User | Post |
12:12 pm April 9, 2012
| femmefrugality
| | |
| Member | posts 105 |
Hi, all!
I'm nearing the end of my semester at school, and things are getting CRAZY! I'm looking for guest posts for those days when final-studying becomes unfortunately more important than writing. Thought I'd check with Yakezie users first. :)
Any takers?
12:33 pm April 9, 2012
| Poor Student
| | Mount Forest, Ontario | |
| Member | posts 72 |
I have the same problem. Three exams in four days this week. I am hoping to manage to write a little something but I feel like I should study instead.
4:41 pm April 9, 2012
| Money and Risk
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| Member | posts 73 |
I have over 800 pending posts so I can shoot one over to you. Do you have a topic in mind?
By the way, I loved the "sell your body" post. Adored the little sperms.
6:00 pm April 9, 2012
| MyJourneytoMillions
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| Member
| posts 1012 |
Do your 800 posts have a cheesy link for a client of yours lol? Watch out for that when asking for posts
10:16 pm April 9, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 |
Money and Risk said:
I have over 800 pending posts so I can shoot one over to you. Do you have a topic in mind?
By the way, I loved the "sell your body" post. Adored the little sperms.
Wow! I thought I had a lot. 800 hundred is incredible! Good motivation to get cracking and write more.
What is the average length of your posts and how long does it take you to write them? How often do you publish a week? Thoughts about publishing more frequently, given you've got almost 3 years worth publishing M-F?
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
3:14 am April 10, 2012
| John B
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| Member | posts 23 | |
Any topics that you are interested in. I will be able to write two guest posts for you in the coming week.
5:16 am April 10, 2012
| WorkSaveLive
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| Member | posts 187 |
Financial Samurai said:
Money and Risk said:
I have over 800 pending posts so I can shoot one over to you. Do you have a topic in mind?
By the way, I loved the "sell your body" post. Adored the little sperms.
Wow! I thought I had a lot. 800 hundred is incredible! Good motivation to get cracking and write more.
What is the average length of your posts and how long does it take you to write them? How often do you publish a week? Thoughts about publishing more frequently, given you've got almost 3 years worth publishing M-F?
That is unbelievable! I'm anxious to see her response because I HAVE GOT to learn how to get that far ahead.
12:01 pm April 10, 2012
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 |
Money and Risk—just sent you a personal message here on Yakezie!
Thanks all for the feedback! I'm open to more people, too. Just saying. :)
2:00 pm April 10, 2012
| Money and Risk
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| Member | posts 73 |
I use Evernote to dictate via phone and Notability or Google docs on my iPad. This is in addition to downloading my experiences at night into Wordpress (when I remember). I've tried Dragon Dictation but you have to speak super slow for it to capture the right words.
The key is to capture your ideas immediately, good or bad. Otherwise you won't remember it. Do it everywhere: parking lot, grocery store, bathroom.
My trick is: title, key concepts, outline of idea, and take away idea that you want people to remember. If I'm dictating on the phone, it's about 1-2 minutes. Notability – 5 minutes to type. Use outline format so you capture the ideas. It gives you about 5-8 paragraphs that you can expand later.
For example, I'm reviewing industrial buildings and additional office spaces to rent. We had a conference call yesterday to get everyone's input. During the call, I noted down the questions people asked and what they didn't ask. I had to explain things like CAM and NNN.
I ended up with notes for 3 posts: 1. What to watch out for when renting a commercial building 2. How to negotiate for lower rents 3. How to choose where to rent
I'm not sure if they will ever be published but they will be converted into a discussion pdf for my clients when someone want to rent a building.
3:04 pm April 10, 2012
| Money and Risk
| | |
| Member | posts 73 |
@Evan, I don't even promote my own company on my blog so there's little chance of me promoting sleazy links.
From my bare bones outline, it usually take me about 1/2 hr – 9 hrs to expand the post. Then it goes through base editing – a checklist of things I'm not allowed to talk about or say (based on federal regulations). Will compliance/legal have a fit? Like I can never talk about investments / stocks. We then edit for length, boring, simplicity and grammar so sometimes it takes from 8hr-40hr/post. If I don't have to do such a strict review, I can get done in 2 hrs max.
A regular blogger wouldn't have such constraints. I wrote two ebooks to give out and am still waiting for legal approval after 10 months.
I'm posting 2-3X/week right now. I'm trying to load my backlog queue so that I have approved posts to cover 12 weeks of absence.