User | Post |
5:13 pm November 5, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| posts 1803 | 
Just had a curious thought. How long do you think you can maintain your blog's traffic levels if you stopped posting completely. 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 month? 6 months?
I've been writing 3-4X a week consistently for the past 3+ years that I never stopped to think about this question until now. However, given most traffic comes from search and 20 posts, maybe posting frequency isn't as necessary anymore.
However, I enjoy writing and will probably never stop.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
5:56 pm November 5, 2012
| michael @ financial ramblings
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| Member | posts 196 | 
Seems like an experiment just begging to be run… :-)
6:01 pm November 5, 2012
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
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| posts 1935 | 
My current day's post accounts for about 5% of my blog's traffic each day. But you're right, old posts make up the bulk of search.
I would venture you would probably lose about 50% over 6 months or a year, because you would lose regular readers (even those who only stop by once a week or once a month). Plus, Google will probably start devaluing the recency of your site, which it seems to rate now.
6:12 pm November 5, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
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| posts 1778 | 
My other blog FPR, is somewhat stalled and I lost 50% of traffic, you can imagine.
9:08 pm November 5, 2012
| retireby40
| | USA | |
| Member
| posts 1381 | 
I just talked to another member who isn't able to post much over the last 4-6 months and their traffic is down about 50% as well.
9:53 pm November 5, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
About 4 months into blogging, I fried my computer and I took three months to replace it. When I came back, I was running at about half of my previous traffic.
Earlier this year, my host basically went out of business and none of my sites even existed for about a week. But once I was back up, my traffic returned to normal almost immediately.
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6:00 am November 6, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| posts 1466 | 
I would think you'd drop off steadily because you probably would start falling in the search engine rankings, so even if you started posting again, it might take time for you to catch back up. Probably a lag in both directions.
6:13 am November 6, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Post edited 1:38 pm – November 6, 2012 by Financial Samurai
Several of my most trafficked posts are over two years old. I also wonder when the age of a post finally gets trumped by something newer. Perhaps it's more a function of quality of competitive articles, even more so than time ie if nobody ever writes a better article on red widgets, then your red widget article will rank highly forever.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
7:00 am November 6, 2012
| Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
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| Member | posts 362 | 
"Perhaps it's more a function of quality of competitive articles, even more so than time ie if nobody ever writes a better article on red widgets, then your red widget article will rank highly forever."
In theory yes, and rightfully so, and it may have worked in the past. based on anecdotes and personal experiences on some sites, I am guessing that if you stop writing or reduce frequency significantly, you will see all traffic reduce, current and previous posts. being prolific in the now helps your past content.
that said, it is very interesting (quite shocking) to observe some seriously aged sites (4 yrs+) pick up organic search traffic despite not having touched them for years. this observation is what is just killing all theories and hypotheses out there and leaves us perplex – perhaps what's intended by those higher up.
fortunately or unfortunately this is the direction we are compelled to go in today, which is making me re-question whether someone working full time can build a long term, profitable and sustainable business online. the answer is still yes, but as you can imagine the methodology of acquiring readers/clients/customers has somewhat shifted.
The Extra Money Blog– Expedited Wealth Building Through Multiple Streams of Active & Passive Income (Entrepreneurship, Internet Marketing, Personal Finance)
11:47 am November 6, 2012
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
My highest traffic posts are older ones. I found a very small niche that was bringing in a lot of traffic, so I wrote a handful of posts to that topic. They have all done very well.
1:16 pm November 6, 2012
| KyleAAA
| | Atlanta, GA | |
| Member | posts 75 | 
Depends on your traffic sources. If you get most of search traffic, the answer is "a long time." I took almost the entirety of last summer off completely and my traffic was pretty steady. I think it may have even been slightly higher at the end. The more dependent you are on referral traffic and regular readers, the less you can afford to take time off.
Ironically, about a month after I started posting regularly again I was hit by a panda update. C'est la vie.
1:42 pm November 6, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Kyle – That's what I'm thinking. The longer you blog, the less one post makes a difference to your incremental traffic, which makes posting one more incrementally less important if one cares about traffic. There's a virtuous cycle for those who make it through long enough. Hence, folks should always remember to just write if they want, when they want. Ironically, it is when you write so much when you no longer need to write much at all anymore!
Sunil – Who knows the way of Google, you are right. Best to just focus on what we can control.
Robert – Perhaps after getting to some steady state, posting just once a week or even less is good enough!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts so far.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
8:47 pm November 6, 2012
| Wayne
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| Member | posts 125 | 
As you've said Sam, I believe it's a function of quality more so than the quantity of posts. You will probably lose some of the regulars until you start posting again, but the search traffic and referrals will continue.
I just got married and took 4 weeks off to finalize the wedding details and then enjoy a long honeymoon. I've written my articles to educate people and for the most part, stay relevant. While I was gone, I saw a small decrease in traffic of only 5 – 8%. I'm hoping that now that I've been posting again, the regular readers will return.
2:35 am November 7, 2012
| Peter @FinanceCareGuide
| | Florida | |
| Member | posts 6 | 
Well it completely depends upon the total number of posts you have already there in your blog. If you have thousands of post and you stopped for a while, it will not affect much for a short period. But if you stopped for couple of months it may affect you site overall.
But in the opposite you got only few pages and new pages are coming for a while, you are definitely going to lose a haevy percentage of you traffic. May be search authority too.
3:24 pm November 7, 2012
| ontargetcoach
| | Los Angeles, CA | |
| Member | posts 107 | 
Michael Hyatt went from 5x to 3x a week recently. He has a huge community, so this might help. If you have a large article base, why not slow down a bit and focus on quality and marketing? You could also use your 'extra' post for a guest post somewhere and drive your traffic even higher.
3:14 pm November 8, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Post edited 3:28 pm – November 8, 2012 by Financial Samurai
OK guys, I realized the reason why I started this thread was not only to bring about the discussion of "quality" vs. "quantity," and posting optimization, it was because I'm getting lazy!
As a result of me trying to find out whether I can get more by doing less, I've gone the other direction and have announced a 5,000+ word a week blogging challenge for the rest of the year.
Who wants to compete, suffer, and succeed!
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
8:02 pm November 9, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
I was offline for 2 weeks just now with no drop. My e-mail subscribers get antsy, but I have articles that get popular this time of the year.
When I fell back to 2 posts a week from 5-6 my traffic fell by 50%, but I kept my sanity.
8:10 pm November 9, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Are you saying no posting for two weeks was OK for you but once you downshifted to 2 posts a week, traffic dropped massively? Is the two week hiatus after going down to two posts eg you are flat lining down 50%?
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
6:07 am November 10, 2012
| Sandy @ yesiamcheap
| | New York, NY | |
| Member | posts 802 | 
Financial Samurai said:
Are you saying no posting for two weeks was OK for you but once you downshifted to 2 posts a week, traffic dropped massively? Is the two week hiatus after going down to two posts eg you are flat lining down 50%?
When I scaled back to 2x per week my traffic fell 50%. after that, I was offline for 2 weeks and traffic was steady at the new "reset" amount. I'm cool with it until I have time to post more.
8:19 am November 10, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder