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4:43 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
Eric J. Nisall said:
Oh, and speaking of comment purgatory, I just realized that I was sent to pending on my own blog! I wonder if that's some sort of sign?
Haha, that's happened to me before. Thanks for the validation on LifeFyre et. al; I was worried that everyone hated them.
4:46 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
John @ Married with Debt said:
Can someone elaborate on the problems with Akismet?
I just installed it and haven't had a chance to see if it works. Tired of waking up to 30-40 spam comments.
I generally approve comments very quickly and my site should be set up to avoid moderation altogether if I have approved a comment from you in the past.
Akismet catches far too many false positives. I go into detail in this post:…..t-do-i-do/
If you add Conditional Captcha it works better.
4:48 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
newlywedsbudget said:
John @ Married with Debt said:
Can someone elaborate on the problems with Akismet?
I just installed it and haven't had a chance to see if it works. Tired of waking up to 30-40 spam comments.
I generally approve comments very quickly and my site should be set up to avoid moderation altogether if I have approved a comment from you in the past.
As a semi-newbie, I would also like to know why Akismet is bad? I haven't had any problems with it…What would you recommend instead? I HATE typing in captchas with my comment. Especially if I don't get it right the first time, and then have to re-type a new one!
I would recommend adding Conditional Captcha, and also ensuring that your contact form works properly and is not ALSO protected by Akismet.
Conditional Captcha will fix the false positive problem and you'll have maybe a few spammers end up in your Pending instead of your Spam. You can still kick them from there.
4:49 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
HappySimpleLiving said:
I am loving this rant! But I did have to scurry back to my blog to make sure the box next to "Subscribe to Comments" wasn't automatically checked. PHEW!
Haha I found this one interesting, too. I think the "new" "Subscribe to Comments" lets people unsubscribe.
4:51 pm January 10, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
MoneyIsTheRoot said:
Invest It Wisely said:
1) Run Akismet on your blog
2) Don't even put up a contact form or some other way I can reach you once I invariably get tossed in your spam, and never check your spam folder.
For bonus points, have a plugin like that checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", but don't disable Akismet.
Sorry for the rant guys. ;) In the interests of humane comment policies, please ensure there is a way for your commentators to reach you, especially if you run a ham-crazy plugin like Akismet.
Thanks! :)
LoL I know this is semi-directed towards me! I un-spammed your comments on Smart Wealth and ditched Akismet. I honestly never changed it from the guy who owned the blog before me…I spent this weekend updating all the plugins and getting rid of the crap that was on there.
I promise it wasn't you! ;) Said blogs shall rename unnamed, but what they all had in common was that they ran Akismet AND they had no other way of contacting the blog owner!
7:55 pm January 10, 2012
| Jeff Rose
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| Member | posts 574 |
I think I'm guilty as charged on a few of these….
I just recently installed Livefyre because I was tired of deleting 200 spam comments a day from Askimet. Another thing to consider is how much spam comments can load down your site slowing performance.
Ever since I installed LF, I've maybe had 5 spam comments at the most per day.
Oh and the beloved popup box…..
I used to be one of those guys that had it popup on every page and while I saw results, it now pops up just when you visit the site for the first time.
If I wasn't so determined to build my list, I'd drop it; but results don't like. Most of my visitors are search engine so I need to capture as many leads as possible and this way works.
I am planning on possibly taking it out as I'm soon implementing a feature box much like Derek Halpern's of Social Triggers. We'll see how it goes…
8:50 pm January 10, 2012
| Super Frugalette
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| Member | posts 484 |
Invest It Wisely said:
1) Run Akismet on your blog
2) Don't even put up a contact form or some other way I can reach you once I invariably get tossed in your spam, and never check your spam folder.
For bonus points, have a plugin like that checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", but don't disable Akismet.
Sorry for the rant guys. ;) In the interests of humane comment policies, please ensure there is a way for your commentators to reach you, especially if you run a ham-crazy plugin like Akismet.
Thanks! :)
I have Akismet. Is this what you encounter on my blog? I check my spam folder and perhaps one valuable comment shows up out of 100.
9:02 pm January 10, 2012
| John @ Married with Debt
| | Illinois | |
| Member | posts 239 |
Thanks – checking it out now
Invest It Wisely said:
John @ Married with Debt said:
Can someone elaborate on the problems with Akismet?
I just installed it and haven't had a chance to see if it works. Tired of waking up to 30-40 spam comments.
I generally approve comments very quickly and my site should be set up to avoid moderation altogether if I have approved a comment from you in the past.
Akismet catches far too many false positives. I go into detail in this post:…..t-do-i-do/
If you add Conditional Captcha it works better.
3:57 am January 11, 2012
| smartfamilyfinance
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| Member | posts 103 |
Since we are ranting about commenting. I hate commenting through disqus. The program hates me for some reason and will never load which is regrettable because there are a number of awesome blogs I'd love to comment on.
4:04 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
Super Frugalette said:
Invest It Wisely said:
1) Run Akismet on your blog
2) Don't even put up a contact form or some other way I can reach you once I invariably get tossed in your spam, and never check your spam folder.
For bonus points, have a plugin like that checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", but don't disable Akismet.
Sorry for the rant guys. ;) In the interests of humane comment policies, please ensure there is a way for your commentators to reach you, especially if you run a ham-crazy plugin like Akismet.
Thanks! :)
I have Akismet. Is this what you encounter on my blog? I check my spam folder and perhaps one valuable comment shows up out of 100.
Well, you know what they say about the diamond in the rough. ;) 1% is a pretty high rate IMO. I'd rather have 1% of spammers have to be moderated rather than lose 1% of legit comments.
Does your contact form work? If the person doesn't have a contact form I usually forget about it and never come back, but you do, so you probably approved my comment at some point. :)
4:07 am January 11, 2012
| money cactus
| | Australia | |
| Member | posts 33 |
Invest it Wisely got me sorted out with my false positive comments quick smart, no problems now with Conditional Capture.
@smartfamilyfinance, I dislike disque too it is too clunky and I hate having to sign up to something just so I can leave a comment.
4:07 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
Jeff Rose said:
I think I'm guilty as charged on a few of these….
I just recently installed Livefyre because I was tired of deleting 200 spam comments a day from Askimet. Another thing to consider is how much spam comments can load down your site slowing performance.
Ever since I installed LF, I've maybe had 5 spam comments at the most per day.
Oh and the beloved popup box…..
I used to be one of those guys that had it popup on every page and while I saw results, it now pops up just when you visit the site for the first time.
If I wasn't so determined to build my list, I'd drop it; but results don't like. Most of my visitors are search engine so I need to capture as many leads as possible and this way works.
I am planning on possibly taking it out as I'm soon implementing a feature box much like Derek Halpern's of Social Triggers. We'll see how it goes…
I think one popup on the first visit is much better than everytime, especially if you ever try to view the site on a mobile browser.
What are your experiences with LiveFyre? I just recently switched to it too and spam problems are gone, though I hope that no legit commentators are getting caught. No complaints so far, though.
P.S. Another great point: If you guys are not paying for Akismet, first of all you might be against their TOS, but even if not, they put free-riders on the "slow" lane and that can slow down your site if you get a lot of comments per day.
4:10 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
money cactus said:
Invest it Wisely got me sorted out with my false positive comments quick smart, no problems now with Conditional Capture.
@smartfamilyfinance, I dislike disque too it is too clunky and I hate having to sign up to something just so I can leave a comment.
I'm glad you also have Conditional Captcha on. Every site that does this makes me just a little bit happier. ;)
I'm also surprised about Disqus since that seems to be the only system I've never had trouble with, but the sites I comment on with it have all allowed guest comments. Intense Debate on the other hand, is downright evil…
4:15 am January 11, 2012
| money cactus
| | Australia | |
| Member | posts 33 |
P.S. Another great point: If you guys are not paying for Akismet, first of all you might be against their TOS, but even if not, they put free-riders on the "slow" lane and that can slow down your site if you get a lot of comments per day.
Don't know how to quote a previous comment, but really? My site has been slower lately, maybe it is time to go with something different…
4:27 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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| posts 2019 |
money cactus said:
P.S. Another great point: If you guys are not paying for Akismet, first of all you might be against their TOS, but even if not, they put free-riders on the "slow" lane and that can slow down your site if you get a lot of comments per day.
Don't know how to quote a previous comment, but really? My site has been slower lately, maybe it is time to go with something different…
I don't know how much impact it will actually have, but here, straight from the horse's mouth:
"Paid account perks: Priority over free accounts; Faster & more reliable; No traffic limits or throttles"
5:01 am January 11, 2012
| Watson Inc
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| Member | posts 371 |
Invest It Wisely said:
I'm glad you also have Conditional Captcha on. Every site that does this makes me just a little bit happier. ;)
I'm also surprised about Disqus since that seems to be the only system I've never had trouble with, but the sites I comment on with it have all allowed guest comments. Intense Debate on the other hand, is downright evil…
Hey, I have Intense Debate, and I seem to get your comments, now (I was having some trouble a long time ago). Don't diss ID to bad. I do think I like Discus better though, from what I have seen.
5:04 am January 11, 2012
| Invest It Wisely
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Watson Inc said:
Invest It Wisely said:
I'm glad you also have Conditional Captcha on. Every site that does this makes me just a little bit happier. ;)
I'm also surprised about Disqus since that seems to be the only system I've never had trouble with, but the sites I comment on with it have all allowed guest comments. Intense Debate on the other hand, is downright evil…
Hey, I have Intense Debate, and I seem to get your comments, now (I was having some trouble a long time ago). Don't diss ID to bad. I do think I like Discus better though, from what I have seen.
You are the exception to the rule! ;)
My main beef with Intense Debate is that it lies about spamming your comments. It pretends that they were published, instead. You don't know how frustrating that has been to find that your comments were actually never published…
5:48 am January 11, 2012
| Barbara Friedberg
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| posts 1302 |
Invest It Wisely said:
1) Run Akismet on your blog
2) Don't even put up a contact form or some other way I can reach you once I invariably get tossed in your spam, and never check your spam folder.
For bonus points, have a plugin like that checkbox that says "I am not a spammer", but don't disable Akismet.
Sorry for the rant guys. ;) In the interests of humane comment policies, please ensure there is a way for your commentators to reach you, especially if you run a ham-crazy plugin like Akismet.
Thanks! :)
AGREED!!! Let me also add these double forms you have to complete, just to comment!
7:08 am January 11, 2012
| jana
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| Member | posts 160 |
My only gripe about Disqus–and it has nothing to do with the blogs that use it–is that my work considers it social networking so I can't comment on those sites during the day (which is when I do most of my blogging. Yes, at work. Please don't judge me). By the time I get home, I forget what I wanted to say and I wind up not commenting.
7:54 am January 11, 2012
| Cash Flow Mantra
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| Member | posts 66 |
Well, please let me know if my blog is pissing any of you off, since I don't know what askimet is. I think I get to see each comment that comes through. Most are automatically approved, then I answer each one. Some need to wait for approval and most of those are spam anyway.
Feel free to offer ways for improvement. I am still on the steep part of the learning curve.