User | Post |
7:43 pm August 26, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
I thought I'd share this here. If you aren't subscribed to HARO, you should be. It's a great way to get some bigger profile links on occasion. Like this one:…..52010.html
Link (in case that one doesn't work.)
Two links in the text, pointing to my site. Well worth the work of helping a reporter with a story.
4:22 am August 27, 2013
| Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa
| | Indianapolis, Indiana | |
| Member | posts 71 | 
Very cool. I'm glad to see HARO worked out so well for you. Have you noticed a spike in traffic?
6:39 am August 27, 2013
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Good work! Also happy that HARO worked for someone – not for me so far.
7:53 am August 27, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
Michael @ The Student Loan Sherpa said:
Very cool. I'm glad to see HARO worked out so well for you. Have you noticed a spike in traffic?
It's been a small spike in traffic. Not really anything too big. But, the links are more important, I think.
7:54 am August 27, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
maria@moneyprinciple said:
Good work! Also happy that HARO worked for someone – not for me so far.
It does work… eventually. :) I've been a subscriber to the HARO list for several years, and this is the first time it's worked out. Keep submitting responses, and eventually you find a winner.
8:08 am August 27, 2013
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
I'm a huge fan of HARO. I get a nice mention about once a quarter – you just need to be on it!
9:45 am August 27, 2013
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
| | |
| Member
| posts 3048 | 
Congrats! Yahoo just picked me up from HARO too, but they didn't link back even though I asked. Grrr. But I've had success about 6 times through HARO now, so I highly recommend it too.
10:40 am August 27, 2013
| Micro
| | Georgia | |
| Member | posts 12 | 
Congrats. This has definitely perked my interest in it. Going to have to give it a look :)
11:37 am August 27, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
No idea what this was until I google'd HARO. Cool concept.
1:11 pm August 27, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
Nice job! No luck with HARO for me so far. I'll keep plugging away now that I know it works though.
3:34 pm August 27, 2013
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
That's awesome!
I was featured in a story that ended up being nationally syndicated… but I mentioned my day job instead of my blog. #epicfail
HARO is great for getting media attention!
4:46 pm August 28, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
I've had 3 HARO references over the last 2 months. Nothing big like Yahoo! Finance, but every link/mention helps. I've found that the key is to send in your pitches as soon as you get the newsletter.
5:48 pm August 28, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
Does everyone have a free account or do you pay for your account? I signed up a few months ago for a free account and I've never received one email from them regarding stories to submit for. Just curious if I am doing something wrong or not. I logged in and made sure I checked the Master HARO and Business & Finance options.
6:27 pm August 28, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
Moneysma said:
Does everyone have a free account or do you pay for your account? I signed up a few months ago for a free account and I've never received one email from them regarding stories to submit for. Just curious if I am doing something wrong or not. I logged in and made sure I checked the Master HARO and Business & Finance options.
I've had it not like my choices and send me the master along with others when I'd specifically asked it to not send the master, but never had it not send anything. Maybe you need to try revalidating your email? Mine is a free account.
7:04 pm August 28, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
Awesome feedback. BTW the paid account is thousands of $$$.
I get the emails and haven't taken the time to respond. This is a great motivator. Congrats!
8:40 pm August 28, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Moneysma said:
Does everyone have a free account or do you pay for your account? I signed up a few months ago for a free account and I've never received one email from them regarding stories to submit for. Just curious if I am doing something wrong or not. I logged in and made sure I checked the Master HARO and Business & Finance options.
Yes, regular free account. I've done the same thing as you did and I get the emails just fine. Check your spam folder?
6:19 pm August 29, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
I figured out the issue. I had signed up with an email address that was 'contact@'. Their system for whatever reason can't send emails out to 'contact@', 'info@', 'admin@', etc. It has to be an actual name. I changed my email address and starting getting the emails today.
8:58 pm August 29, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
Moneysma said:
I figured out the issue. I had signed up with an email address that was 'contact@'. Their system for whatever reason can't send emails out to 'contact@', 'info@', 'admin@', etc. It has to be an actual name. I changed my email address and starting getting the emails today.
Interesting. You'd think they'd find a way to filter those out when people are signing up for accounts if they aren't going to send any emails to them…
7:36 am September 4, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I was wondering why I wasn't getting e-mails. I'll have to change my e-mail. Pretty big fail that it doesn't throw a roadblock up during the sign-up process.
2:53 pm September 5, 2013
| Moneysma
| | |
| Member | posts 165 | 
So after I corrected the email issue I started to get the daily emails. Over the weekend I submitted for a few stories but never heard anything back. Then today, I was browsing on Yahoo and clicked on a story titled 5 Bad Habits of New Car Owners. As I'm reading, it occurs to me I just read my name and a reference to my site! (The actual story is on US News as well.)
It's awesome that I was mentioned, but stinks that I found out about by reading the article. It would have been nice to get an email. I even logged onto HARO and nothing. I haven't seen any pop in visits yet since it's only been live a couple hours and I didn't get a link back, just a mention. But it's progress!