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5:14 pm November 6, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
Has anyone been trying to get their Google profile pic to show up beside their search results in Google?
I've checked several sources and nothing seems to be working.
But I also read that you have to wait for Google to index the new changes? Anyway, let me know if you have any experience with this.
6:44 pm November 6, 2011
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
I've added the rel="me" and rel="author" and I'd love to see my author pic show. But I've also heard G is still playing around with it.
It's not something that automatically happens when you add the code(s).
If it shows cool, if not, that's ok too.
4:46 am November 7, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
oooh! ooh! It's working!
Don't ask me how I did it lol Cause I prob couldn't do it again. I tried everything last night. Here's what it should look like.
7:51 am November 7, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 |
Can you explain exactly what this is? When someone searches for a keyword and your site/article comes up, Google will also list you as the author and show your picture? How do they know that you are the author? Do you have to register your site somehow, and then list yourself as the author? What about guest posts or multiple author sites?
7:58 pm November 7, 2011
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Post edited 7:59 pm – November 7, 2011 by Glen Craig – Free From Broke
Khaleef – You need to have the code set up. Their are rel attributes that tell who the author of an article is and such. I'd love to give you more details but I'm just getting my head around it.
But to answer one of your questions, there are ways to attribute guest article back to you as well as multi-author sites. The originating site might have to have some code set up depending on how you go about using the rel codes.
LaTisha – That's real cool you got it working! The real test is if it shows in the search engines.
4:55 am November 8, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
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| Admin
| posts 1715 |
Exactly, I think they are only allowing some of the bigger sites to get that functionality but at least I know I'll be ready when they open it up more.
@Khaleef, you have to have an author page, G+ page and link them together somehow. I went through several tutorials before I got it right and I don't remember exactly how I did it :(
Glen Craig – Free From Broke said:
Khaleef – You need to have the code set up. Their are rel attributes that tell who the author of an article is and such. I'd love to give you more details but I'm just getting my head around it.
But to answer one of your questions, there are ways to attribute guest article back to you as well as multi-author sites. The originating site might have to have some code set up depending on how you go about using the rel codes.
LaTisha – That's real cool you got it working! The real test is if it shows in the search engines.
8:19 am November 9, 2011
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 |
If anyone know how to do this or finds a good link, please share. It would help with scraper sites ranking higher than your own for work that they have stolen! Thanks.
5:11 am November 10, 2011
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Here's one article that helped:…..or-rel-me/
Also if you are on Thesis: There are other articles on it in there too I believe.
There doesn't seem to be a real simple way to do it correctly.
In a nutshell:
- Have your articles link to your author or About page. Use the rel="author" tag (If you have multiple authors then use the author page otherwise you can use your About).
- Have your author/about page link to your Google+ profile. Use the rel="me" tag
- Make sure your Google+ profile links back to your author/about page. Try calling the link About Me
The kicker here is that wordpress needs some extra "help" to make this happen properly.