User | Post |
5:42 pm January 7, 2014
| brokeGIRLrich
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| Member | posts 22 | 
Have any of you solicited a guest post only to not be sure if you should publish it?
I have a few guest posts going up this month about different ways people paid off their student loans. Last month I did a similar thing with debt stories in general and had no issues. This first guest post I received was from someone I never really had any interaction with, but she sent me a link to her site and I thought it was ok – I was actually excited to have someone from completely outside the PF blogosphere writing about their student loans.
The post I got back from her is weird. The grammar is so off that I'd almost think she was a spammer – but there's still a coherent story line. I didn't expect the writing to be excellent – I mean, I did go read her blog. She's not William Shakespeare or Janet Evanovich – the writing there is a little rough, but more coherent than what I received.
The final thing I'm concerned about is that her niche seems to have something to do with being handicapped and I sort of wondered if her incredibly weird post has something to do with an issue I just don't see?
Currently, I just edited the heck out of her post. I'm not super excited about it, but I'm also a little stuck. I can either try to scramble to write something myself tonight or just go with it. It's also not awful with all the edits… any advice?
6:07 am January 8, 2014
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
She is a freelancer who got paid (probably terribly) to get a link up on your site. Go through her post you'll find a link or two to some type of commercial company
6:22 am January 8, 2014
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 | 
Just went to your site – didn't take long
OVLG. They are notorious for trying to get free guest posts. If you tell her you are taking out that OVLG link (which is who she is getting paid by) you will get a nasty response.
10:13 am January 8, 2014
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
Mel – I got contacted via face book for a guest post that sounds very similar to your story. The story had a number of links to a debt consolidation company and I never ran it.
7:17 pm January 8, 2014
| brokeGIRLrich
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| Member | posts 22 | 
Well, I opted to run it… mostly because I spent two hours trying to make it coherent. Lesson learned though, this weekend I rebuild my stockpile of posts in case something like that happens again.
MyJourneytoMillions, how do you catch that sort of thing? Trial and error (as in I now know to avoid people linking to that company)?
How long can you claim the newbie blogger stupidity? …at least a solid year, I hope.
9:41 am January 9, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
When people pitch crap like that to me, I tell them that I am open to advertising and have several options they can take advantage of.
4:34 pm January 9, 2014
| First Million is the Hardest
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 119 | 
I get all sorts of spammy guest post requests like that. Unless it's a blogger I recognize from Yakezie, or someone who has a blog they link me to and I can check out beforehand I just ignore it.
5:41 pm January 9, 2014
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 | 
brokeGIRLrich said:
Have any of you solicited a guest post only to not be sure if you should publish it?
I have a few guest posts going up this month about different ways people paid off their student loans. Last month I did a similar thing with debt stories in general and had no issues. This first guest post I received was from someone I never really had any interaction with, but she sent me a link to her site and I thought it was ok – I was actually excited to have someone from completely outside the PF blogosphere writing about their student loans.
The post I got back from her is weird. The grammar is so off that I'd almost think she was a spammer – but there's still a coherent story line. I didn't expect the writing to be excellent – I mean, I did go read her blog. She's not William Shakespeare or Janet Evanovich – the writing there is a little rough, but more coherent than what I received.
The final thing I'm concerned about is that her niche seems to have something to do with being handicapped and I sort of wondered if her incredibly weird post has something to do with an issue I just don't see?
Currently, I just edited the heck out of her post. I'm not super excited about it, but I'm also a little stuck. I can either try to scramble to write something myself tonight or just go with it. It's also not awful with all the edits… any advice?
Don't ever feel like you're stuck. It's your blog and you have 100% control over what you publish. It's great that you hold yourself to a schedule, but there's no need to stress "to scramble to write something" by a certain time.
And if she's including a link to a company, the law group in this case, you should either get paid or tell them to gtfo.
12:42 pm January 11, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
I had a situation come up recently where a writer contacted me and wanted to write a guest post. I had not heard of her so asked her to submit some samples of her writing to me. The samples she submitted were… not good. Weird writing style, weird topics, and grammar that really made me wonder if English was her first language or not. I briefly considered letting her write something and then editing the heck out of it, but then I realized that would be a lot of work for me. AND I realized that I would feel compelled to fact check everything since I did not trust her as a writer. That would be a TON of work for me. Unfortunately she kept emailing and emailing me, and so finally I had to write her back and inform her that her writing style was not consistent with that of my site. Probably lame, but I could not think of anything better!
9:47 pm January 11, 2014
| brokeGIRLrich
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| Member | posts 22 | 
Colormefrugal, definitely not lame. I wish I had thought of something like that. At least in my guest post's case, it was some really generic tips to save cash while in college that were just common sense with her own experience sprinkled in (with super weird word choices and grammar), so I didn't worry about providing incorrect info. I am totally telling everyone that seems iffy to me that their "style is not consistent with my site." And requiring samples from bloggers I don't know.
3:05 pm January 12, 2014
| annielogue
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| Member | posts 60 | 
The last time someone approached me, I said it would be $100. They paid, and I posted it with a "sponsored content" label.
Next time, I'll ask for more money.
Low Finance. High Finance: Spend less than you earn, get a return that beats inflation
The Root of All: @annielogue
Chicago on the Cheap: @chicagocheap
10:13 am January 15, 2014
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
Always try to push your rates higher! Most won't share publicly, but if you ask privately you will find most established sites charge well more than that and charge per year.
annielogue said:
The last time someone approached me, I said it would be $100. They paid, and I posted it with a "sponsored content" label.
Next time, I'll ask for more money.
2:52 am January 16, 2014
| Kylie Ofiu
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| Member | posts 65 | 
Yep, I agree with what everyone has written.
I always only offer options such as 1 link or 2 links, 1 year or 2 years and have different rates for these. I never do permanent links and I push for no follow instead of do follow. I have an advertising tab these posts go under and I push for higher rates than $100 (although that was a good start!)
I simply tell them there are limited sponsored post spaces available on my site and if they want one, these are my terms and fees. I rarely get rejected. Sometimes they try to negotiate but the worthwhile ones always pay, dodgy spammers don't want to.
10:41 am January 18, 2014
| moneystepper
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| Member | posts 182 | 
Kylie / Eric,
Its interesting to read your thoughts on rates.
How significantly did your rates change as your sites grew in readership, PR ranking, Alexa ranking, etc?
10:56 am January 18, 2014
| frugaling
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| Member | posts 139 | 
Just want to let everyone know that these posts are being farmed out to places like the Philippines, India, and Singapore (to name a few). Many are not native English speakers and are working as part of a gigantic system to place shady, gray market links online.
Whether it's a guest or "sponsored" post, I highly recommend resisting the urge to publish it, as you will likely take a beating from Google. The search engine has been decreasing ranks to those that accept this journalism, as it degrades the accuracy of Google's search results.
Just my two cents,
2:57 pm January 18, 2014
| colormefrugal
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| Member | posts 99 | 
Thanks for the info. I had no idea. The writer who contacted me appeared to have a CV that linked her to the Kansas City area, but like I said, her writing did not seem like that of a native English speaker. I got another similar solicitation just a couple days ago that I think I'll be ignoring. Thanks again for the info!
2:59 pm January 18, 2014
| Kylie Ofiu
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| Member | posts 65 | 
MoneyStepper – I'm bad, I don't track anything. I have analytics and everything but I simply don't focus on my stats. I focus on my reader engagement. I decided to push rates more when I had interest from large companies and once I knew how much an author can charge for things in Australia e.g. base rates for freelance writing, I just increased everything. My PR took a hit a while ago and I haven't even worried about it because none of my advertisers have cared. I do a lot of public speaking here in Australia, am a published author and won Best International Personal Finance Blog the last 2 years, so they want all that. PLUS there are very few Australian finance blogs, and I am one of the first. As such, I can be choosier and charge more. I just bought a new site and upped the rates on it immediately. The same advertiser they had asked why the hike (it was doubled), pointed out the benefits and they accepted that and took 4 more spots.
I started at $100 when I was really small and accepted $150 with Crystal, but the majority of my advertising now is significantly higher than this. The higher rates really weeded out the crap and now I pretty much only have to deal with higher quality clients.
Also, I write my posts. I give them the option of submitting if their emails have indicated their English is good, because as Frugaling said most are not English natives. I point out that posts written by me have a personal slant and more engagement. I rarely get advertisers wanting to do their own posts now. And I charge extra for me to write it, on top of my advertising rate.
Hope that helps.
7:34 am January 30, 2014
| Lauren@TheWriteBudget
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| Member | posts 11 | 
Just received my first email today from someone who wants to "share their material" with my audience. Since my blog is brand new, I figured it was likely a spammer, and it turns out I was right. I did a little Googling and found that this person has actually had articles published on other PF blogs with a link to the law firm someone here mentioned. I'm glad I had read this thread previously so I didn't waste my time with them!
12:22 pm January 30, 2014
| brokeGIRLrich
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| Member | posts 22 | 
So to add another note to this whole mad saga, as I mentioned I did opt to publish her article after I spent hours revising it into something not totally a waste of time for my readers. At the beginning of this week (roughly 3 weeks after her post went up), she contacted me and asked to write another one. I politely declined using colormefrugal's method that I didn't feel like her style really lined up with my blog. A few days after that she contacted me again with:
Hi Todd,
I hope you are doing good. I have sent an article to post on your site ( and it has posted in second week of January, 2014.
Here is the url:
Due to some technical issues and other issues, I can't keep my link live and author bio with this article. I would be thankful, if you kindly remove my link with author bio.
You can keep the article live but kindly remove the link.
To begin with, my name is not Todd. Nor am I a boy. But beyond that, WTF? If this weren't already shady to begin with – it's just sort of the icing on the cake. I know I mentioned I learned my lesson previously, but I figured I'd just add this final piece of the puzzle for other new bloggers who are considering guest posts.
That being said, this whole mess came from a girl named Amy Lewis, so if a girl by that name contacts you – I'd pass. Ugh.
9:54 pm January 30, 2014
| Untemplater
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| Member | posts 400 | 
Yeah there are so many people who try to get free links published in junk guest posts. As others have said- your blog, your rules. Don't feel bad to be as picky and selective as you need to!