User | Post |
2:02 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
I know traffic spikes and recedes, but I was excited to see that I broke through 200 daily visitors for the first time yesterday! 214 to be exact. Now for tomorrow's depression when the traffic goes back to normal.
3:44 am March 10, 2012
| insurancedoesmatter
| | |
| Member | posts 31 | |
Great and downs but as long as the ups keep getting higher and more consistent, you're set:)
4:03 am March 10, 2012
| Parenting and Money
| | |
| Member | posts 27 |
Awesome! I was one of them and will be checking in regularly :-).
4:07 am March 10, 2012
| MyCanadianFinances
| | |
| Member | posts 49 | |
Wow great job!
How long have you been at it to get that kind of traffic daily?
4:20 am March 10, 2012
| jaicatalano
| | New York | |
| Member | posts 846 |
No it's pure celebration. No depression. Your blog rocks and will inevitably grow. Congrats.
4:26 am March 10, 2012
| WorkSaveLive
| | |
| Member | posts 187 |
Great job, Steve! Congrats!
I've been having 100 unique visitors a day and my goal is to have that many for an entire month straight. 200 would be amazing! Your blog is very good though (as Jai said)…before you know it 200 will be your daily average!
4:28 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
@IDM – yes the highs are increasing so the trend is positive :)
@Parenting & Money – that's great, I'll be looking forward to seeing you around on a regular basis!
@MyCanadianFinances – The blog truly is an infant. I started posting regularly on February 1st this year.
5:36 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
@Jai – thanks man, I enjoy your writing quite a bit too
@WorkSaveLive – One of the reasons I was so stoked is that my average is about 100 a day and I was looking to have that many for a month straight as well. I certainly didn't expect to hit 200 on any day so soon.
6:07 am March 10, 2012
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 |
That's simply amazing – I don't know what you are doing, but if your traffic keeps growing at this rate, I'm going to start asking you questions. ;) It took me 2-3 months (at least) to have my first spike over 200 unique visitors.
Congrats! You're doing something right.
6:16 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
If my traffic keeps growing like this I'm gonna ask myself what the heck.
And I may break that record pretty quickly, I had a guest post today on Financial Samurai
8:25 am March 10, 2012
| Daisy
| | |
| Member | posts 271 |
Congrats! That's pretty awesome!
8:44 am March 10, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 |
Well done! I think I was one of the crowd – pitty, like to think of myself as unique but this is life ;)
9:08 am March 10, 2012
| Buck Inspire
| | |
| Member
| posts 1546 |
Wow nice job! What's your secret? Congrats again!
9:21 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
@Maria – you are definitely unique!
@Buck – I think you know I could tell you the secret, but then I would have to kill you :)
9:23 am March 10, 2012
| Nick
| | |
| Member | posts 247 |
Very cool Steve! Congratulations!
9:25 am March 10, 2012
| MoneyInfant
| | Bangkok | |
| Member | posts 72 |
Thanks Nick, I was stoked before and this is like icing on the cake.
11:00 am March 10, 2012
| Modest Money
| | |
| Member | posts 256 |
Awesome work Steve! If you keep up what you're doing, I think you can manage 200+/day pretty consistently. I'm going to have to start taking notes of what you're doing too.
11:37 am March 10, 2012
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
| | |
| Member | posts 400 |
Great job! I visited your site yesterday also!
12:07 pm March 10, 2012
| Dave @ DebtBlackHole
| | DFW | |
| Member | posts 77 |
Fantastic! Before too long, you'll be hitting 1000 per day!
5:25 pm March 10, 2012
| Dividend Ninja
| | Vancouver B.C. | |
| Member | posts 198 |
Awesome work man! For a new blog that is unheard of. My guess is the connections you are making here at Yakezie, as well as your determination, and quality of your content, are paying big dividends. Where did the sudden traffic come from, or is it just building?
Keep up the good work!