User | Post |
3:36 pm February 1, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Several readers in the past have requested some detailed information on building niche websites. I now have over 20 profitable niche websites online and was finally able to compile a detailed post on how to build one.
While most bloggers interested in this area talk about KW research and link building, they never discuss creating the actual web property – the underlying asset on hand, which I feel is most critical and the reason for my success.
My current post talks about building one in depth. I spent several hours crafting the post and providing detailed examples so that the strategies can be understood, followed and acted upon immediately. Here is a link:
Would highly appreciate your thoughts / comments and gaps that can be filled / addressed in the next post?
Hope you find it useful!
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
5:35 am February 2, 2012
| Glen Craig
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| Member
| posts 1087 | |
Look pretty good! Thanks.
Question for you – How do you go about actually building the sites? What I mean is, do you do anything to copy one structure over to other sites or do you design each from scratch?
6:26 am February 2, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Glen – you can do either, depending on how much customization/differentiation you are going for. Templates and themes can be copied so easily, another reason why this method of generating income online is so lucrative. I can get a site up and running full speed in 2 days (less than 10-12 pages). Another 30-60 marketing and I am done. Rinse and repeat to the next one…
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
8:29 pm February 2, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 | 
That post is literally amazing. Hard for me to comprehend all the little details but definitely an awesome pillar article.
Bookmarked. :)
6:48 am February 3, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Appreciate that Jeff. Hope the granularity makes it practical to take and apply immediately
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
10:15 am February 3, 2012
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
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| Member
| posts 2213 | 
Thank you so much for such priceless information.
12:12 pm February 3, 2012
| Larry @ The Skilled Investor
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| Member | posts 53 | |
Excellent post. It shows the power of doing a detailed keyword search at the outset and understanding two-word, three-word, and four-word keyword phrases — including understanding the keyword phrases nested within longer keyword phrases. And then, consciously implementing that keyword analysis within the structure of a niche website. Since the site is so targeted, you can have a rather low Alexa rank and even modest pagerank on a site and still get respectable search traffic and Adsense revenue over the long term, in part because the ad click prices tend to move up.
I also like your point about consciously interlinking within your posts. Not only does this flow the Google juice around within the site, it also has an added benefit of sometimes getting two listings within the SERPs — a left justified entry with an indented entry just below. This increases your chances of a click-through from the SERPs, since your site occupies two listings on the search results page.
1:40 pm February 3, 2012
| Squirrelers
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| Member | posts 986 | 
I'm going to have to go through this post in more detail. Lots to digest here, but great stuff! Thanks for sharing this with us.
2:10 pm February 3, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
sure - looking forward to everyone's feedback. follow up questions / concerns are welcome
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
2:15 pm February 3, 2012
| Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog
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| Member | posts 964 | 
just headed over, but im looking forward to it after what i've been reading in the comments.
2:36 pm February 3, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
Great post. I got part way through and will have to finish it when I have a little quiet time.
Thanks Sunil.
8:28 am February 4, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
very informative post. thanks for sharing
3:24 am February 5, 2012
| money cactus
| | Australia | |
| Member | posts 33 | 
Great post, really enjoyed the content and strategy. I keep getting caught up in the process of actually finding a niche site topic… just can't seem to strike the right balance. Thinking I should just try diving in and seeing how it goes, it's all good practice right?
7:54 am February 5, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
thanks for the feedback everyone. MC – I wouldn't necessarily do that. it all depends on your objective (i.e. do you want a set and forget site or an authority site to develop over time)…take as much time doing KW research. it will pay off huge
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
1:24 pm February 5, 2012
| Tushar @ Everything Finance
| | Atlanta, GA, United States | |
| Member | posts 386 | 
Sunil, excellent post. I'm learning a lot already.
Question, you created these site using SBI. I looked into it a while back, but did not end up using them. Does SBI make it really easy or Wordpress is good enough to create these sites?

Tushar @ Everything Finance
Everything Finance
Email: tusharm at gmail dot com
Twitter: @AllFinance
9:46 am February 6, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Tushar, both are good. WP is good for starters, but SBI is really a powerful set of tools all in one suite. it's best for static/niche sites. the downside is the cost, but the rewards have been tremendous for me.
there are some specific posts on my blog that talk about why SBI is superior, make sure you read the post about auto sitemap generation and submission as well
it is important to fully understand why this tool is so much more superior before diving in. it's not for everyone and only a thorough review will enable you to answer that question for yourself.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
3:15 pm February 6, 2012
| Mike and Molly
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| Member | posts 9 | 
Molly: Sandy from 'Yes, I'm Cheap' today just emailed a link to this post!
I see that you do your keyword research on an excel spreadsheet. Mike and I are looking into the marketsamurai software. The demo was very convincing.
Mike: I had to restrain myself from ordering it!
Molly: Yes, keep that restrain on! I'm savy enough on excel to create a sheet to hold our research but the lure of the software and all it does is tempting.
Mike: Any words of wisdom? Have you tried it or similar software. What's your reasoning behind doing it on a spreadsheet?
6:15 pm February 6, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
Mike and Molly, rather than trying to cram all the info here, have you read my post on effective keyword research? also, in my resources section, I discuss three specific KW research tools, either of which can be downloaded to excel.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
11:18 am February 7, 2012
| Mike and Molly
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| Member | posts 9 | 
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog said:
Mike and Molly, rather than trying to cram all the info here, have you read my post on effective keyword research? also, in my resources section, I discuss three specific KW research tools, either of which can be downloaded to excel.
We did go back and read about 4 articles (plus hopped over to Entrepreneurs Journey). We see where you discuss the KW research tool in several articles and the reviews but there's no mention of which are downloadable to excel.
We'll keep reading!
12:47 pm February 7, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
My apologies M & M – all three that I use are downloadable – they all have export features. the reasons I dload to excel is because ease of use and familiarity. one doesn't have to however. does that help?
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)