User | Post |
7:47 pm September 5, 2013
| BeatingBroke
| | North Dakota, USA | |
| Member | posts 860 | 
Moneysma said:
So after I corrected the email issue I started to get the daily emails. Over the weekend I submitted for a few stories but never heard anything back. Then today, I was browsing on Yahoo and clicked on a story titled 5 Bad Habits of New Car Owners. As I'm reading, it occurs to me I just read my name and a reference to my site! (The actual story is on US News as well.)
It's awesome that I was mentioned, but stinks that I found out about by reading the article. It would have been nice to get an email. I even logged onto HARO and nothing. I haven't seen any pop in visits yet since it's only been live a couple hours and I didn't get a link back, just a mention. But it's progress!
Yeah, you'd think that they'd at least let you know. Most of us would gladly push it via social media and other outlets if we're given the chance. I know I did. :)
9:38 pm September 6, 2013
| femmefrugality
| | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
I've never even heard of HARO. Thanks for getting me out from under this rock I've been living under. :) And congrats!
7:52 am September 9, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Yeah, you'd think it wouldn't be that hard to let the source know that they've been quoted.
9:05 am September 9, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
I just got a call from HARO, looking for more information on my site and possible stories leads after submitting. I missed the call, waiting on a call back.
5:14 pm September 9, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
Post edited 5:15 pm – September 9, 2013 by brian_debtdiscipline
They were looking to sell me some marketing software. Oh well.
9:17 pm September 9, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
brian_debtdiscipline said:
They were looking to sell me some marketing software. Oh well.
I think I was too nice to the guy who called me, because he keeps bombarding me with emails/phone calls about their marketing suite non-stop…
5:33 pm September 10, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
Anton Ivanov said:
brian_debtdiscipline said:
They were looking to sell me some marketing software. Oh well.
I think I was too nice to the guy who called me, because he keeps bombarding me with emails/phone calls about their marketing suite non-stop…
I told the guy I wasn't interest at this point. He said he touch base in the future with an e-mail. So far no contact, which is a good thing. :)
2:34 pm September 20, 2013
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
I have been receiving the reporter requests for a couple of years now and have also had success – a mention by CNBC was one of my first! I've also had success with; Women's Day, LearnVest, Nerd Wallet, international living and a few others.
I've also used it to gather information for articles.
3 emails a day, with all categories is what I get and I skim through each one.
2:48 pm September 20, 2013
| Barbara Friedberg
| | |
| Member
| posts 1302 | 
I had a great Haro experience this week as well. I was a featured guest on a San Diego radio talk show (Bloomberg affiliated) talking about the economy, real estate, and interest rates.
I need to actually read these HARO emails and reply more frequently!
6:24 pm September 20, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 
Barbara Friedberg said:
I had a great Haro experience this week as well. I was a featured guest on a San Diego radio talk show (Bloomberg affiliated) talking about the economy, real estate, and interest rates.
I need to actually read these HARO emails and reply more frequently!
6:49 am September 24, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Nothing for me yet but I did sign up as a result of the successes shared on here a few weeks back. Keeping my fingers crossed.
6:43 pm September 25, 2013
| moneyandpotatoes(thepotatohead)
| | PA | |
| Member | posts 51 | 
Will definitely check this out, sounds like a good bandwagon to jump on
11:59 am October 7, 2013
| ontargetcoach
| | Los Angeles, CA | |
| Member | posts 107 | 
Hey gang, I use HARO for my day job with a digital marketing company and I've had quite a bit of success for my clients (I've been quoted on US News myself). I'll offer a few tips if you really want to dig in:
- If it's a link you're really after, make sure the media outlet they represent allows or has outbound links.
- Respond quickly! The more quickly you respond, the better chance you'll have at being included in the article.
- Respond with the Title of their query and an catchy phrase in the email subject line. (Email marketing 101–make them WANT to open your email)
- After you send your response, find them on LinkedIn and ask to connect so they can see your qualifications.
- Include your email and phone number in the body of the email–HARO likes to cloak your email me thinks.
- In your response, add your url already hyper-linked so they can easily see your site. They seem to be more likely to add your link if it's added in your response.
- If they do use your quotes you without linking, a kind email asking for a link or if they are allowed to link to your site isn't out of bounds.
These are just a few tricks I've used to see a decent amount of success, but yes it's a numbers game for sure.
9:13 am October 8, 2013
| Eve of Reduction
| | Buffalo, NY | |
| Member | posts 46 | 
Great tips!
I was in a position where I spent a lot of time crafting my pitch and answering follow up questions only to have my name mentioned with no link in the published article.
I politely went back to the reporter and asked if she would link to my blog and reminded her that HARO is a free publicity site. The trade off for our time and knowledge is publicity. That's a fair and valid point. She went back and added my link.
If you don't ask the answer is always no.
Cristin Frank
Founder of Eve of Reduction - Where Reducers are Producers - Reduction Rebels, let's save money by being clever, resourceful and creative. Before we open our wallets, we open our minds.
Author of Living Simple, Free & Happy: How to Simplify, Declutter Your Home, and Reduce Stress, Debt & Waste
Like us on Facebook and Pinterest
Twitter: @cristinfrank
4:15 pm October 8, 2013
| brian_debtdiscipline
| | NY | |
| Member | posts 113 | 