User | Post |
6:03 pm June 7, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Hey everyone, HARO is a great way to get free publicity. I just finished up an interview that I found through them for I've read that reporters from NY Times, MSN Money and others use them for information sources. The best part is, it's FREE! So, I figured I'd share with all Yakezie Members and Challengers! Have fun being a source!
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
10:32 am June 8, 2013
| Anton Ivanov
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Member | posts 129 | 
Thank for sharing! Will be checking it out.
12:25 pm June 8, 2013
| Eliza Cross
| | |
| Member | posts 164 | 
Thanks for sharing the link to HARO, Joshua. One tip I've learned about using HARO is to read the e-mails the minute they arrive and respond QUICKLY if you see a query that's a good match for you.
For some queries the reporters get inundated with responses, and if yours is near the top of the heap you have a much better chance of being contacted. Also, reporters are often on tight deadlines and will reply to the first sources that are a good match. I used to respond to a lot of HARO queries, and soon figured out that I was only contacted when I wrote back FAST. Hope this helps!
2:05 pm June 8, 2013
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
Any one ever tried posting a question and writing article based on the replies from HARO subscribers?
3:21 pm June 11, 2013
| Cubicle Sherpa
| | |
| Member | posts 26 | 
OneCentAtatime said:
Any one ever tried posting a question and writing article based on the replies from HARO subscribers?
I've looked into it a little – If your Alexa rank is over 1 million it's against the rules to send out your own query. Probably not a problem for challenge members, but us newbies have to wait a bit.
5:12 pm June 11, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
Hey everyone, thanks for your tips and interaction on this post! I hope HARO works for you all! Also, in response to OneCentAtATime, I plan to use them as a source for a post and see how it goes, I'll let you know how it works out!
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
6:59 pm June 11, 2013
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 | 
Cubicle Sherpa said:
OneCentAtatime said:
Any one ever tried posting a question and writing article based on the replies from HARO subscribers?
I've looked into it a little – If your Alexa rank is over 1 million it's against the rules to send out your own query. Probably not a problem for challenge members, but us newbies have to wait a bit.
No, Alexa rank is not at all a criteria. I posted query on Haro with a deadline of 06/18. So far I received only two responses. Both promotional in nature so can't use it in my post. I will have to post again.
I think seeing OCAAT (one unheard of blog) people didn't bother to reply.
9:17 pm June 11, 2013
| Joshua L Rodriguez
| | |
| Member | posts 37 | 
OneCentAtatime said:
Cubicle Sherpa said:
OneCentAtatime said:
Any one ever tried posting a question and writing article based on the replies from HARO subscribers?
I've looked into it a little – If your Alexa rank is over 1 million it's against the rules to send out your own query. Probably not a problem for challenge members, but us newbies have to wait a bit.
Hey OneCentAtATime, what topic are you looking to post on? I'd love to be a resource if it's a topic I know about.
No, Alexa rank is not at all a criteria. I posted query on Haro with a deadline of 06/18. So far I received only two responses. Both promotional in nature so can't use it in my post. I will have to post again.
I think seeing OCAAT (one unheard of blog) people didn't bother to reply.
Joshua Rodriguez, owner and founder of CNA Finance and personal finance journalist!
11:47 am June 13, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
| | |
| Member | posts 68 | 
Interesting idea. Thanks for the resource!
12:35 pm June 13, 2013
| WellKeptWallet
| | |
| Member | posts 207 | 
Post edited 12:37 pm – June 13, 2013 by WellKeptWallet
I use HARO as a way to pitch myself to reporters. In fact, we were just featured on a article because of a pitch that I sent through HARO. This has been a great way to establish myself as an authority in Personal Finance and to drive traffic to my site. If you are interested in the article, check it out here:
How to Obliterate Your Student Loan Debt
9:22 am June 19, 2013
| FamilyMoneyValues
| | |
| Member | posts 812 | 
I use HARO all the time. I've gotten mentions on CNBC, Life goes strong, Nerd Wallet and have upcoming mentions on Woman's Day magazine and International living!
I have also posted my own queries and written articles based on the responses. One of them (for my site) yielded such good results that I hired a couple of the ladies that responded to write for the site!
There was a whole session on using HARO at the last Fincon.
11:32 am June 19, 2013
| Cubicle Sherpa
| | |
| Member | posts 26 | 
OneCentAtatime said:
No, Alexa rank is not at all a criteria. I posted query on Haro with a deadline of 06/18. So far I received only two responses. Both promotional in nature so can't use it in my post. I will have to post again.
Good to know – I was just going by the posted Rules for Journalists on the site.
"1. In order to ask for information, your website must have an ranking of one million or less."
Looks like there's no one enforcing this though, so I may submit a query and see if it gets accepted 