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9:52 am June 12, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Some people were asking about my story of blowing through $100k before age 21. I finally got around to writing it up and have posted it on my blog today. It actually kinda hurt to write it down, knowing what I know now. UGH! Oh well, feel free to learn from my mistakes and let me know what you would do if you had $100k at age 18!
You can read the post here, or just go to the iHeartBudgets homepage
10:16 am June 12, 2012
| Finance
| | Toronto, Canada | |
| Member | posts 120 |
Your story is insane, and unique at the same time.
I don't think I know anyone else in the PF community who blew $100k before 21 or at all for that matter.
Glad you're turning it around, but I'm also certain that you have some lifetime memories when you were blowing the moolah!
10:43 am June 12, 2012
| Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves
| | Gen X & Y Finance | |
| Member | posts 212 |
Great article – Thanks for sharing!
10:51 am June 12, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
@ Fox: Definitely had some crazy times. It's funny, because I'm now married with a kid because of that truck, haha!
@YSMM: Thanks for checking it out. As Dave Ramsey says, "I did stupid" with a lot of zeros attached…
11:01 am June 12, 2012
| Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves
| | Gen X & Y Finance | |
| Member | posts 212 |
@Jake… We have all "done stupid" it's what we take from the "experience" is what really counts! Thanks for sharing this article with everyone!
12:05 pm June 12, 2012
| bogofdebt
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| Member | posts 116 |
What a great post! I like the "learn from your mistakes and move on" motto because, hey, I've made a lot of mistakes in the past and am slowly learning from them. ps. glad you are still around from that car wreck!
12:06 pm June 12, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
It's true. It's just a bummer the the tuition for this "lesson" was a hundred flippin' thousand! :)
12:19 pm June 12, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
@ bogofdebt: Thanks! Yea, it's literally a miracle that I'm even around, let alone walking. I still have a gnarly scar on my neck as a reminder of how blessed I am!
2:46 pm June 12, 2012
| Funancials
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| Member | posts 345 |
3:49 pm June 12, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
It was definitely a unique time in my life. Can't say it wasn't fun ;)
4:43 am June 13, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 |
That's an amazing story. Thanks for sharing. You mentioned that you get amounts at other points in life, so hopefully you'll have the opportunity to make up for some of the mistakes by making good future decisions.
6:28 am June 13, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
What a great story. I commented.
6:34 am June 13, 2012
| seedebtrun
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| Member | posts 327 |
Crazy story, Jake.
I am glad that you now have your financial house in order.
That is a ton of cash for an 18 year old.
10:29 am June 13, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Post edited 10:52 am – June 13, 2012 by
@ Beagle: I did receive another $75,000 total. I used it much more productively (paid off debt, paid for wedding and honeymoon, DP on a house, saved so my wife could be at home). I didn't want to announce that amount on the blog because a lot of my family/co-workers are reading it as well, didn't want to change our relationship. We'll see how it pans out with future posts, but didn't want too much disclosure to start.
@ Jai: Thanks for dropping by!
@ SDR: It was a lot of money. bummed that it's gone and didn't work harder for me, but things ar epretty good now, so no complaints.
And thank you to everyone who dropped by, tweeted and commented. This was by far my biggest post ever (I know, I only have 16 of them). This is why I love PF blogging!
10:56 am June 13, 2012
| Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
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| Member
| posts 3048 |
Tough story but I am so glad you came to your senses before you received the next big payment!
1:52 pm June 13, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 |
Thanks Crystal! Me too! I'm glad the title wasn't "how I blew $175,000 by age 25". That would be WORSE! Blowing through that money and then using money properly after that has definitely sparked a passion in me to help people get their stuff together.
Thanks for commenting on the site :)