User | Post |
5:41 pm January 9, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 |
1) Run Akismet on your blog
2) Don't even put up a contact form or some other way I can reach you once I invariably get tossed in your spam, and never check your spam folder.
For bonus points, have a plugin like that checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", but don't disable Akismet.
Sorry for the rant guys. ;) In the interests of humane comment policies, please ensure there is a way for your commentators to reach you, especially if you run a ham-crazy plugin like Akismet.
Thanks! :)
5:57 pm January 9, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
Let it out…
6:11 pm January 9, 2012
| Eric J. Nisall
| | Coral Springs, FL | |
| Member | posts 377 |
Or how about asking for help promoting a post, yet not having any social sharing on any posts on the site.
6:33 pm January 9, 2012
| Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter
| | |
| Member
| posts 2213 |
Good call gents. Hopefully my blog doesn't piss you off.
7:06 pm January 9, 2012
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 |
I hate it when it is hard to comment!
7:10 pm January 9, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
My latest pet peeve – having the "subscribe to comments via email" box automatically checked. Then having no way to unsubscribe from the stupid thread, so I get emails for days.
7:22 pm January 9, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
1. When I cant comment with my website link.
2. when subscribe to comment check box is automatically checked.
3. When someone offers 'excellent content' with commercial link, as a guest post.
4. When some unknown fellow wants to exchange blogroll.
5. When my comment remain "waiting for moderation" state for days
6. Seeing exact opposite things commented by same person at two different blogs
OK, now need to do something else.
7:23 pm January 9, 2012
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
One last thing
7. When I am greeted with free eBook offer as soon as enter a blog.
7:27 pm January 9, 2012
| Marissa
| | |
| Member | posts 385 |
or not optimizing mobile sites so pop ups get disabled. I can never find the 'x' and I end up going somewhere else.
8:20 pm January 9, 2012
| Watson Inc
| | |
| Member | posts 371 |
I'm annoyed "when subscribe to comment check box is automatically checked" too.
8:20 pm January 9, 2012
| Watson Inc
| | |
| Member | posts 371 |
Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter said:
Good call gents. Hopefully my blog doesn't piss you off.
It's always easy to leave comments on your site. I never have any trouble!
8:28 pm January 9, 2012
| Dominique Brown
| | Washington, DC | |
| Member | posts 510 |
OneCentAtatime said:
One last thing
7. When I am greeted with free eBook offer as soon as enter a blog.
Guilty as charged here. It's a great way to build a list though
8:32 pm January 9, 2012
| sooverthis
| | Kentucky | |
| Moderator
| posts 1041 |
YourFinancesSimplified said:
Guilty as charged here. It's a great way to build a list though
My question is, what are you planning to do with the list? (Honest question.) I have never been able to think of a reason to hoard a bunch of email addresses.
8:51 pm January 9, 2012
| Squirrelers
| | |
| Member | posts 986 |
sooverdebt said:
My latest pet peeve – having the "subscribe to comments via email" box automatically checked. Then having no way to unsubscribe from the stupid thread, so I get emails for days.
I'm with you on that one. Sometimes I do like to subscribe, but that should be an option requiring reader choice, not made automatic. Anyone having that automatically checked – please stop!
9:03 pm January 9, 2012
| Tim
| | |
| Guest
| | |
I use Akismet, but I also use Conditional Captcha. It helps catch the legit comments that Akismet puts in spam jail.
10:33 pm January 9, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 |
I don't think I have any of these things but…
….the thing that really annoys me most is pop-ups asking me to subscribe every three seconds. I go to blogs to read and enjoy them and this is so 'in your face'; and so 'loud'.
4:54 am January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 |
Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter said:
Good call gents. Hopefully my blog doesn't piss you off.
Nope it never has :)
4:55 am January 10, 2012
| Sustainable PF
| | |
| Member
| posts 2759 |
Or newsletter signup or any pop up. Sure fire way for me to stop visiting or soley read through RSS and never actually visit the site or comment.
Other things that tick me off are these new commenting systems livefyre or disqus where there is no option to just enter my name/email/url (ONCE – EVER). If you force me to make an account or use my twitter or FB ID, i'm outta there never to return.
YourFinancesSimplified said:
OneCentAtatime said:
One last thing
7. When I am greeted with free eBook offer as soon as enter a blog.
Guilty as charged here. It's a great way to build a list though
4:56 am January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 |
maria@moneyprinciple said:
I don't think I have any of these things but…
….the thing that really annoys me most is pop-ups asking me to subscribe every three seconds. I go to blogs to read and enjoy them and this is so 'in your face'; and so 'loud'.
I don't enjoy that one either, and also the one that Marissa mentioned that they just completely mess up the experience on mobile!
4:57 am January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 |
Sustainable PF said:
Or newsletter signup or any pop up. Sure fire way for me to stop visiting or soley read through RSS and never actually visit the site or comment.
Other things that tick me off are these new commenting systems livefyre or disqus where there is no option to just enter my name/email/url (ONCE – EVER). If you force me to make an account or use my twitter or FB ID, i'm outta there never to return.
YourFinancesSimplified said:
OneCentAtatime said:
One last thing
7. When I am greeted with free eBook offer as soon as enter a blog.
Guilty as charged here. It's a great way to build a list though
Both LiveFyre and DISQUS are supposed to support that, but maybe the blog owner needs to enable the option. I'm supposed to have it enabled — does my site still tick you off in that regard? :)