User | Post |
7:11 pm July 15, 2013
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 | 
So…I'm thinking about self-hosting. I'm not entirely sure what that means other than I'd no longer be a subdomain. I currently use blogger, and am thinking of just purchasing my domain name from them…but it says it's $10/year. I thought (assumed…may be totally wrong,) that when you bought a domain you owned it without expiration. BUT they have no hosting fees if I do it this way.
Does anyone use blogger for self hosting? Pros? Cons?
Any help at all would be so, so much appreciated.
8:29 pm July 15, 2013
| Daisy
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| Member | posts 271 | 
I am bias but I would never use anything other than Wordpress. Blogger is so limited. You need to find a host and buy a domain – you don't own the domain, and it will expire yearly. I purchase mine through
11:00 pm July 15, 2013
| Tortoise Banker
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| Member | posts 35 | 
I'm also looking to do this… currently on blogger looking to transition to wordpress. Let me know how it goes for you, I keep waiting to pull the trigger but will do so soon.
10:25 am July 16, 2013
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 | 
Daisy said:
I am bias but I would never use anything other than Wordpress. Blogger is so limited. You need to find a host and buy a domain – you don't own the domain, and it will expire yearly. I purchase mine through
Can you expand on blogger being limited? What can I do on wordpress that I can't on blogger? Everyone tells me that, but this is the first time I've thought to ask for specifics. :p Does anyone know if there's a reason (catch) to why blogger doesn't charge for hosting?
6:22 pm July 16, 2013
| Matt – Mom and Dad Money
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| Member | posts 68 | 
Buying a domain with blogger is not the same as self-hosting. I did that too initially and it was definitely helpful to get rid of the .blogspot, but self-hosting means you buy server space from a hosting company and you put your website on that server. I found Michelle's post on moving to wordpress helpful when I did it:
If you have questions, feel free to email me directly. I just did this a couple of months ago and it can definitely be a little confusing.
6:29 am July 17, 2013
| Daisy
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| Member | posts 271 | 
femmefrugality said:
Daisy said:
I am bias but I would never use anything other than Wordpress. Blogger is so limited. You need to find a host and buy a domain – you don't own the domain, and it will expire yearly. I purchase mine through
Can you expand on blogger being limited? What can I do on wordpress that I can't on blogger? Everyone tells me that, but this is the first time I've thought to ask for specifics. :p Does anyone know if there's a reason (catch) to why blogger doesn't charge for hosting?
I hate to be tacky and direct you to one of my posts, but I wrote about the difference.…..wordpress/. I am sure some things have changed with Blogger since I created the post, but it's a good starting point. Plus, reading the comments will get some other blogger feedback too.
I can also tell you that, as a reader, blogs on Blogger bother me. They are difficult to comment on, and they just aren't as professional. But that's my personal opinion.
9:48 am July 17, 2013
| Michelle (Making Sense of Cents)
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| Member | posts 400 | 
I would definitely switch to Wordpress and leave Blogger. I was on Blogger for so long and regret it!
You can email me if you have any questions :)
10:41 am July 17, 2013
| This That And The MBA
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| Member | posts 240 | 
i skip commenting on blogger platforms at all costs. it is a pain. i use self hosted wordpress, it was the first place i went actually. i use inmotion hosting (aff link) which i believe yakezie is hosted on as well :-)
hosting does not have to be expensive if you are only hosting one website. there are simple plans for that, it is when you start getting huge traffic and a complex site that you may need to up your hosting needs. drop me a line if you have questions i would be happy to help.
2:56 pm August 2, 2013
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 | 
Thank you all so much. I've been reading up and realizing how dumb I've been…I've got to get started on this, and I'm going to email you some of my questions. But let me put a list of my concerns/things I think I need to do out there, and then can anyone tell me if there's anything I should be thinking about but am not?
1.) Get a domain and host.
2.)Publish with Wordpress by importing my blogger blog.
3.) If someone types in my blogspot address, is there anyway I can redirect it to my new domain? (Same things for links previously posted on other's sites…how do I get them to redirect to my new blog?
4.) I'll need to transfer over email subscribers.
5.) Will I have to know a ton of HTML to make this wordpress thing work?
So, you don't have to answer those questions here, but are there any other questions I should be asking?
You all rock. Thank you so much.
8:12 am August 3, 2013
| Feeling Financial
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| Member | posts 6 | |
Post edited 8:39 am – August 3, 2013 by Feeling Financial
I'm not a tech expert but I moved from Blogger to WP recently. You can redirect… In Blogger it looks like it's at Settings –> Basic –> Publishing, where you enter your own domain.
When you import to WP, the URLs might end up different from what you expected. Blogspot will redirect to one URL, but you may have it setup as something else at WP. So you might need to use the Redirection plugin so people can get to the right place. Not sure how many posts you have, but you might only want to do the ones that matter (linked to from other blogs, etc).
I don't think you need to know any more about HTML for WP than you would have needed for Blogger. If you didn't know a thing about it before and were doing just fine, you'll be fine at WP as well. (Edited to say: the main technical challenge may be the transition and redirecting bad URLs if you choose to do that. Once you're up and running you'll find it very easy).
Good luck with the upgrade — I bet you'll be much happier with how it works and looks!
11:58 pm August 3, 2013
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 | 
Thank you all so much! The new site is now live thanks to all your help! I ended up using a 301 plug in…I have well over 300 posts and want all the traffic to come through. Here's a question…if I used that redirection plug in, should I still revert all my blogger posts to draft? I don't want to be penalized by the big G for having identical posts on two sites, but don't know if reverting them will mess up what the plug in is doing.
2:03 pm August 4, 2013
| Feeling Financial
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| Member | posts 6 | |
I don't know the answer to the draft question, but I wanted to say congrats on the move — the site looks nice!
10:42 am August 5, 2013
| Eric –
| | Portland, OR | |
| Member
| posts 2120 | 
If you are serious for the long term, get out of Blogger and onto self-hosted Wordpress ASAP. I can help you with the move if you need it.
10:26 am August 6, 2013
| femmefrugality
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| Member | posts 105 | 
Thanks so much, Feeling Financial!
And to you, too, Eric! I've actually already made the move, but I appreciate the offer. :)