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12:15 pm July 11, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Hello Yakezie,
I am a marketing intern/blog writer for the peer-to-peer lending company "Peerform" and am considering writing a blog post regarding the growth of Personal Finance Blogs. As soon as I began reading about personal finance, there seemed to be an innumerable amount of personal finance and investment blogs. Thus, I am wondering:
What was the growth (number-wise) of these personal finance type blogs like? Was there a large increase after the economy tanked?
Are there other blogcircles in personal finance that Yakezie might "compete" with?
and please share if you have any other relevant details or comments that might benefit the blog post.
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
12:37 pm July 11, 2011
| AshleyB
| | |
| Member | posts 101 | 
I used to write a personal finance blog that ran from feb 08 til may 09. At that time I was able to follow pretty much all the active pf blogs that were running. I came back to "the scene" about 4 months ago and now there are so many I couldn't possibly follow them all. No way. Every single day I find more without even trying. I couldn't tell you number wise how it's grown but I'm amazed.
12:55 pm July 11, 2011
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Post edited 12:56 pm – July 11, 2011 by retireby40
The WiseBread list has around 700 PF sites listed. I'm sure there are upward of PF 1,000 sites on the internet and more everyday. pretty crazy..
I guess wordpress made blogging so easy that everyone who wants to can start a blog.
1:30 pm July 11, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
AshleyB said:
I used to write a personal finance blog that ran from feb 08 til may 09. At that time I was able to follow pretty much all the active pf blogs that were running. I came back to "the scene" about 4 months ago and now there are so many I couldn't possibly follow them all. No way. Every single day I find more without even trying. I couldn't tell you number wise how it's grown but I'm amazed.
retireby40 said:
The WiseBread list has around 700 PF sites listed. I'm sure there are upward of PF 1,000 sites on the internet and more everyday. pretty crazy..
I guess wordpress made blogging so easy that everyone who wants to can start a blog.
@AshleyB Wow! that is a really overwhelming! The time frame reference is really helpful :). I'll dig around for a numberwise statistic and post it here if I indeed find one.
@retireby40 Thanks a lot for the lead on WiseBread! The VC's who funded Automattic (The company behind WordPress) must be very happy :)
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
1:31 pm July 11, 2011
| My Personal Finance Journey
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| Member
| posts 3159 | 
It really is amazing how much growth occurred in the number of blogs between 2009-2010!
2:44 pm July 11, 2011
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
With regards to the Yakezie, we don't really compete. We are a collaborative effort to raise the quality of the content o our blogs, grow our readership while promoting OTHER quality blogs and to "give back" a little to the community with our writing contest. The Yakezie is unique in that way.
Besides Wisebread you might want to Google "Money Crashers Top 100" and "FIRE Finance top 100"
6:18 am July 12, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Sandy @ yesiamcheap said:
With regards to the Yakezie, we don't really compete. We are a collaborative effort to raise the quality of the content o our blogs, grow our readership while promoting OTHER quality blogs and to "give back" a little to the community with our writing contest. The Yakezie is unique in that way.
Besides Wisebread you might want to Google "Money Crashers Top 100" and "FIRE Finance top 100"
Thanks for the leads! I'll definitely read more about the writing contest.
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
7:32 am July 12, 2011
| Harri @ TotallyMoney
| | London | |
| Member | posts 99 | 
Post edited 7:32 am – July 12, 2011 by Harri @ TotallyMoney
Whilst there are potentially thousands of PF blogs today, the spread and rise of PF blogs varies enormously by country. There are very very few PF blogs in the UK for example. By my reckoning there are about 40 in total, some of which haven't been updated this year. The PF blogging scene is much bigger, closer knit and more influential in the States and Canada.
3:01 pm July 12, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Post edited 3:01 pm – July 12, 2011 by P2PNoob
Hey Harri, Thanks for the tip :)
Gosh, The more I research this, the more I feel I can write an entire paper on it rather than a single blog post.
Harri @ TotallyMoney said:
Whilst there are potentially thousands of PF blogs today, the spread and rise of PF blogs varies enormously by country. There are very very few PF blogs in the UK for example. By my reckoning there are about 40 in total, some of which haven't been updated this year. The PF blogging scene is much bigger, closer knit and more influential in the States and Canada.
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
2:32 pm July 19, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Hi guys!
Again, I'm trying to gather material for the blog post regarding growth of PF blogs.
Just a few questions: Have any of you read Personal Finance blogs since 2005? If so, do you see a difference in content between PF blogs that were popular back then vs. now? Also, What motivated you to start your personal finance blog?
Thanks so much!
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
1:31 pm July 23, 2011
| My University Money
| | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
I've found that per capita, my fellow Canucks must be near the top of the personal finance charts!
5:05 pm July 23, 2011
| JT_McGee
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| Member | posts 723 | 
Here, I used the "Wayback machine" at to find a historical cache of the top 100 pf blogs at Wisebread.
In November 2009 (the only date they have) there were only 381 blogs listed:…..nce-blogs/
Granted, there were probably more, some of which existed but weren't yet on the list. Even still, there are 683 now.
3:26 pm July 24, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Yes, I have found that more PF blogs focused on getting rich years ago. They were focused on flipping homes or buying stocks for quick money. Now there are a much larger amount of finance blogs focused on frugality.
3:43 pm July 24, 2011
| Brave New Life
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| Member | posts 41 | 
@Buy Like Buffett -
At least people are getting smarter, right? :)
6:09 am July 25, 2011
| Peerform-Blog
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| Member | posts 68 | 
Blogwriters and Marketing Team for Peerform's Blog
Topics include:Personal Finance, Debt, Debt Management, Peer to peer lending
3:08 pm July 25, 2011
| The Financial Blogger
| | |
| Member | posts 429 | 
My University Money said:
I've found that per capita, my fellow Canucks must be near the top of the personal finance charts!
Yeah, Canucks Power!
There are some important Canadian players in the PF world!
2 very successful Canadian Blogs were created a while back ago:
Canadian Capitalist
Million Dollar Journey
I started back in 2006 and I can tell you that there was less competition on the market (for keywords for example). some of the oldest blogs still "own" their shares of high ranking and it's hard to get in front of them.
6:52 am July 27, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
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| Member
| posts 1682 | 
Brave New Life said:
@Buy Like Buffett -
At least people are getting smarter, right? :)
Yes, they are. The topics are much more sensible now.