you to put either. And its your blog you should be the only person deciding what sort of links to give out. But, somehow I felt this is not correct way of spreading love.
2:00 pm April 29, 2012
| Nunzio Bruno
| | Springfield, MA | |
| Member | posts 40 |
I'm in for spreading some love too! I'll be making my way through everyone's g+ that posted this thread. Feel free to find me at and share the love for – if you want to that is :)
Nunzio Bruno
Financially Digital
Twitter: @Nunzio_Bruno
Always up for some collaboration and an adventure!
Email: nunzio (dot) bruno (at)
2:19 pm April 29, 2012
| Nunzio Bruno
| | Springfield, MA | |
| Member | posts 40 |
Nunzio Bruno said:
I'm in for spreading some love too! I'll be making my way through everyone's g+ that posted this thread. Feel free to find me at and share the love for – if you want to that is :)
ok – I think I made it to everyone that posted in this thread. I just wanted to shoot out that update and you were all added to my new circle "Bloggers of Awesome" :)
Nunzio Bruno
Financially Digital
Twitter: @Nunzio_Bruno
Always up for some collaboration and an adventure!
Email: nunzio (dot) bruno (at)
3:17 am April 30, 2012
| Matt76Allen
| | |
| Member | posts 78 |
I'm in! I'm finding that I am liking Google+ better than Facebook. Facebook has become much too cluttered. Google+ is clean and fresh.
4:29 pm April 30, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
OneCentAtatime said:
Jeremy, I have a question for you. Not related to this thread but since you started this thread so I found its the best place to ask the question without starting a new thread.
I was looking in to your one of the week's posts, you linked to many of the Yakezie challengers and members. But sadly you put a nofollow attribute to them.
The question is did the challengers also give you nofollow in the first place? if not, isn't it wrong that you put nofollow in their links?
I have no business, as you didn't link to me and I am not asking you to put either. And its your blog you should be the only person deciding what sort of links to give out. But, somehow I felt this is not correct way of spreading love.
I'm not sure which links your referring to. The only links I've nofollowed are to my own websites, to affiliates and for one guest post for a commercial website. I believe my comments are automatically set to nofollow, but that is the norm in this niche. My weekly link round ups are all dofollow links. So perhaps you have me mixed up with someone else.
4:47 am May 2, 2012
| Finance Yoga
| | Kentucky | |
| Member | posts 86 |
I have been wondering if I should make my affiliate links nofollow, but I was unsure and didn't want to take the risk of not getting a payout. Good to know this is ok to do. Maybe that'll help my search engine rankings
8:01 pm May 11, 2012
| Wayne
| | |
| Member | posts 125 |
I've +1 and added all of you except for Van Beek, Shilpan, OneCent, Nunzio and Matt. Those of you that I couldn't add, either it required that you add me first or I could not find you. I think my permissions are different, because I have a G+ page and not an individual profile. Once you add me, I'll be sure to add you in return.