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HUGE Push for Totally Money Blog Carnival Hosts


9:23 pm
May 1, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Thank you Kay Lynn!!!


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

9:29 pm
May 1, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Pat S said:

I'd love to host the Totally Money Blog Carnival. I'm up for pretty much any date, except for the 1st two weeks in June!


Thank you Pat!  I have you down for August 1st! 

May you please let me know which email to use as your contact address the week before?


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

9:30 pm
May 1, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Only 13 spots to get filled before May 31st!!!  Thank you all!!!


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

6:26 pm
May 17, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Hi everybody!  Just a quick reminder that there are still 13 open spots left for hosts for the Totally Money Blog Carnival!  If we can get those filled by the end of the month, I'll be donating $100 to charity on top of my usual contributions.  :-)

If you are available, please email me at budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com, thanks!


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

6:53 pm
May 17, 2011

Sustainable PF


posts 2759

emailed for info

Visit us at Sustainable Personal Finance

Or Earth and Money

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and RSS!

8:11 pm
May 22, 2011

LaTisha @YoungFinances


posts 1715

Just sent you an email.


Young Adult Finances

Most Popular Post: I Have a Confession, I Don't Have a Budget

9:03 pm
May 22, 2011

South County Girl


posts 5

I'd like to host it in the future, but until things settle with my wedding I don't want to make any commitments I won't be able to keep… but I'll host in the future!Cool

5:44 pm
May 23, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Thanks SPF, LaTisha, and South County Girl!

Also, thanks to some other very cool bloggers, Totally Money only has 6 open hosting spots left for 2011!!!  If you may be available for the open November or December dates, please take a look at the hosting schedule and let me know which one you'd prefer.  We are so close to having a full schedule by the end of the month! Thank you.  :-)


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

8:42 am
May 24, 2011

Hunter @financiallyc

Virginia Beach


posts 707


If it is not too late, I would be happy to host on November 7.

Thank you,


9:13 am
May 24, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Thank you Hunter! And thank you to Prairie Ecothrifter too! Only 3 spots left!!!


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

10:29 am
May 25, 2011


Seattle, WA


posts 25

I just emailed you – I am new to the Yakezie challenge, so hopefully you will make an exception to requirement #1:


"You must have participated in a blog carnival before (bonus points if it was Totally Money, lol)"

10:41 am
May 25, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

@ProVega, I don't mind if you have never hosted before, but have you ever submitted to one before? If not, try submitting to Totally Money and then I will be more than happy to sign you up to host. It is just a good idea to know the system a little before diving in.


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

8:43 pm
May 26, 2011




posts 1381


I would love to host again if you need anymore host. Laugh

retire by 40

Twitter: @retirebyforty

Facebook: Retire By 40 

5:26 am
May 27, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

Retireby40, I'm sending you an email, thanks!!!


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

7:08 am
May 27, 2011

Invest It Wisely


posts 2019



Sign me up to whatever's available. I see there's still a few slots left. :)

10:29 am
May 27, 2011



If you need more hosts, I'd be happy to be one!  Just emailed you.

4:11 pm
May 27, 2011

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff


posts 3048

WOW!!!  Thanks guys!!! 

Invest It Wisely, I took you up on your very kind offer and you are signed up for the last carnival of the year, December 19th!

And thanks to you, Retire by 40, and Faith and Finance, Totally Money is booked for the rest of the year!!! 

I am donating $100 to Pughearts right now "In Honor of the Totally Money Blog Carnival Crew of 2011"!!!

Thank you all.Laugh


Yakezie Member Site: 

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff

Ebook:  How I Make Money Blogging:
The Beginner's Guide to Building a Money-Making Site

Email:  budgetingfunstuff *at* gmail *dot* com

You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook

9:01 am
May 30, 2011

Invest It Wisely


posts 2019

Budgeting in the Fun Stuff said:

WOW!!!  Thanks guys!!! 

Invest It Wisely, I took you up on your very kind offer and you are signed up for the last carnival of the year, December 19th!

And thanks to you, Retire by 40, and Faith and Finance, Totally Money is booked for the rest of the year!!! 

I am donating $100 to Pughearts right now "In Honor of the Totally Money Blog Carnival Crew of 2011"!!!

Thank you all.Laugh

Glad I could help out a bit, and the pugs will be happy, too! :)

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